Finally after nearly 3 years, the trial for the murder of Barbara Vanaman has been set for trial by a judge. I stand by my position in this case, jury or not. It is my opinion, Barbara Vanaman, shot twice in the chest at close range by her police officer husband, was premeditated murder.
It will be interesting to see how the defense for Vanaman uses their bag of tricks in this case . Add in the fact that Robert Vanaman comes from a cop family and he's been a model citizen and loving father to his 2 boys since he murdered his wife, Barbara Vanaman.
Murder trial set for March for Millville police sergeant Atlantic City,NJ,. The start date for the murder trial of Sgt. Robert Vanaman, 40, ... 2006 and charged with murder in the May 11, 2006, killing of his wife, Barbara, 37. ...
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Don't let the Truth be Buried with Barbara VanamanRecently a police officers wife by the name of Barbara Vanaman was killed by her police sgt. huband, Robert Vanaman. There have been a few news stories printed on her death, but none really offers an explaination other then what is being carefully scripted by the...
Police Officer Murders His Wife-Remains on Job Until he is Charged? Well, I really thought I'd seen everything, until now. New Jersey Police sergeant Robert Vanaman on May 11, 2006, allegedly in self defense shoots and kills his wife. He was a trained police officer that would make a big difference you would...
The Sgt's actions were in self defense. It will all come out at the trial. Barb was a nutcase.
I miss Barb, her smiling face and warmth. What happened to her was not right. She did not deserve top die.
The slow wheels of justice have made Barb's loss even greater. Is it because Bob is a cop? Or is it that the Prosecutor can't get their act together?
I hope & pray Robert Vanaman is punished to the fullest extent of the law for his crime.
Well here I go again Robert Vanaman shot his wife Barbara dead. In May of 2006 Barbara was shot twice in the torso by her police officer husband. The prosecution says he murdered his wife and selfinflicted lacerations to his arms to cover up his crime. The LEO website paints Robert a hero for sustaining injuries and only double tapping his wife as a last resort. Barbara was at the home retrieving belongings from the home, they were divorsing. Robert left work with his sidearm to intercept her at the house. Barbara is dead and Robert has sole custody. Check out my site at http://thebipolarxpress.com/ also check out the LEO site http://www.edpdlaw.com/Hot%20Air.html
The folks at the LEO site have been e-mailing me and have come pretty close to threats
Ill be at the trial Sue keep up the good work JOE thebipolarxpress.com
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