Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Exclusive: Kathleen Savio's Fight for Justice

The conversation regarding the abuse Kathleen Savio suffered at the hands of Drew Peterson should have begun in 1993 when she was treated at an Illinois hospital for the deep gash she received on her head by her then police officer husband. But it not.

From 1993 thru 2002 we will never know for certain how often Kathleen Savio placed calls for assistance to either 911 or the Bolingbrook police department where her then husband was employed because she was being stalked and beaten. Every move she made was tracked by either Peterson or his buddy Richard Mimms. Believing she had an avenue for assistance

Kathleen Savio found herself on the steps of the Will County courthouse. Once inside the safety of the metal detectors Kathleen headed up the elevator to meet with the State's Attorney. As a follow up to her conversations, she documented and prepared letters, pleading for help. Here also, no one will ever know how many times she dialed that office because they is no record. Those letters would surface after she was found dead in 2004, but they were useless. As evidenced during the coroner's inquest to determine her cause of death, changing the death certificate from accidental to homicide. But they did not happen.

And it was not likely the truth would ever be told, until 2007 when Stacy Peterson, the current wife would be reported missing by her sister Cassandra Cales.

Yesterday, on Intimate Partner Homicide, hosted by Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes and Susan Murphy Milano, in an exclusive interview with Kathleen's sister Sue Domain, provided a glimpse into this woman's life and nightmare of abuse, stalking and violence.

Why didn't anyone listen? Why was her death never investigated properly? And why did it take another woman to go missing before anyone would believe Kathleen's accusations of abuse? This is perhaps one of the best documented cases of abuse and murder where a victim has been silenced by a justice system created to serve and protect. Instead they all stood silent, carrying her body to the grave site.

I invite you to download or listen to the show replay here by turning up the volume on your computer. Or, you can go to www.blogtalkradio.com/susanmurphymilano to download the show.

Listen to internet radio with Susan Murphy Milano on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, August 30, 2010

Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation: Monday 9:00 PM EST- August 30, 2010

Tonight Kathleen Savio's sister Sue Savio provides insight in the life of a woman who fought for she and her children while living in a world filled with violence at the hands of a man authorized to wear a badge and carry a gun.

What is happening in Oklahoma on the murder of Sheila Deviney? Turn in for latest on the case.

Your hosts Holly Hughes former Atlanta Prosecutor turned defense attorney, Sheryl McCollum, Director of Cold Case Investigative Research Institute and Susan Murphy-Milano, Violence Expert and Author of the new book "Time's Up" have joined forces to bring new eyes to cases of intimate partner homicide. Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation gives these cases a front and center seat instead of a back door crime occurring behind closed doors.

The show is sponsored by the interactive crime and news site Websleuths.com

To listen to the show live for Monday August 30, 2010, and participate in the chat room, the direct link for the show is HERE

We will take your calls live. The number to call in with questions or comments is:

The number is 347-326-9337

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Special Series Part 3 "Is It Where They Wanna Be?"

Robert Dianovsky maintained that his wife Peggy left their home voluntarily and took a bag of clothing with her when she vanished in September of 1982. Peggy Dianovsky left her yellow Chevrolet Nova behind, and never picked up her last paycheck from her employer, Dominick's. Blood was found spattered at the top of the stairway in the Dianovsky home, but none of it was ever collected for analysis.

Robert took the boys and moved to Arizona sometime after 1982, he also filed for divorce claiming Peggy abondoned he and the children. He was charged with Peggy's murder in 2003. Their three sons went to the police in 2002 after tape-recording a conversation with Robert where he made suspicious statement about Peggy's disappearance. One of the Dianovsky children claims he witnessed his mother's murder, and all three of them say they saw Robert abuse and threaten Peggy. They claim they repressed the memories of the incidents but recovered them in therapy sessions as adults. One of Robert's friends also testified that Robert asked him for a gun in 1982 to "get rid of" Peggy. And Robert claimed his wife was having an affair.

In all, six hours of audio were taped when Dianovsky's three sons confronted him and accused him of their mother's murder. The sons contend their father killed Peggy Dianovsky on Sept. 12, 1982, in their Schaumburg, Ill., home during a brutal beating.

On the tapes, the accused man says, "I hit her pretty good." He also admits to previously saying his wife would never get out of the marriage alive. Dianovsky also said that he cut off his wife's tennis clothes in a jealous rage, and that his grown sons can tell their kids, "Your dad did something to her."

The trial took place in Cook County, Illinois before a judge rather than a jury. Judge Robert Porter acquitted Robert after an eight-day trial in November 2004. He stated that Peggy probably had in fact been murdered after her disappearance, but there was insufficient evidence to prove that Robert did it.

The relevance of the Robert Dianovsky case, in my opinion is important in the upcoming Drew Peterson trial as it pertains to evidence, also the State's burden to prove that Peterson murdered Kathleen Savio.

Drew Peterson is awaiting trial for the murder of Kathleen Savio, his third wife. The State in this case is working on the admittance of "hearsay testimony." Below is my explaination of hearsay as it would apply to the Peterson case.

Hearsay is an out of court statement "offered for the truth of the matter asserted" and not subject to cross-examination, typically because the declarant or speaker is unavailable. This applies to Stacy Peterson because she is not "available." Such statements are deemed unreliable because of the obvious fact that they can easily be fabricated and can not be tested through cross exaimination.

One basic way to get around hearsay is to seek admission, not for the truth of the statement itself, but for another highly relevant purpose. For example, let's say I am charged with intentionally shooting my daughter's boyfriend (which is not beyond realm of reason) while the two of them are harmlessly playing tie-up. Prior to bursting in the room and firing, I was told by her ex-boyfriend that the new guy was in the process of raping her. My defense is not intentional murder, but rather manslaughter because I believed the ex who has fled to Costa Rica and is unavailable at trial. Here I would offer his statement of rape, not because it was true, but because of the effect it had on my mental state, a very relevant fact in the case. Again, I am not offering it for its truth and therefore, whether it was fabricated is not in issue. Whether the statement was made and whether my response was reasonable (based upon my credibility) can all be determined by the trier of fact at trial because I, not the ex would be subject to cross.

