It is disturbing to see DuPage County Sheriff's department slam its’ doors shut on a family member of a missing person when they seek answers. That appears to be exactly what is happening in the John Spira case.

Prior to his "sudden" vanishing act from the planet, John Spira was a local businessman and blues musician, last seen on the evening of February 23, 2007. His truck remained in the parking lot so he didn’t drive off. It is important to note that 7 months after he was reported missing, the cable construction business in which he was co-owner for more than a decade, burned to the ground. A few days prior a huge missing person’s billboard was erected directly across from the company building. The billboard was intentionally removed. So the family replaced it, but it too, was torn down quickly by someone.
I have a couple of questions: Who would do such a thing? And what would be their motive? Did key evidence also go up in flames with the building?
Ladies and Gentlemen, lets follow the money which almost always leads to the motive.
After speaking with his sister Stephanie, who now lives in Arizona, it was no surprise to learn that John Spira and his estranged wife were going through a nasty divorce. She initially filed then changed her mind. John had enough of being victimized, living in a nightmare of a relationship, according to sources, and he was ending the marriage. That very morning the financial terms of their divorce were agreed upon by the parties and a tentative date was to be set up to finalize the divorce. But guess what happens next? By the end of the day, John Spira is never seen or heard from again. There are also financial issues within the cable construction business and strains on the partnership.
The fact that DuPage County has slammed its door on the family is unusual. Law Enforcement is very open with families regardless of the “status” of a case. That is, of course, when they are actually working the case. In my opinion, and according to direct sources within the sheriff's office, DuPage County is not actively working the case. It is sitting in the file jacket waiting for the dust and possibly spider webs to be removed and actually opened. And, they are not thrilled, per a communication I received, about an article written about the case by reporter Joseph Hosey on Friday. In addition, the family sought outside assistance from Tad DiBiase, a former federal prosecutor and an expert in "no body" prosecutions, especially as they relate to intimate partner homicides. DuPage County refused to grant access to Tad DiBiase.
In my opinion, after digging and spending the Easter holiday disrupting folks family time, this case is an intimate partner homicide. The explanation of intimate partner is:
An intimate relationship is a particularly close interpersonal relationship, and the term is sometimes used euphemistically for a sexual relationship. The characteristics of an intimate relationship include an enduring behavioral interdependence, repeated interactions, emotional attachment and need fulfillment. Intimate relationships include friendships, dating relationships, and marital relationships and there are individual differences in both the quality and quantity of these relationships.
I am hoping to appeal to DuPage County State's Attorney Robert Berlin and DuPage County Board Commissioner Dan Cronin assist the family by asking that a new investigator be placed on the case and that the family be kept updated on the investigation. There is a lot of important details and information in this case likely never reviewed or investigated. The pattern of conduct also has relevance.
No one, including me is interested in embarrassing anyone or outing certain information via radio shows, blogs and other media.
John Spira's case deserves to be properly investigated. Is that is too much to ask for, is it?
Missing Since: 02/23/07
Missing from: West Chicago, Illinois
Classification: Missing
Age at diappearance: 45
Height: 5’8″
Weight: 165 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Race: White
Gender: Male
Distinguishing Characteristics: May have a moustache, beard,
or goatee.
Clothing: Blue jeans, black turtleneck sweater, olive green
aviator jacket, black shoes.
Nickname: “Chicago Johnny”
Missing from: West Chicago, Illinois
Classification: Missing
Age at diappearance: 45
Height: 5’8″
Weight: 165 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Race: White
Gender: Male
Distinguishing Characteristics: May have a moustache, beard,
or goatee.
Clothing: Blue jeans, black turtleneck sweater, olive green
aviator jacket, black shoes.
Nickname: “Chicago Johnny”
Details of Disappearance
Spira was last seen by co-workers at his business, Universal Cable, in West Chicago, around 7:00 PM on February 23, 2007. At 7:09 he made a cell phone call to confirm a dinner date with a friend in Oak Brook, Illinois. Spira was expected to meet his friend in Oak Brook at 8:30. He never arrived, and although his cell phone continued to ‘ping’ until 11:00 PM, no further communication from Spira was received.
John is the lead guitarist in a band. He missed his first gig in four years as a member on February 24. Friends and family have searched the forested area behind his business without results. Police have searched his office and home and reported no indications of foul play.
