It is a blood stained journey on the road in the investigation of Lilly Aramburo. All pointing to the two individuals Christen Pacheo and Kelly Rae Sterling who were last with Lilly back on the night of June 2, 2007.
It is possible that by accident Christen Pacheo received a bad batch of drugs and gave them to Lilly that night. He may have panicked when he could not wake her. Then he waited after twenty-four hours to contact the police. With the body not likely to have been moved out of the area until afterwards, when it was safe.
Once the police arrived at two in the morning, a report was made by the responding officer, who had personal ties to Christen Pacheo. The report was buried along with important evidence that no doubt should have been investigated by the Miami Police Department.
Was Lilly still in the house someplace when police took the report? It is possible.
As the boyfriend, fiance', Christen Pacheo was never brought into the station and questioned. Nor was his place of residence ever searched. Had police entered the next day with a search warrant, I probably would not be writing this post.
Miami Citizens should be outraged! This could be your child or relative whose cries for simple assistance have fallen on deaf ears.
Maybe if everyone who reads this would take just a moment to email the following folks it would make the journey into this investigation more productive and those who are paid to do their jobs would finally solve a crime, long overdue!
jtimoney@mdpd.com -Chief of Police Miami His telephone number is 1-305-603-6100
Media Stations to Contact: WBZL 39 - MiamiWB affiliate.www.wb39.com
WTVJ 6 - MiamiNBC affiliate.www.nbc6.net
WFOR 4 - MiamiCBS affiliate.www.wfor.com
WSCV 51 - HialeahTelemundo affiliate.www.wscv.com
WBFS 33 - MiamiUPN affiliate.www.upn33.com
WSVN 7 - MiamiFox affiliate.www.wsvn.com
WLRN 17 - MiamiPBS and NPR affiliate.www.wlrn.org
Those following the case:
This is an outrage...such a tragedy!
The police came to Christen's apt. to take the report at 2AM, and the story of Lilly leaving to go pick flowers is also at 2AM...coincidence?
Christen has his own children's non-profit...Miami seems to be fine with that...
http://kidzcomfortzone.org/ was registered in January 2008. It's based in Florida. Here's some info on it:
Our Creed!
Kidz Comfort Zone, A Florida based nonprofit organization, declares the following: “With dedication, devotion, determination, and love we will improve, empower and nurture children and adolescence, of low and middle income families, with the skills necessary to succeed in life, while engaging new endeavors with confidence, clarity and the mind set to overcome.“ Our creed embodies our commitment to provide educational and leisure activities that promote the core values and fundamentals acquired through school, family, religion, and community. While all members are welcome to participate in any and all activities offered by us, we perform initial screening processes that assist in choosing an activities program that will be best suited to meet the individual’s needs. We are funded through grants, fundraising, contributions, and donations. Throughout the year we also hold special events, raffles, give-a-ways, and benefit dinners. We operate on a core group of administrative staff and mostly volunteers within the community. These highly skilled individuals donate their time and resources for the children and our cause.
Our Goal is $500,000 in '08
Kidz Comfort Zone Inc., Wants to raise a minimum of 500,000.00 by the end of 2008. You can help us achieve this in many different ways! Why not help the children and the community? Call today to find out how. 305-428-2072
Fundraising 5 Winner Raffle!
We are currently acquiring merchandise and service based prizes (ie computer repairs, painting or remodeling) for our 5 winner raffle! Check back soon for upcoming dates and prize lists. Tickets will sell for either 5 or 10 dollars depending upon prize acquisition.
Lilly is listed with TES now.
Write them, call them...let's get them to pay attention to Lilly's case!
Miami, I cannot fathom their lack of compassion, most stores and establishments flat out REFUSE to post a flyer of Lilly and the ones that do, tear it down, or have it torn down within just a couple of days.
Who ever is in charge of Miami dept. should be emailed by everyone. Maybe that will get some action on this case.
Thank God for Susan.
Thank God for Tim.
Thank God for Janet, Delilah, Jan.
May God help and forgive those who turn their heads and and their hearts.
This is a copy of the letter which I wrote to the missing person's department of the MDPD. I encourage others to use the website link and follow to the "Report a missing person" link.
Report Lilly missing, again.
I think you should see this.
This is about to hit national media exposure, all of the key groups in missing person cases are becoming involved, and the media is snowballing. Word is getting out, and it’s going fast.
Your department is the department who should have handled this case. Your department is the department accused of dropping the ball. Your department is the department who did not properly investigate, who did not listen, who did not seem to care. Your department is the department who isn’t returning phone calls, following leads, helping to search for this girl at all.
Your department is the one who turned a blind eye to a missing woman who disappeared at 2am to pick flowers with bungee cords in her pajamas. Who never looked at a man who beats women and a woman who has tried to kill people and hated this girl with a passion, who were the two people to last see her alive in the residence.