In any event, statements can be admissible solely for their impact upon the listener (if relevant in a case) and not for the truth of the statement.

This approach should be very relevant to the statement Anna Domain (Kathleen Savio's sister) could testify to -"that Kathleen asked her to care for her kids."This is dynamite. Not offering it for the truth that Peterson said he wanted to kill her, but for the independent impact it had on her and her mental state to seek care for her children. Anna Domain could testify to her observations regarding Kathleen's credible belief that she needed to secure care for her kids because she was going to die soon. This really should have tremendous impact on the State's case assuming Anna Domain is well prepared on the stand. And fear is hearsay with no subsequent act reflecting impact on her mental state.

Now for the exceptions, which have literally swallowed up the general rule. Since the beginning of time, Courts have recognized certain fact patterns that contain such inherent elements of reliability so as to overcome the need for cross. All of this is based upon a notion of getting all relevant information to the jury subject to a prejudice to the defendant analysis -for the State this stuff is worth fighting over, it usually means "game over" for the defendant. Certain fact patterns below have crystallized into exceptions.

Dying Declaration- declarant unavailable says just before dying to witness "Mr. X shot me." Aadmissible based upon the notion that people who are dying do not typically have a motive to lie.Witness will testify as to demeanor of declarant.

Excited Utterrance-declarant screams "the plane is going to crash into the house" and witness doesn't see the plane. Here admission based on fact that when people are experiencing a startling event under stress they don't have time to fabricate.

Present sense Impression - same as above, except witness also experience the same event as the declarant and the declarant's statement is relevant.

The one used the most by prosecutor's and the one that is highly relevant for Peterson purposes is a "Statement Against Interest." For example if I told you that I did "dope and shit"the statment would be admissable based on the theory that people do not make up highly negative evidence against themselves, especially facts that would subject them to criminal prosecution.

This is highly relevant for Stacy's statements to Pastor Neil Schori and Mike Rossetto that she provided an alibi because it shows that she was willing to obstruct justice at Peterson's direction regarding Kathleen. Now maybe during the admissibility hearing the witnesses were weak on the statement or just did not have enough specifics and/or detail re:the circumstances of the meeting with Stacy to overcome the highly prejudicial impact of the statement.

The State's case has more twists and turns than a tornado. Will Drew Peterson be acquitted? Is the State's case strong enough? No one really knows what the outcome will be. What we do know is what Peterson said in interviews when Stacy vanished. And what Robert Dianovsky said 25 years earlier "it 's where she wants to be."

May each of these cowards rot in hell!

Remember to tune in every Monday evening at 9:00 PM EST with Former Atlanta Prosecutor turned defense attorney, Holly Hughes, Cold Case Institute Director, Sheryl McCull0m and Violence expert and author Susan Murphy Milano to "Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation", on Blogtalk radio. The show is interactive andd you can join in the case dicussions after each show by visiting our partner at Websleuths.com

Friday, August 27, 2010

Part Two of Series: "Is This Where They Wanna Be?

The children of Peggy Dianovsky were outside playing as their parents fought inside the house. Bobby, age 7 heard his mother sreaming for help, he ran in from outside up the stairs his mother was on the landing Robert held Peggy down as he beat her. Immediately, Bobby ran down the basement stairs with his hands covering his face trying to forget the images he had just seen.

A short time later, Bobby's father called all the children over to him, while according to the sons, their father was washing off his bloody hands. Robert announced "we are going for a bike ride." The father and the kids left. When they walked back into the house Robert said "your mother is sleeping, don't disturb her." It was September of 1982, the last time the boys would ever see their mother, alive.

The response to Peggy Dianovsky's disappearance was not as publicized as it would be for Stacy Peterson, 25 years later in 2007. And had Kathleen Savio's death been correctly investigated and ruled a homicide, there would likely be no need to keep this young woman's case in the public eye in hopes she can be brought home to her loved ones.

The Sunday morning Stacy was still in her home, so were the kids. Stacy Peterson's two biological children were too young to comprehend anything that happened. But, Kathleen Savio's boys, one or both of them likely heard something. Stacy was alive on October 27th when she tucked her children in bed the night before and Drew was still working his shift. And he returned home the morning of the 28th.

According to a Time line on the site a Candyrose.com:

Timeline of Sunday according to Bruce (Stacy's sister's boyfriend). - "Sunday morning [10/28/2007] around 10 AM, he [Bruce Zidarich] shared back and forth text messages with Stacy.

She then called him at 10:15 a.m.

She said that she had been just lounging in bed for a couple of hours, and that she AND HER KIDS were going to go to the house to paint today.

Bruce was supposed to wait to hear from Stacy's sister Cassandra, and then call Stacey after Cassandra got in touch with them.

Then they were all to meet over there to paint. However, Cassandra had decided to go to her mother's house that day, and didn't call Bruce.

At 4PM Bruce sent Stacy a text message saying "Lets paint tomorrow". He received no reply. Greta asked him when he began to worry about Stacy. Bruce said that Cassandra called him around 7 PM and said she had not been able to reach Stacy all day. He relayed that he had not heard from her since 10 or so that morning, and that he didn't get a reply to the 4 PM text message he had sent her."

2007-10-28 findstacypeterson.com 10:09 AM ILL [findstacypeterson.com Timeline]: "Stacy calls Bruce [Zidarich], says she is laying in bed. (call lasts until 10:28)."

2007-10-28 chicagosuburbannews 10:00 AM ILL "Stacy’s sister, Cassandra Cales, said the last telephone contact she had with her sister was at about 10 a.m. Sunday. After that, all attempts to reach Stacy by cell phone were unsuccessful."

Was the morning routine of this family shaken by an argument? The kids were definately up that morning. Did anyone hear screams or loud sounding thumps as if someone was thrown down on a carpeted bedroom floor? When Drew came out of the bedroom what did he say to his two children Kristopher and Thomas? Did Peterson tell them Stacy was sleeping and to be quiet? Did he say Stacy has gone out for the day and he was calling Sharon the next door neighbor and they were going over there for a while because he had stuff to do? The boys would likely never question their father. Did the boys think it strange that they were not going to leave with Stacy to paint her brothers house as planned? Regardless, Drew Peterson a heavy handed and likely feared ruler of his domain would be able to have his own children second guess what they might have seen or heard because Drew Peterson in my opinion is a master manipulator. And all children from these types of environment instinctively understand "little children are to be see and not heard," or else they will pay the price.

