Anna Maria Island is located on the Central West Coast of Florida, tucked in between the tropical blue waters of Mexico to the West and Tampa Bay to the North. It's not just amazing vacation spot and where couples around the globe plan their wedding, but, Anna Maria Island is the home of an unsolved homicide.
The case is unsolved for only one reason, the Bradenton Beach Police Department, one detective in particular, refuses to allow the case to be re-opened. In March of 2011, the medical examiner changed the death certificate of Sheena Morris from suicide to "undetermined." This is new information and warrants this case to be properly investigated.
On January 1, 2009 Sheena Morris was found, deceased, in a hotel room at the Bridge Walk Resort in Anna Maria Island, Florida. According to crime scene photos, and Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Michael Berkland expert opinions, Sheena Morris was murdered; the bathroom where she was found a "staged crime scene."
This time of year is Anna Maria Island's biggest season. Tourists from around the country bring their families to this amazing vacation paradise. Couples spend their honeymoon on the beaches. Shops and restaurants benefit from the dollars spent by the visitors.
Sheena Morris was a visitor, as matter of fact the Island was her favorite place to vacation or get-a-way for a few days. But, she never left the island, a victim of intimate partner violence that lead to homicide. Sheena was taken out in a body bag from her room at the Bridge Walk Resort.
Tourism dollars also pay for the salaries of the Bradenton Beach Police Department. Comforting isn't it, a murderer known to detectives is sharing the beaches with the tourists this summer, perhaps buying you a round of drinks at a popular island bar or restaurant, or, if you own a home, laying your carpet.
On the Susan Murphy Milano show Time's up we will be discussing tourism, fun in the sun and the murder of Sheena Morris with her mother, Kelly Osborn, who has fought for her daughter's murderer to be arrested, only have the doors slammed on her family by the Bradenton Beach Police Department.
Tune in Live www.herewomentalk.com 2:00 pm Eastern Time
The family of Sheena Morris are not giving up the fight for truth and justice. They are petitioning the Governor of Florida to re-open the investigation with the new evidence.
Please review and sign our petition http://www.change.org/petitions/justice-4-sheena-morris
Susan Murphy Milano is a staff member of the Institute for Relational Harm Reduction and Public Pathology Education as a educator and
specialist with intimate partner violence prevention strategies directing prevention for high risk situations and cases.
specialist with intimate partner violence prevention strategies directing prevention for high risk situations and cases.
A national trainer to law enforcement, training officers, prosecutors, judges, legislators, social service providers, healthcare professionals,
victim advocates and the faith based community and author.. In partnership with Management Resources Ltd. of New York addressing
prevention and solutions within the community to the workplace. Host of The Susan Murphy Milano Show,"Time'sUp!" . She is a regular
contributor to the nationally syndicated "The Roth Show" with Dr Laurie Roth and a co-host onCrime Wire. Online contributions: Forbes :
Crime, She Writes providing commentary about the hottest topics on crime, justice, and law from a woman’s perspective, as well as Time's Up!
a blog which searches for solutions (SOS) for victims of crime Susan is also the daughter of a Chicago Violent Crimes detective who murdered her mother before turning the gun on himself and committing suicide.
Where is the justice? How can a death certificate be changed and yet the case is no longer investigated? How tragic and scary. There is a murderer walking free! I will not visit this island with the shoddy police department, I would not feel safe. I want to see justice for this family and I want people to start taking accountability!
Thank you for this valuable information, I hope it is okay that I bookmarked your website for further references.
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