Drew Peterson continue's his media performance. Adding new circus performers to his caravan. No surprise , he has served a platter of burnt toast, coffee and murder for approximately fourteen months.
The media including the WLS AM Radio show Cassidy and Mancow have continued to use Peterson and his on again, off again relationship as some form of entertainment. Inviting him on the show. Taking him out on the town to dinner. I wonder what Mancow & Cassidy both family men would do if it were their daughter Peterson was dating? To Listen go here.
What those who find this so entertaining do is give this bozo air wave time promoting victimization to those who fell prey, Kathleen Savio, Stacy Peterson . Peterson has yet to be arrested because the Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow is unable to secure enough evidence in either case. A word of advice to the current State's Attorney of Will County, mop these cases up, first, before you run for another office!
By now, the only girlfriend in Peterson's life should be bubba as he hands Peterson his bar of soap in a prison cell.
And we must not forget the interview on lucky Friday the 13th as Peterson and Christina Raines served yet another platter of burnt breakfast of a new life from the very house where Stacy Peterson vanished and her name remains on the title at the recorder of deeds.
If you missed it, the Savio family won the right to re-open Kathleens estate. Here is the decision by the appellate court.
Susan-your forgot to mention he's shopping for a publisher for his book "The life of Sgt Drew Peterson, I'm innocent"
Both were beautiful women. Tragic how each removed from the only important part of their lives-Tom, Chris, Laci and Drew,Jr.
Both were beautiful women. Tragic how each removed from the only important part of their lives-Tom, Chris, Laci and Drew,Jr.
Will County states attorney's office has a conflict of interest in their handling of Drew's criminal activities and IMO cannot do their job and serve justice. Remember how this same office repeatedly ignored Kathleens calls and letters ? The fox watches the henhouse in Will County and all caring decent citizens need to be watching the fox. Insurance fraud, wire fraud, mortgage fraud, theft, assault & battery, murder, forgery and on and on and yet, still not a peep from Glasgow, except the lip service " we expect resolution.." yadda yadda. The value of a woman in Will County is ZERO. Forget about equal protection under the law. Patrick Fitzgerald needs to clean up this one man crime wave and nail the enablers.
out of his cave long enough to give lip service except to kiss _ss.
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