Let us all play the violin strings in memory of yet another tin badge coward who murdered his wife in cold blood. On Sunday morning in Forth Worth Texas a “decorated” police officer murdered his wife, Makasha Colonvega, 34, while their young children were present in the home.
Another glorified newspaper write-up about a cold blooded man, who was a police officer.
The children will never recover from this traumatic event. It will be with them for the remainder of their lives. Makasha Colonvega was just 5 months shy of completing her medical residency to become a doctor.
To those who tell you or say they knew this tin badge killer oh "so well". Or that he was under stress or having "problems", do not know the devastating lives these cowardly tin badge officers, lead, behind closed doors.
As the daughter, from a law enforcement family, whose detective father murdered my mother before taking his own life, the continued praises sung by those who worked and knew him well, continue after nearly twenty years.
There is no place for the wife of a law enforcement officer to turn when they require assistance. They are not provided important training on difusing situations which can be life threatening to they and their kids.
If a Police Department is going to teach officers to be effective on the streets, shouldn't those who marry these men be provided similar training?
It would, afterall, save their lives.
How can print this trash? Did you even know anyone in the family?
Have some respect to the dead!!!!!!!!
Pablo was a good father, officer and friend. He was only 36 yrs of age.
We will miss him, rest in peace, buddy.
Pablo was on leave from Irving Police Dept for the Army he did not have PTSD so don't go blame the war for this. He was a good man, I served with him.
Pablo Colonvega, RIP.
This is tragic. Especially for thr kids. What a piece of $hit murdering his wife with the kids at home makes it worse. Why don't these men just kill themselves?
This is tragic. Especially for thr kids. What a piece of $hit murdering his wife with the kids at home makes it worse. Why don't these men just kill themselves?
Susan, I'm not sure how you became such a clueless, emotional twit, but it's apparent that you serve no good purpose in how you've slanted every story you've covered here.
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