Everyday we receive requests to keep alive cases of the missing, suspected victims of intimate partner violence, and ultimately homicide, by featuring them on the blog or radio shows we do.
Sometimes it is virtually impossible to personally provide and answer all the emails or write about the lives of women and men caught in the silence of the abuse, power and control which they lived in daily, behind closed doors. We, as a nation, are at war in our own homes, a place once considered safe, for these women and men taken away from this earth before their time. Many a case goes cold because of lack of manpower, a proper investigation or not enough evidence to make an arrest.
The unexplained disappearances of just a few we list, out of the many thousands of missing and without answers, and all, in my opinion, victims of Intimate Partner Homicide:
- Michele Parker, 33, mother of 3, missing from Orlando, Florida, November 17, 2011
- Kelly Rothwell, 35, police cadet, missing from Florida, March 12,2011
- Jacque Sue Waller, 39, mother of triplets, missing from Missouri, June 1, 2011
- Jessica Lowery, 25 mother of 1, missing from Robeson County, NC, 2005
- Krishonda Townsend, 19, mother of 1, missing from Mineral wells Texas, July 4, 2007
- Lisa Stebic, 37, mother of 2, missing from Plainfield, IL April 30, 2007
- Stacy Peterson, 24, Mother of 2, missing from Bolingbrook, IL, October 28, 2007
- John James Morris, 37, missing from Dickerson, MD, reported missing July 30, 2007
- Patty Vaughn, 32, mother of 3, missing from LaVernia, Texas, December 25, 2007
- Michael Tapley, 51, Navajo County, Az, reported missing March 8, 2008
- Angie Denis Tucker, 34, mother of 2, Tulsa, Oklahoma, November 3, 2007
- John Spira, 45, reported missing from West Chicago, IL, February 23, 2007
Many of the aforementioned cases are listed, with additional information, at CUE Center for Missing Persons where they are registered as active cases. www.ncmissingpersons.org. Agencies such as the CUE Center, a not for profit agency, depend on public donations to continue searching for those who suddenly vanish, without a trace.
We, as always, will continue to keep the lights on, as best as we can, for those who go missing. I ask that we all do our part and be messengers when we see or hear about a missing persons case, including supporting and commenting on sites and blogs. The national media pays attention more than you realize.
If you have or know of a case and you would like to be considered for the various shows available highlighting and bringing information public on missing persons, unsolved or suspicious deaths, cold cases etc., please email us at timesupforjustice@gmail.com and murphymilano@gmail.com
.Whatever you do, if you or someone you know is ending a relationship, leave and go someplace safe. Do not stay once you have filed for a divorce or announced the relationship is over. And for heaven's sake have a plan of action BEFORE, you say or do anything!
The dangers should be carefully considered when ending a dating relationship or marriage. The reaction to rejection is costing lives. In cases where the victim has died, her fears during the relationship or marriage remain silent, telling family or friends is considered "hearsay" and it's not enough when the person responsible is finally brought to trial. As a precaution, victims are encouraged to prepare the Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit and video, also known as the "EAA." This removes hearsay and in a victim's own words provides historical abuse documentation, gives law enforecment and prosecutors a profile of the offender and shows his pattern of conduct prior to the crime should the victim vanish or be killed.
Document the Abuse.Com contains vital information on how the EAA can support each case of abuse from the perspective of the first responders and advocates, to an appearance in court. It explains the legal benefits to the abuse victim, whether they are able to testify or not, how their words are forever documented and hold up in court, much like a Living Will.
A national trainer to law enforcement, training officers, prosecutors, judges, legislators, social service providers, healthcare professionals, victim advocates and the faith based community and author.. In partnership with Management Resources Ltd. of New York addressing prevention and solutions within the community to the workplace. Host of The Susan Murphy Milano Show,"Time'sUp!" . She is a regular contributor to the nationally syndicated "The Roth Show" with Dr Laurie Roth and a co-host onCrime Wire. Online contributions: Forbes : Crime, She Writes providing commentary about the hottest topics on crime, justice, and law from a woman’s perspective, as well as Time's Up! a blog which searches for solutions (SOS) for victims of crime Susan is also the daughter of a Chicago Violent Crimes detective who murdered her mother before committing suicide.
The dangers should be carefully considered when ending a dating relationship or marriage. The reaction to rejection is costing lives. In cases where the victim has died, her fears during the relationship or marriage remain silent, telling family or friends is considered "hearsay" and it's not enough when the person responsible is finally brought to trial. As a precaution, victims are encouraged to prepare the Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit and video, also known as the "EAA." This removes hearsay and in a victim's own words provides historical abuse documentation, gives law enforecment and prosecutors a profile of the offender and shows his pattern of conduct prior to the crime should the victim vanish or be killed.
Document the Abuse.Com contains vital information on how the EAA can support each case of abuse from the perspective of the first responders and advocates, to an appearance in court. It explains the legal benefits to the abuse victim, whether they are able to testify or not, how their words are forever documented and hold up in court, much like a Living Will.
Susan Murphy Milano is a staff member of the Institute for Relational Harm Reduction and Public Pathology Education as a educator and specialist with intimate partner violence prevention strategies directing prevention for high risk situations and cases.
If you would like to schedule Susan Murphy Milano for interviews, please contact: ImaginePublicity PO BOX 14946 Surfside Beach, SC 29587 Phone: 843.808.0859 email- contact@imaginepublicity.com
1 comment:
You tell it like it is... One short list speaks a thousand words.... I would LOVE to start a campaign in which our local newspapers start a feature called "Missing Persons" right nest to the obituaries.... Anyone what to join me? Let's do it! Can we do it? I'll bet we can with the proper assistance and advice!
Donna "Ladyjustice"
(One of the many keepers of the flame for victims!)
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