Twenty-five years between each set of children each torn by fear, truth and loyalty , father's whom likely silenced both women for ending the relationship. The Dianovsky boys now adults, have already paid a high price well into their adult years. They literally are the keeper of destructive secrets, similar to a permanent tatoo that remains within them each day they are alive. The same could hold true for the Peterson boys. Could one the Kathleen's children suddenly remember, perhaps with the guidence of a therapist, what happened on October 28, 2007, 10, 20 or 30 years later? It is a strong possibility.

Drew Peterson's trial date has been postponed while the State is awaiting answers on appeal's for certain testimony to be allowed at trial. Can the State's Attorney place Drew Peterson at the crime scene of Kathleen Savio? Is the case based on circumstantial evidence? Is what the State has enough for a conviction?
Part 3: This is Where They Wanna Be?" continues with Robert Dianovsky's 2004, trial and Drew Peterson's impending trial.

Be sure to return for the next installment of this Special Series Saturday, August 28, 2010"Is it Where They Wanna Be?

Remember to tune in every Monday evening at 9:00 PM EST with Former Atlanta Prosecutor turned defense attorney, Holly Hughes, Cold Case Institute Director, Sheryl McCull0m and Violence expert and author Susan Murphy Milano to "Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation", on Blogtalk radio.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Special Series: Is It Where They Wanna Be?

In 1982, Peggy Dianovsky, who lived in Schaumburg, IL, and a mother of 3 young boys, was very close with her husband Robert to finalizing a settlement on their divorce after a 10-year violent and controlling marriage. Her husband stated when he was questioned by authorities said she just "yea she wanted to go and took off." For 28 years, Robert Dianvosky has repeated the same story "she left voluntarily, taking a few clothes, leaving behind her 3 boys, her car, and her last paycheck."

Although Peggy vanished so many years ago, her unsolved case, is relevant, today in 2010, for several reasons. Including how it weave's into the Stacy Peterson, and Kathleen Savio case(s) and other missing mothers it is a direct connection to intimate partner homicide.

Peggy’s brother Gus, not her husband Robert reported Peggy missing 5 days after the night of the couple's last fight. Similar to Drew Peterson, it was Stacy's sister Cassandra Cales whom reported her missing. In a large number of mothers who vanish, the husband is rarely the person to contact the police and make a report. Drew Peterson also claimed "Stacy just took off and she is where she wants to be."

After their mother disappeared the boys" Andrew, Bobby and John, were never allowed to talk about Peggy after she was gone, an unspoken rule from Robert Dianovsky, their father. Similar to Drew Peterson, although now behind bars awaiting trial for the alleged murder of Kathleen Savio, the unspoken rule also applied to his children, especially in my opinion after Stacy disappeared. Not surprising the relatives of Peggy Dianovsky were immediately cut-off from any further contact with the children. And the same applied to the Peterson kids. Both members of the Savio and Cales [Stacy's family] have also been prohibited from any contact with all 4 of the children from both marriages. Sadly using their own words both men made the same remarks when asked where their loved ones are in reference to their wives vanishing-"they are where they wanna be." This phrase is key and it speaks volumes to each man whose then wife or girlfriend wanted to end the relationship. In the mind of a violent man, when they have had all they are going to take from a wife or a girlfriend, the rage inside of them can explode at anytime. Some will kill their entire family; while others kill and then commit suicide; and then their are individuals able to plan and carry out the crime, taking the chance they have covered their tracks the victim may never be found and they will not be convicted of the murder because there is no body.

At age 31 Andrew was a middle school teacher, and apparently started remembering things from the night of September 12, 1982. After intense therapy he was able to recall a violent fight that night, seeing his father holding a butcher knife to his mother's throat. This was a mere 24 hours before Peggy Dianovsky would disappear for good.

In 2003, now living on Arizona, Robert Dianovsky was arrested for Peggy's murder after his 3 sons urged authorities to re-open the case, feeling safe that they could now share their most secret memories. There was no body and no other physical evidence, this was a circumstantial case that went to trial in Cook County, IL, in 2004. [more about the trial in part 3 on 8/28/2010]

Be sure to return for the next installment of this Special Series Friday, August 27, 2010"Is it Where They Wanna Be?

Remember to tune in every Monday evening at 9:00 PM EST with Former Atlanta Prosecutor turned defense attorney, Holly Hughes, Cold Case Institute Director, Sheryl McCull0m and Violence expert and author Susan Murphy Milano to "Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation", on Blogtalk radio.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What About the Children? The Susan Murphy Milano Show Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 4:00 PM EST

Join Lavinia Masters founder of The S.A.V.E. (Sexual Abuse Victim Empowering) an organization empowering victims of sexual abuse/assault, rape, incest, molestation and relationship violence through the Word of God, prayer, mentoring, counseling referrals, organized support groups, meetings, conferences, retreats and campaigns. We also partner with the community non-profit or charitable organizations that also raise awareness and education against sexual and relationship violence and further promote a society free from sexual/relationship violence.

And Gaetane Borders, School Psychologist with the GA Dept. Of Education
President of “Peas in their Pods” Non Profit organiation dedicated to spreading awareness about the issue of child abduction in the African American community. Gaetane also hosts a weekly radio show to highlight issues related to this epidemic.

Show Time: 3:00 PM Central 4:00 PM Eastern

Date:August 25, 2010,

Yo listen tp the show and participate in the chat room, the direct link for the show is HERE

We will take your calls live. The number to call in with questions or comments is:

The number is 347-326-9337

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chicago Sun Times Gives Coward A Platform: Ignoring Stacy Peterson and Kathleen Savio

To Michael Sneed and the editors of the Chicago Sun Times the war in the home is not a recognized battle, yet intimate partner violence and homicide should be taken seriously. Printing the letter from Drew Peterson was not only irresponsible, but, a blatant disregard for these two silenced women’s lives.

