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Guests 12/9/2008:
In 1986 Susan Waller a college student was kidnapped from her home by 3 strangers. She was repeatedly raped, sodomized and beaten. When the men were finished with her she was shot in the head, dumped into an abandoned, garbage filled quarry. In 2008, after serving only 22 years of a 2 term concurrent life sentences, one of the men is up for parole. Please take a moment, go to the link below and sign the petition.
PETITION : http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/denyparole_munkcaselowwillis/
Women, Murdered Wives is about psychopathic, intensely narcissistic men who not only get rid of their wives through murder but, who, as we have read and watched in the news, literally, make them disappear . While there are too many of these cases to list, the author of Erased, Marilee Strong will offer insights and understanding into why men murder not only their wives, but, murder the mothers' of their own children.
It's not often a complex subject we can all understand. The "Dummie" series refers to simple, easy. It refers to the tackling of very difficult subjects, making them user friendly. Dr. Goulston’s book, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder For Dummies is like our own personal compass an important tool for recovery and dealing with the curve balls within our life's journey.
1 comment:
Jennifer Jenkins put the petition up on her website for Susan Waller.
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