Spira was last seen by co-workers at his business, Universal Cable, in West Chicago, around 7:00 PM on February 23, 2007. At 7:09 he made a cell phone call to confirm a dinner date with a friend in Oak Brook, Illinois. Spira was expected to meet his friend in Oak Brook at 8:30. He never arrived, and although his cell phone continued to ‘ping’ until 11:00 PM, no further communication from Spira was received.
John is the lead guitarist in a band. He missed his first gig in four years as a member on February 24. Friends and family have searched the forested area behind his business without results. Police have searched his office and home and reported no indications of foul play.
If you have any information on this case please contact CUE Center For Missing Persons using the contact form below or contact Cue Center at (910) 343-1131 24 hour tipline (910) 232-1687.
St. Charles Police Department
(630) 377-4435
DuPage County Sheriff’s Office
(630) 407-2321
(630) 377-4435
DuPage County Sheriff’s Office
(630) 407-2321
It is my hope one day the legal system will embrace the messenger utilizing proven strategies and implement the prescription for change that will enforce the laws while at the same time reducing the number of murders without anyone's ego getting bruised. As always, and in confidence, I can be contacted via email at
Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit by Susan Murphy Milano from the Book "Time's Up" from Courage Network on Vimeo.Susan is the author of "Time's Up A Guide on How to Leave and Survive Abusive and Stalking Relationships," available for purchase at the Institute, and wherever books are sold. Susan is the host of The Susan Murphy Milano Show, "Time's Up!" on Here Women Talk is a regular contributor to the nationally syndicated The Roth Show with Dr Laurie Roth. Susan is a survivor- the daughter of a police officer family intimate partner homicide by her father who murdered her mother before committing suicide.
I just watched Disappeared on ID regarding this case and there was no mention of the estranged wife being a suspect. I mean COME ON. What is wrong with this sorry excuse for a police department? First, they refuse to take the girlfriends filing of a missing persons report and need the filing from the estranged wife (ie. the prime suspect). Then they aren't suspicious that the divorce settlement occured THAT DAY. And to top it all off the ex-wife's daughter from another man is charged with murdering HER OWN boyfriend after an arguement!! Seriously, this case has me pissed off so I can imagine how this poor man's family and girlfriend must feel.
Total incompetence or a cover up. Two suspects, business partner or ex wife. Follow the money
Toyal incompetence or a cover up. Small suspect pool, business partner, co workers or ex wife. Follow the money !
I find it unbelievable that the first missing poster was torn down within 24 hours. They put another up and it was also torn down within 24 hours. You would have thought someone would be watching the second time??
All of these questions have been asked one thousand times. CJ"s ex-wife to be is dead. John's sister moved away( can't blame her) and his Ex Partner and (when she was alive) his ex-wife dummied up quickly. The signs disappearing was such a shock that by the time a video was thought up, the biz was burning.
This case is sad because it's another botched case by the police. It's sad when a guy has a few nice privileges in life(like fly a plane) and look at him running before thinking her got murdered. All media, please look into this. Some of the guilty party is gone, but there's more to uncover. Fly your level John!(RIP) the TRUTH will prevail. JAS
He may have been a victim of Organized Crime. Which may explain the blatant acts of Arson to the business and Vandalism to the signs in addition to Mr. Spira disappearing. His wife (ex) died in NY recently as well. Very suspicious events. These are all apparently a warning to drop the investigation. It appears.
The police always assume that the person just walked away. However if there is no activity on their credit and banking account it seems implausible. I always think this is the lazy way out. It seems highly unlikely that John Spira walked away from what seemed like a very full life. He had nothing to hide or run away from and a lot of things to look forward to. My question would be who benefited financially from his disappearance?
I don't understand why this case wasn't investigated as thouroughly as it should have been from the start. I do believe the Ex was involved and there was at least one other person. The possible reasons for the lack of an initial complete investigation have to be one of three possible disturbing reasons. Lack of care, competence or a deliberate attempt to tank the investigation. I am very sad for Mr. Spira & his loved ones. I truly hope they get all the answers they seek.
This guy wasn't the Saint people portray him to be. He's dead, you ain't going to find him
I just watched that episode also and I feel the same way! There was only brief mention of them finally coming to an agreement for the divorce. It's disgusting that someone is getting away with this, n the police are uncooperative, and this poor family is left to suffer.
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