You as responsible recorders of the truth need to fully comprehend the battlefield happened in a home where 4 young children were living, that neither Stacy Peterson or Kathleen Savio were equipped to handle, in my opinion not only an abusive intimate partner, but a man who was legally authorized to wear a badge and carry a gun.

This is not a game. It is a real life battle involving families, children, mothers, and in this particular set of circumstances 2 women who behind closed doors, lived abusive and violent relationships. Has the Chicago Sun-Time’s had a momentary loss of memory in exchange for advertising dollars all for the sake of increased readership? In case you do not remember, Kathleen Savio’s permanent residence is now in a cemetery and Stacy Peterson’s is yet to be officially determined.

For Kathleen her violent life is now marked by a single headstone tablet coldly displaying the name, date of birth through the date she died -March 1, 2004. And now she has been resurrected in memory super glued at the hip with everything associated with Drew Peterson. Wasn’t Kathleen Savio abused enough during her lifetime? Why do you as a newspaper have to bury her defeat further in printing her alleged killers words?

I would like to ask the Chicago Sun Times if this was your wife, daughter, sister, mother, would you have allowed this letter to be published? The answer is no!

Look around folks, you cannot pick up a paper or turn on the news without hearing how another woman was murdered by someone they new intimately. You can't help but read nasty comments on the internet, not from strangers, but, often by friends and relatives who knew both the victim and the abuser, trying to defend the actions of a cold blooded killer, and blaming a victim because she ending the relationship, filed for divorce or took the children. Has anyone ever asked the question, "why?" Or is it easier for a well established newspaper to jump on the bandwagon by ignoring justice, all for the sake of blood money?

"If you are outraged by the Chicago Sun Times and their disregard for the families of Kathleen Savio and Stacy Peterson by making headlines of Drew Peterson's jailhouse letters, do your part and let them know by calling, emailing or faxing. Nothing will change unless action is taken. The columnist, Micheal Sneed and her editor, should know that by making decisions based on headlines and readership instead of integrity and ethics is one of the reasons the public fuels people like Drew Peterson."

Fax number to the Chicago Sun Times is 312-321-3084

Michael Sneeds direct email address is : msneed@suntimes.com

Andrew Hermann, Managing Editor 312-321-3000

Zach Finken, News Editor 312-321-3000
Part 5 : The Series Continue's on the Times Up Blog, Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Headline: Stacy Peterson is Missing

When the Chicago Sun-Times printed the letters last week from the incarcerated former Bolingbrook police Sergeant Drew Peterson, the two columns I wrote in response to the blood dripping words was for two women, Kathleen Savio and Stacy Peterson, each silenced, in my opinion, because of one man’s rage.
Stacy Peterson and Kathleen Savio are not here to speak for themselves. As a matter of fact, no one protected them while they were alive, not law enforcement, State’s Attorney’s or State Investigators.
The carefully orchestrated letters authored by Inmate Drew Peterson should be reviewed more carefully. This, by the way, is a hell of a lot more than I can say was ever done when Kathleen’s beaten body, in a dry bathtub no less, was ruled “accidental ” by a bunch of blue light special investigators who by all accounts should either be assigned to desk duty or be given mandatory retirement.

In Peterson’s letter he wants us to know "It almost took an act of God to get a second blanket and a thermal shirt,'' he writes, "I haven't figured out yet if I'm being protected from the other inmates or are they being protective from me." As if to warm up his audience, using a 1950’s script from an old George Burns routine, Peterson wants the readers to see his humor. The only person laughing with him is Peterson’s legal marshmallow head roaster, once visited by a swat team himself during a domestic violence incident, his defense attorney.

Never in the letter do you hear about the mother(s) of his children. There is also no mention of a beloved Stacy Peterson whom, after vanishing, he claimed took a bikini, money and ran off with some “guy,” or that perhaps he hopes she will be found soon. It is so obvious in these cases, because a guilty man never thinks outside his own self made world. His words, again, of course, in my opinion, are merely a reflection of a stone cold killer who erased a woman from the planet.
In true Peterson style, as though he were doing a "prison type" of soft shoe dance, which in reality he is, Peterson says to the readers “I find myself with a lot of time these days where I have looked back on my life and many trials and tribulations.” Trials and tribulations" means that you (or the person you refer to) have gone through, and passed out of a negative experience (and usually it infers that you have learned from the experience). Since Peterson is good at writing his “so called feelings” what has he actually gone through, other than play a skilled game of "catch me if you can." Maybe he would consider putting his feelings into a anonymous letter and sending it to the Chicago Sun-Times for another "exclusive" to say where they can find Stacy Peterson's body. Mind you, it would not be a confession, just a way to bring closure for a family waiting for nearly three years to bring Stacy home.
The letters from Drew Peterson are providing important insight to a manipulative, narcissistic, serial sociopathic abuser. You actually see line by line what makes Peterson tick. He tries way-to-hard to make you believe he is a soft and gentle spirit by providing details of his daily life in a "kindness" tone. This false "tone" is frequently used among men who kill their wives or girlfriends. Every abuser paints themselves as wonderful, loving and caring individuals. If you think Drew Peterson is any different, he is not.
The Chicago Sun-Times, in printing Peterson's words, has helped an abuser further his cause.

To Michael Sneed and the editors how about furthering the cause of Stacy Peterson and running a front page story on her case, afterall she is still missing. I will even write it for you, send a request to my email address murphymilano@gmail.com. Giving equal time into who these women were is the right thing to do, wouldn't you agree?

"If you are outraged by the Chicago Sun Time and their disregard for the families of Kathleen Savio and Stacy Peterson by making headlines of Drew Peterson's jailhouse letters, do your part and let them know by calling, emailing or faxing. Nothing will change unless action is taken. The columnist, Micheal Sneed and her editor, should know that by making decisions based on headlines and readership instead of integrity and ethics is one of the reasons the public fuels people like Drew Peterson."