For 6 months you never even searched the apartment. For almost a year you have never brought in the last people who saw her for questioning. One who left town and now travels the country homeless. One who has been arrested on drug charges.
How is it that we found pictures of the abuse and bruises, we found evidence of a vehicle that disappeared completely shortly after she did, how is it that we found evidence of the hatred the girl in the apartment had for her, or evidence that she had tried to kill someone before, or evidence that there was a domestic violence history that your department had actually responded to- at the exact residence- between the missing woman and the last person to see her alive, and yet your department seems to have found nothing?
The police report suggests she was suicidal. Did someone in your department really decide she killed herself with flowers and bungee cords at 2 am and managed to hide her own body so well that a year later it has still not been found?
I wanted you to see this because I wanted you to know there are people who care, the numbers are growing. We want justice for Lilly, we want answers for her son.
We do not want him to forget her, as it seems your department as done.
This is a comment left by Lilly's close friend, it is both heartbreaking and infuriating.....
"but we're staying off the dope now, i'm not going to do any while we're living with lilly and david b/c theyre clean"
This is a quote from kelly- PROOF that Lilly was doing very well before KELLY came back into the picture!!!
Lilly was CLEAN that week when she was in rehab, (3 days before she VANISHED) she was CLEAR in her own mind, she wrote beautiful journal entries about her hopes & dreams of a good future with her baby, Palden. She wrote letters to friends about how hopeful she was.
Yet the DAY CHRISTEN picks her up for her court appearance, she fails a drug test given by the court. She INSISTED, under oath, that she had NOT used any drugs. She was adamant about it! But nobody believed her. Thinking back, it is a possibility that he drugged her without her knowledge. Lilly had previously shared with family that she had awoken several times in his apartment with her arms bleeding, with track marks and full of HICKEYS. She NEVER injected herself NEVER!! She was deathly afraid of needles. Christen would do ANYTHING to keep her with HIM.
She was in TREMENDOUS fear for her life. She called someone shortly before her disappearance, crying, scared, desperate for HELP.
So sad to think that she tried so hard to reach out for help, she begged & pleaded. But nobody DID ANYTHING TO HELP. They didn't do anything..
It's so painful to see how MDPD has FAILED her, how the system FAILED her. How some of her friends FAILED her. Partying, living it up, NEVER taking the time to even LOOK for her. NEVER cooperating with police through their own efforts.
There are MANY clues and enough evidence, at the very least, for the MDPD to make this case higher up on their priority list. What is it going to take for LE and media to do the right thing?
PLEASE PLEASE HELP DEMAND JUSTICE FOR LILLY. Write emails to Governor Crist. Simply copy & paste the article. There are a lot more people that can be contacted to put some MUCH NEEDED PRESSURE on MDPD.
PLEASE do everything in your power to bring closure to this family. MDPD should be investigated for their disregard in this case. Lilly is a human being and all human life is precious.
DEMAND JUSTICE FOR LILLY!Her mother is SUFFERING so much. Her son is slowly losing any memories he had of his mommy. It's the right thing to do.
Time: June 1, 2008 at 6pm
Website or Map: http://maps.google.com/maps...
Contact Info: http://www.justiceinmiami.blogspot.com
Organized By: Justice in Miami
Event Description
In honor of missing Miami mother, Lilly Aramburo, Justice in Miami will be hosting a community gathering to increase public awareness of missing person cases.
Bring the whole family for a worthy cause, candlelight vigil, butterfly release dedication, free safety I.D. kits and balloons for the little ones plus much more. Saturday, June 1st at 6PM, Peacock Park - Coconut Grove in Miami, for more details visit justiceinmiami.blogspot.
Lilly Aramburo still MISSING* Please help today by writing letters!
You can help us in this difficult effort to get her story heard. It's been 9 months and her picture has not been seen by most folks in Miami. Her disappearance is not "juicy" enough, as stated by Sergeant Varela of Miami Dade Police.
We need you to write to your local officials and to the local paper. Below you will find some contacts. Please write a compelling letter and send it to all of them by email. Your help is appreciated! Lilly still has not been featured on any news, locally or nationally. She needs us to speak for her. Please lend a hand today.
Miami-Dade County *
Mayor Carlos Alvarez
Denis Morales
Chief of Staff
Victoria Mallette
Director of Communications
Robert Villar
Director of Policy
and Legislative Affairs
Luis Andres Gazitua, Esq.
Senior Advisor
* Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners *
Bruno Barreiro
Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners
Barbara Jordan
District 1 Representative
Dorrin Rolle
District 2 Representative
Audrey M. Edmonson
District 3 Representative
Sally A. Heyman
District 4 Representative
Rebeca Sosa
District 6 Representative
District 8 - Katy Sorenson
District 9 - Dennis C. Moss
District 10 - Javier D. Souto
District 11 - Joe A. Martinez
District 12 - José "Pepe" Diaz
* Newspaper New Columnists *
Nicholas Spangler
Beth Reinhard
Evan Benn
Fred Grimm
Joan Fleischman
Andres Oppenheimer
Lilly, My one and only
This was one of Lilly's favorite songs. (Lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins:)
Lily, my one and only
I can hardly wait till I see her
Silly, I know I'm silly
cause I'm hanging in this tree
in the hopes that she will catch a glimpse of me
and thru her window shade
I watch her shadow move
I wonder if she.......?
