"Cowardly Tin Badge Georgia Deputy" Derrick Yancey
In June if this year, Linda Yancey and a day laborer named Marcial Caz-Puluc were found shot to death in the home of Deputy Yancey. Yancey claimed that the day laborer shot his wife Linda and he then shot him.
From the beginning this wreaked of a set-up. Yancey was angry that Linda wanted a divorce from her controlling abusive husband. According to sources "no way" was Yancey going to "allow" his wife to "take half of anything."
Yancey thought of a fairly good plan. He found a man who could not speak english and had no family. He hired the day laborer to do landscaping around the house, his wife would be home. It was almost the perfect crime. He lured the man into the house after killing his wife, then he killed Caz-Puluc.
Deputy Yancey's story-"he killed my wife and I shot him". Neither Yancey's story nor the crime scene held up. It fell apart and he was indicted on two counts of murder.
Now there is another issue, Deputy "Yellow" Yancey worked for eleven in the very same court house where he will be tried. Under the circumstances, