Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Cop Doc Takes On Domestic Violence and Homicide

There is a common theme among the intimate partner homicide cases that cold case Director Sheryl McCullom and I continue to cover and highlight on our new Monday night show on blog talk radio. All the victims who have either gone missing or have been killed lived in total fear of their husband or boyfriend.

On yesterday's "Intimate Partner Homicide Investigates" show we discussed the case of missing Utah wife and mother Susan Powell who vanished on December 7, 2009 it was obvious she feared her husband Josh Powell. A strong woman of faith and a desire to remain in a marriage with an underlying belief that he would somehow change. As she made plans to end the marriage in my opinion, Josh Powell ended her life. As her family prays and waiting for her remains to be found there are thousands of other such women like Susan Powell, still alive, who need our help before they end up on the missing person's list. Or murdered in their own bed like Renee Pagel on August 5, 2006. She too was going through a divorce and the only person responsible in my opinion Michael Pagel has yet to be arrested. For nearly four years prosecutors and law enforcement continue to ignore the facts in this case. We will continue to press forward and demand accountability and justice. But it goes beyond those who have already lost their lives.

Victims who find themselves in violent relationships do not have to end up like Renee Pagel or Susan Powell.

On Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 10:00 PM eastern time, domestic violence and homicide is the topic for the hour on The Cop Doc Radio show. The show will explore the perils of domestic violence at its worst in our society. Sheryl McCollum and Susan Murphy Milano are well-known for their vital work in this cancer upon our society. These tireless victims' advocates have created a avenue for victims of DV to have a voice. Also joining our panel is well-respected police trainer and retired police sergeant Betsy Brantner Smith. They'll give some perspective on the scope and depth of the problem and what you can do about it if you are in or know someone who is in that kind of situation.

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