Fax number to the Chicago Sun Times is 312-321-3084

Michael Sneeds direct email address is : msneed@suntimes.com

Andrew Hermann, Managing Editor 312-321-3000

Zach Finken, News Editor 312-321-3000

Part 4: Return here tomorrow
Part 5 : The Series Continue's on the Times Up Blog, Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation: Join Hosts Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes, Susan Murphy Milano :Monday 9:00 PM EST

By Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes, Susan Murphy Milano

Tonight IPHI and Websleuths.com features the cold case Peggy Dianovsky

Peggy Dianovsky disappeared on September 12, 1982. Early reports suggest she left after an argument with her estranged husband, taking only a few things in a plastic bag and walked out on her 3 sons, her home, and her job. She was about to divorce Robert Dianovsky, stood to get approximately $20,000 from the sale of their home, and according to a quote from her brother, Gus Gollias, “She was about to get everything she wanted.” Her elderly father in law was also stated as being puzzled as to why she would leave everything.

Peggy Dianovsky has never been found, foul play is suspected in her disappearance.

Your hosts Holly Hughes former Atlanta Prosecutor turned defense attorney, Sheryl McCollum, Director of Cold Case Investigative Research Institute and Susan Murphy-Milano, Violence Expert and Author of the new book "Time's Up" have joined forces to bring new eyes to cases of intimate partner homicide. Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation gives these cases a front and center seat instead of a back door crime occurring behind closed doors.

The show is sponsored by the interactive crime and news site Websleuths.com

To listen to the show live for Monday August 23, 2010, and participate in the chat room, the direct link for the show is HERE

We will take your calls live. The number to call in with questions or comments is:

The number is 347-326-9337

Friday, August 20, 2010

Stacy Peterson "Bring Her Home"

Get out your vomit buckets! The story's headline on August 16th, from part 2 in the Chicago Sun-Times series in bold black ink reads " Drew Peterson-Not easy Being A National Pastime."
According to Wikidepia "a national sport or national pastime is a sport or game that is considered to be an intrinsic part of the culture of a nation. "

The killing of ones' own wife, girlfriend or significant other, also known as intimate partner homicide, has in fact become a carefully strategized "national game" among those who deliberately take their wives and girlfriends out of their lives. So, what Peterson is really saying, with a bull horn behind iron bars, in his carefully crafted blood soaked hand, "ladies and gentlemen, this is just a game." If we look at those who murder their intimate partners, each one of the offenders lost the game when charged and convicted of the crime. But, Peterson is betting otherwise, as evidence since day one going back to March 1, 2004, when Kathleen was murdered.

Even behind bars, with his game face on, Peterson is betting the prosecutors in Will County, Illinois, do not have enough for a conviction. Sadly, he just be might right.

The Chicago Sun-Times has provided a playing field, or a national stadium, for, in my expert opinion, a "skilled mommy murderer".

In a stadium all games begin with the crowd standing, singing the national Anthem. Peterson's song is, "I killed my third wife isn't that nice, watch as I get away with it twice." In Peterson's case no one heard anyone singing during the world series playoff's in 2004 because deals were made behind closed doors as to who would win the championship, when the then prosecutor, Tomczak, forfeited the game, ignoring facts and pleas's for assistance from Kathlen Savio by handing Peterson his victory with bases loaded. The final game victory pitch, a walk ending the national series, with a 1 to nothing score. Peterson 1 the state of Illinois 0.

In October of 2007, Peterson enters the stadium once again, "ha, he says, been there done this before, easy hit for another home run." With a frenzy, the national media camps outside the home of Stacy Peterson, reporting blow by blow game plays and appearances, including Peterson's own words, joking and laughing in classic killer, abuser style. Watching him often reminded me of my own father, who laughed almost idential in pitch and tone as Peterson, as they believed being in law enforcement meant you were smarter than everyone else.

I wonder how the Chicago Sun-Times and it's editors feel about being played? Because, in fact, they have been. They should now understand how easy it is for victims of violence to be under the spell of a manipulative abuser. This time the paper has gone too far, enabling Peterson to continue to present and defend himself while his victims,the mother(s) of his children, have been silenced. Never once have they done an in depth investigation and reported on the cases of Kathleen Savio or Stacy Peterson. It is a fact that none of us, with the expection of the surving family members, ever remember the names of any of the victims from high profile cases like Ted Bundy, Richard Speck, Christopher Vaughn or John Wayne Gacey.

There was a time when reporters looked and weighed all sides to a case before printing a story. I recall over the years being upset with the media when they would agree to print something about a victim of violence and then say something to me like, "we are also going to interview the abuser or the killer for the story." If they could not interview the abuser they would seek out a quote from a neighbor, friend or co-worker. It was always the same song, "he was such a good dad" or, "he was always the go to guy in the neighborhood" and I think to myself, after reading it, aren't they all? I guess the best example, from personal experience, is trying to enlist the assistance of others for help while my mother was still alive, she had no place to go. When I discovered her body, at her own crime scene, I was placed in a position, defending my mother to my father's fellow officer's when they said point blank, "She drove him to it." Those words would be the fuel that would ignite and flame a 20- plus year fire for intimate partner homicide.

The only front page story the Chicago Sun-Times and every other television and print media should be reporting and writing on is the unsolved murders of these two women. Give these cases as much ink as Peterson and just maybe, you say to their families and others of violent crimes, that intimate violence behind closed doors in the home is a serious criminal matter.

To the editors and reporters of the Chicago Sun-Times, you have your facts turned inside out like a stained pair of boxer shorts. Stacy Peterson did not simply vanish. She was removed from her home, in my opinion, taken out of the game called life. A common theme among criminal offenders. Stacy Peterson is missing and yet you print his words as though they are important, leaving others to believe that Stacy Peterson's life is similar to a foul ball in a game, it simply does not count. Two days in a row you have slapped justice in the face for these 2 women. The only headline you should write, going forward, is "BRING HER HOME." You still have an opportunity to investigate, even though you are in the 8th inning of this world series game, and properly report on Stacy Peterson until she is found and given a proper resting place by friends and family.

To keep up on the happenings in this case go to the http://www.petersonstory.wordpress.com/ and http://www.websleuths.com/

"If you are outraged by the Chicago Sun Time and their disregard for the families of Kathleen Savio and Stacy Peterson by making headlines of Drew Peterson's jailhouse letters, do your part and let them know by calling, emailing or faxing. Nothing will change unless action is taken. The columnist, Micheal Sneed and her editor, should know that by making decisions based on headlines and readership instead of integrity and ethics is one of the reasons the public fuels people like Drew Peterson."