Lily, my one and only
love is in my heart and in your eyes
will she or won't she want him
no one knows for sure
but an officer is knocking at my door
and thru her window shade
I watch her shadow move
I wonder if she could only see me?
and when I'm with her I feel fine
if I could kiss her I wouldn't mind the time it took to find
My Lily, my one and only
I can hardly wait till I see her
oh Lily, I know you love me
cause as they're draggin me away
I swear I saw her raise her hand and wave (goodbye)
Keep up the great work you are doing here everyone. Keep emailing and writing and maybe we can make a difference in the tragic case. We need to speak up for those who can no longer speak for themselves!!
Maybe when it all comes down to it, the tragedy we all can see in this case regardless of how much alike or different than Lilly we may be...is that it's sad to think that in your most desperate anguished moment...that you could be just ignored.
If that wouldn't make you feel like absolute nothing, not sure what would...
I am saddened that nothing is heard in the media about Lilly. She is missing in more ways than one ... in reality, the media and apparently LE investigation while her family and son are hurting, needing answers.
I do hope something sparks MDPD to investigate Lilly's case more.
Miami Police should be embarassed for not doing their jobs!
Great job on the radio show and putting the word out about Lilly. Its simple enough if Miami police would do their jobs the person responsible would be in jail where they belong.
WHY aren't Miami police doing their job?!!
Something smells really bad and the scent is coming from MDPD.
I am putting a call out to everyone......
If anyone knows how we can trace the "totalled" black Cadillac Escalade that was once either owned or leased by Christen Pacheco, please let us know. I have no idea where to start on connecting the dots to this particular vehicle, but I feel it is of utmost importance to the case if we can find it and have it gone over with a fine tooth comb.
So if you know how to get this information, or know anyone who does, please contact me or anyone here. Thanks.....I know you are out there!
The attorney general William McCallom needs to do his job and have this man charged with fraud. A non profit agency that helpd children? It's a scam.
Tonight is Lilly's One Year Missing Vigil, let's all light a candle for her, wherever we are, in honor of Lucely Lilly Aramburo...
On Sunday, June 1st, 2008, Justice in Miami, Subliminal Pixels Lab, Maggie's Rose, and PK Graphics, sponsored a community safety event on the 1 year anniversary of Lilly Aramburo's disappearance. The event was a success.
We listened to live music courtesy of Power 96. Safety information and ID kits were handed out to parents and children. Guests signed in to receive their ribbon and candle. We had the beautiful "Lilly" line of hats and headbands, for sale. They were designed and donated courtesy of Maggie's Rose. You can see my girls and Havanna in the video wearing their hats. Everyone had something nice to say about them! Thank you, Sara! If you'd like more information on the "Lilly" line, please feel free to go to the Maggie's Rose website or contact us.
The butterfly ceremony/meditation was amazing. You could see the butterflies landing on our fingers and hands and the prayer flags in the background, blowing in the wind, releasing prayers for Lilly and all beings. A poem was read by Renea, Maya Angelou's "Touched by an Angel". And I read an excerpt from The Way of the Boddhisattva by Shantideva. We have a video clip of that below.
As a sign of solidarity with families of missing loved ones everywhere, Pastor Tony Isaacs led a special prayer. Our intention was that as each individual candle was added to the whole, it showed victims and their loved ones that there is a ray of hope.
All of the efforts were dedicated in honor of missing persons and victims everywhere, specifically, Lilly Aramburo, Heather "Kitty" Riggio, and Jennifer Kesse. Our aspiration is that they receive justice and the attention they deserve.
We'd like to extend a special thank you to our volunteers, (in no special order) Vivian, Renea, Sara, Delilah, Jamie, Hope Movement, the volunteers from Christ Fellowship, Pastor Tony Isaacs and all those who desire not to be mentioned (you know who you are!!)Thank you to our internet activists, our bloggers and friends in demanding justice...
And last but not least, a big hug and my sincere thanks to Bagua
THANK YOU! Your love and support helps us get through these difficult times. We stand with you in pride and gratitude. May you always live in truth and peace.
Although we had media present, only one channel and it's affiliate played it on the news.
Here is that clip from the vigil http://cbs4.com/video/?id=55873@wfor.dayport.com
A few articles written by Susan (regarding Lilly's disappearance) have been submitted and might make it into Current TV if enough people vote it up. Please help make this happen by including a link on your Myspace, Facebook, blog, or other social networking sites-tell everyone to vote!
Here are the three links:
Please remember to vote on the articles ~ it's a great opportunity to tell the world about Lilly and this terrible tragedy.
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