Fax number to the Chicago Sun Times is 312-321-3084

Michael Sneeds direct email address is : msneed@suntimes.com

Andrew Hermann, Managing Editor 312-321-3000

Zach Finken, News Editor 312-321-3000

Part 5 : The Series Continue's on the Times Up Blog, Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Chicago Sun-Times "Slapping the Face of Justice"

Last week the Chicago Sun-Times decided to print a letter in a two-part series from former sergeant and alleged murderer Drew Peterson. Peterson has been behind bars since May of 2009. (for the link to the letter of part one go here)

The first headline ran on August 15th titled “The Drew Peterson Letter My Life in Jail.” I was outraged when Michael Sneed, an award winning journalist for whom I have great respect, decided to publish this letter without any regard for the families of Stacy Peterson and Kathleen Savio. Granted the newspaper provided a disclaimer similar to taking a Kleenex and blowing ones nose and then saying excuse me while I go and wash my hands the editor before running Peterson’s words included “ Sun-Times is aware of the pain the Savio family has endured while waiting for justice in the murder of their loved one.” Interesting to note how the word "aware" is used as it refers to pain. Was the Sun-Times "aware" that if the crime scene investigation had been conducted properly, by law enforcement, Stacy Peterson would in my opinion not have vanished from the planet? Is the Chicago Sun-Times also "aware" the pain and suffering they have caused by giving so much ink in the form of printed lip service to someone facing murder charges for an ex-spouse and the only suspect in a current wife's disappearance?

The Sun-Times is not aware of the pain they have caused in printing, in my opinion, the words of an alleged killer. Prior to Kathleen Savio being found in all of places a dry bathtub in the former marital home, the documents, police and hospital reports, the letter(s) sent to the states attorney’s office pleading for anyone to come to her rescue before she died, is in and of itself a tragedy. Victims of intimate partner violence especially those married to a law enforcement officer are either unable to seek an avenue for assistance or as in Kathleen’s situation, are killed while trying to stay alive.

In providing a forum for an alleged abuser the Sun-Times is saying that the lives victims of intimate partner homicide do not matter in Illinois and across the country.

I would like to ask the Chicago Sun-Times if they realize how much damage they have caused in printing this garbage. Why not print the letters written or show the bruises on Kathleen Savio’s face? Why didn’t the editors include Kathleen’s cemetery headstone along with Peterson’s letter? Why don’t you ever print stories of women living in fear for their lives, before they are killed? Or do important stories and provide information that will keep victims of violence alive?

As a 20-year plus veteran specialist in the area of Intimate Partner Homicide, I worked for a number of years, with many reporters at the Sun-Times, after the murder of my mother, gunned down by a decorated police detective, to have an effective legal system in place and laws implemented for victims. Now I am embarrassed to say I am from Chicago. That all my work to educate and keep victims safe and their voice’s alive, many times with the media’s help, is now, a slap in the face for justice.

When the editor's at Chicago Sun-Time’s print the words of a man accused of murder, you say that violence within the home is not a crime. You also send a clear message to other offenders that actions and a circus act behavior is news worthy enough to make front page headline news.

You have sent a message to the children of Stacy Peterson and Kathleen Savio, forever archived on the Internet for them to read, that the lives of their mother’s had little or no significance.

Friday: Part Two of this series “Bring Her Home”
To follow the lastest on the case I suggest you visit the Peterson Word Press Site or Webslueths.com.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Intimate Partner Homicide-Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes, Susan Murphy Milano Live 9:00 PM Monday August 16, 2010

By Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes, Susan Murphy Milano

Tonight IPHI and Websleuths.com features the cold cases of Michael Tapley and Matthew Houbrick

In February of 2008, Michael Tapley and his wife Gina disappeared from Navajo County, AZ. On March 8, 2008, Gina Tapley returned to Arizona, but, without Michael. Her excuse according to police reports is that she dropped him off at the front door of a gambling casino in Missouri. We were contacted by Michael Tapley’s sister Kim who resides in Washington. During our investigation we learned that Gina Tapley was married prior to Michael. Her former husband had secured two orders of protection against Gina. And in the divorce she lost custody of her children. Michael Tapley also filed with the courts for an order of protection but later dropped the charges. Both men sited almost the exact same language in their petitions Gina is “violent, dangerous, and threatened to kill me”. Police did not investigate the case, believing Gina Tapley a pretty, petite woman who provide a convincing story line. Since our involvement both CID of the Arizona State Police and Navajo County Sheriff have been inundated with calls and emails asking the status of the investigation.

Television producer, Matthew Houbrick , was found dead at the Drake Hotel in Chicago on November 14, 2005. He was in Chicago working on the FOX TV series Prison Break. His death made world-wide headlines, but the truth of what really happened; how he died, why Chicago Police failed to properly investigate, has been silenced. Joining us on the show to discuss the facts in the case, as he knows them, is Michael Houbrick, identical twin brother of the deceased.

Your hosts Holly Hughes former Atlanta Prosecutor turned defense attorney, Sheryl McCollum, Director of Cold Case Investigative Research Institute and Susan Murphy-Milano, Violence Expert and Author of the new book "Time's Up" have joined forces to bring new eyes to cases of intimate partner homicide. Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation gives these cases a front and center seat instead of a back door crime occurring behind closed doors.

The show is sponsored by the interactive crime and news site Websleuths.com

To listen to the show live for Monday August 16, 2010, and participate in the chat room, the direct link for the show is HERE

We will take your calls live. The number to call in with questions or comments is:

The number is 347-326-9337

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Police Officer is Asking: Who Killed My Wife?

On June 23, 2001, in Lansing Michigan Bernita Sims was with her daughter at the zoo when a "so called" snipers bullet took her life.

As a 20-year violence expert in intimate partner homicide, specializing in law enforcement predators whose loved ones are murdered, this is the first time where a police officer and husband of the deceased actually authors a book about his wife's murder titled "Who Killed My Wife: The Unsolved Murder of Bernita White." In my opinion Sgt. Detective Artis White, the only person of interest beat this drum of guilty a bit too loudly. Nine years, too long for this cowardly tin badge predator to continue as a free man.

The facts in this case although circumstantial, after 9 years, continue by an abusive angry husband to scream murder. As in the majority of these unsolved cases, a prosecutor has a difficult time bringing this type of case before a jury because they are unable to place the suspect or person of interest at the scene of the crime. Perhaps Artis White hired someone to do the job? Maybe someone out there has information but has been silenced for fear they or a family could be harmed? A lot of what I see in this case is without having access to the files.

Artis White could not be placed at the crime scene where Bernita was shot, or could he have been there but because of all the comotion by the time investigators asked Bernita's husband he or someone else provided a "good enough" alibi? Is Artis White a weapons expert? Is he a skilled marksman? Was Artis White in the military and have investigators gone back to his service records ? Is there a possibility that the murder of Bernita Sims mirrored a case that Artis White worked on? So many questions and yet still not enough answers to make an arrest.

Was Atris White involved in another relationship at the time of her murder? Did the statements Bernita made to family members include her saying "if something happens to me make sure you take care of my children"?

According to articles I read on the Internet and on the site Behind The Blue Wall, Bernita Sims was in an abusive violent relationship. Just one month prior ro her murder, she had told friends and family she had had enough and filed for divorce. She made statements to others that her police officer "husband was going to kill her."

In my opinion, the title of this bozo's book should be" Yea I Killed My Wife: How I Got Away With Murder." Below is a synopsis of the book written by a man whom in my opinion must not get away with murder. If you have any information on this unsolved, case please contact the number at the bottom of the post. Or if you remember something that day, if you were in the park or at the zoo before or after the shooting and you have never spoken about that day, please come forward. Bernita's life should have more meaning than some cowardly act by a man in my opinion, sworn to serve and protect, and ultimately is able to get away with murder.

Who Killed My Wife?

The Unsolved Murder of Bernita White
By Artis L. White
My name is Artis White and I am the author of “Who Killed My Wife?”- The Unsolved Murder of Bernita White. “Who Killed My Wife?” is a true story. It is about my wife, Bernita who was killed with a high powered rifle while walking with our daughter in a crowded zoo in Lansing, Michigan. The murder, which occurred on June 23, 2001, has not been solved, and that is the premise of my book. Bernita’s murder is the most publicized and highly profiled murder case in Lansing, Michigan’s history. Over 9000 investigative man-hours, 500 people interviewed, 20 subpoenas and search warrants and an 11-man murder task force has come to a screeching halt. As a detective sergeant for the Michigan State Police and husband of the victim, naturally, I expect to be investigated for the murder. But, my 14 years as a police officer and 11 years as a husband/father of two young daughters, never prepared me for this situation. This case is unique in the sense that detectives remain baffled as I, the author and police officer, remain on a “Short list of suspects”.
“Who Killed My Wife?” is a combination of personal interviews, surveys, police documents and my own account. The book explains what happens behind the scenes when local and state police departments compete for exclusive jurisdiction over a case. “Who Killed My Wife?” also describes what happens when details are overlooked and mistakes are made during a police murder investigation. The reason I wrote this book is twofold. Firstly as a police officer and husband, I MUST find the truth and report it. I cannot rest until the killer is revealed. Secondly, I feel it is important for the average citizen who is not familiar with police work to understand that when police investigators make mistakes, the impact is universal. The reader can understand my personal trauma is not only local but also global.
Anyone who is interested in true crime will be interested in this book. The book is reported as: “Captivating as told through the eyes of a husband and the heart of a father with the knowledge of a trained investigator.” “Who Killed My Wife?” is a must read book for anyone willing to learn the truth. The truth is there…find it!
“Who Killed My Wife?”
By Detective Sgt. Artis White
ISBN 0-9722480-0-5
Price $12.95 148 Pages
Trade paperback, 6X9, index

You can read more about “Who Killed My Wife?” at http://www.artisticexpressions.org
“Who Killed My Wife?” is available at http://www.artisticexpressions.org or by contacting:
Artistic Expressions LLC
5115 Deanna Dr.
Lansing, MI 48917
Phone: 800 231-7959

If you have any information that could help police solve this cold case, call Crimestoppers at 483-stop. There's up to a $1,000 dollar reward for any tip that leads to an arrest.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Oklahoma Passes Important Law For Cold Cases

By Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes and Susan Murphy Milano

The Governor of Oklahoma this week signed HB 3294 into law.

-HB 3294 by Rep. Sue Tibbs, allows the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation to reveal otherwise confidential information in cold cases and unsolved criminal cases or suspicious deaths to outside agencies or individuals who are providing interpreter services, questioned document analysis, laboratory services or other specialized services that are necessary in the assistance of bureau investigations.

This new law is especially important to the recent investigation by the “Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation” team of Sheryl McCollum, Director of the cold case Investigative Research Institute in Atlanta, Holy Hughes, Former Prosecutor turned Defense Attorney, and Violence Expert Susan Murphy Milano regarding the unsolved murders of Sheila Deviney and Chanda Turner in Garvin County, Oklahoma.

Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation and their partner and sponsor Websleuths.com actively pursue justice by re-opening cases for families where the victims have been silenced by a husband, boyfriend or former lover.

The State of Oklahoma has operated and carried out their brand of “good old boy” justice harming families for too many years.

Information on cases that you suspect or have yet to be solved as they relate to Intimate Partner crime investigation and homicide, and you would like us to profile the case on the show,which airs every Monday evening at 9:00 PM Eastern time, is welcomed for consideration for a future show by email to us with news articles, copies of police reports and other documentation to the Websleuths.com site or directly to us at IPHInvestigation@gmail.com.

Please include your name, your relationship to the person you would like profiled on a future show and a working contact number where we can reach you.

To read the latest on the Chanda Turner and Sheila Deviney murders go to the Time's Up blog.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Justice For Angel Downs and a "Committment to Convicting the Lady Killer"

While Stephen Nodine enjoys his freedom via house arrest until he is brought to trial for the murder of his former girlfriend Angel Downs, a news station in Mobile Alabama thought enough of this woman's sensless murder in my opinion, by a con artist apple pie politician to feature the campaign on the Internet in their news broadcast. A huge thank you to reporter Lauren Styler. Please help us by going to this link joining in justice and spreading the work on the "Support Justice For Angel Downs "Facebook page.

MOBILE, Alabama - Angel Downs was found dead three months ago outside her home in Gulf Shores, but bloggers and "Facebookers" are determined to keep her memory alive.

A Facebook Fan Page named "Support Justice for Angel Downs" is updated several times a week.

Page administrators claim to have an "unwaivering commitment to convicting her killer."

More then four-hundred fans, pictures of the fourty-five year-old real estate agent, and an extensive description of the crime are included on the site.

The home page also links to other local blogs, which criticize former Mobile County Commissioner Steve Nodine, who is currently suspected of killing Angel Downs.

WKRG.com News

On July 25, 2010 the former County Commissioner Steve Nodine who is by the way on a gps monitoring bracelet stated in an earlier communication that he knows "who I am and his laywers will be in touch." As of today's date Mr. Nodine I have not received anything. Here is my address again in case you misplaced it.

" Mr. Nodine please have any communication sent to Susan Murphy Milano at P.O. Box 14946, Surfside Beach, SC 29587 and of cou...rse my lawyers will respond to your ramblings."

How To Spot A Dangerous Man: The Susan Murphy Milano Show- August 11, 2010 at 4:00 PM EST

Today's guest Sandra L. Brown, M.A., CEO of The Institute for Relational Harm Reduction & Public Psychopathy Education is a psychopathologist, program development specialist, lecturer, and an award-winning author. Her books include the award winning Women Who Love Psychopaths: Inside the Relationships of Inevitable Harm with Psychopaths, Sociopaths & Narcissists as well as How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved, and Counseling Victims of Violence: A Handbook for Helping Professionals.

Sandra is recognized for her pioneering work on women’s issues related to relational harm . She specializes in the development of Pathological Love Relationship clinical training and survivor support services. Her books, CD’s, DVD’s, and other training materials have been used as curriculum in drug rehabs, women’s organizations and shelters, women’s jail and prison programs, school and college-based programs, inner city projects, and various psychology and sociology programs and distributed in almost every country of the world.

To listen to the show live for Wednesday August 11, 2010, and participate in the chat room, the direct link for the show is HERE

We will take your call live. The number to call in with questions or comments is:

The number is 347-326-9337

Monday, August 9, 2010

Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation: Monday August 9, 2010 at 9:00 PM EST

By Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes and Susan Murphy Milano

Tonight IPHI and Websleuths.com features the cold cases of

CHANDA TURNER was shot to death at her home in Paul's Valley, Oklahoma on July 12, 2000. Her boyfriend claimed she shot herself while he slept through the sound of gunfire, then found her outside on the back steps after she was dead. Crime scene photos depict blood throughout the inside of the home, including on the mattress he claimed he was asleep on.

Mary Edna Badaracco vanished in Sherman, Connecticut in 1984. A victim of continued abuse and threats during a violent relationship with her husband, Dominic Badaracco whom is now a suspect in the case.

Your hosts Holly Hughes former Atlanta Prosecutor turned defense attorney, Sheryl McCollum, Director of Cold Case Investigative Research Institute and Susan Murphy-Milano, Violence Expert and Author of the new book "Time's Up" have joined forces to bring new eyes to cases of intimate partner homicide. Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation gives these cases a front and center seat instead of a back door crime occurring behind closed doors.

The show is sponsored by the interactive crime and news site Websleuths.com

To listen to the show live for Monday August 9, 2010, and participate in the chat room, the direct link for the show is HERE

We will take your call live. The number to call in with questions or comments is:

The number is 347-326-9337

Do you have a case you would like us to consider for a future show? Or you would like to contact us? Please contact us via our email address at IPHInvestigation.com

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Murder of Sheila Deviney "Oklahoma Style"

By Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes and Susan Murphy Milano

The murder of Sheila Deviney on January 6, 2004, was no accident. Sheila Deviney was in fact murdered! On Monday evening's show on "Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation" we were flooded with calls from friends, relatives, college professsors, co-workers, and former classmates providing vital information regarding the murder of this young woman.

Dozens of statements, now recorded in podcast, from callers on the show as to Sheila's fear, her statement of mind and the threats made against her life, including the day before the fire, were never investigated by authorities. So how the heck does a case go cold for so many years without an investigation, a named suspect or an arrest? The answer is clear. The state never investigated the murder. The state even allowed a former ex-husband and buddy within days of the fire to enter private property and literally cut up the crime scene (the home) and dump it into a river. Only a person who has motive and something to hide goes to those extremes. Think about the fact the couple were no longer married. The only ties to the couple were the children. The ex-husband had no legal interest in the home or its contents.
The position of the body and the lack of smoke in her lungs after the fire shows Sheila Deviney was murdered.
Sheila's family, since her murder, has been trying to get the District Attorney's office in Oklahoma to open the case. The former elected officer refused to do his job and ignored the case. Now, with a different District Attorney elected into office, the case is still being ignored.

As we wait for the cobwebs to be dusted off the desk of Oklahoma District Attorney, Greg Mashburn, this particular cold case and facts into Sheila Deviney's murder will not be ignored by the Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation team of Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes and Susan Murphy Milano.
If you have any information on this case please contact us by email at IPHInvestigation@gmail.com. All information received will be kept confidential.
In the weeks ahead we will provide others facts on this case and keep you updated on any new developments.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Unhealthy Relationships" on The Susan Murphy Milano Show-Wednesday August 4,2010 at 4:00PM EST

Nancy Lee Canfied Author of My memoir,"A Rose for My Mother" Is an extraordinary true story of my turbulent childhood in and out of five foster homes and an orphanage before the age of thirteen, an early marriage at seventeen and her lifetime study of paranormal phenomena.

We will discuss "Psychological Traps That Keep Women In Unhealthy Relationships."

Listen to the show live for Wednesday August 4, 2010, and participate in the chat room, the direct link for the show is HERE

Time: 4:00 PM EST and 3:00 PM CST

We will take your call live. The number to call in with questions or comments is 347-326-9337
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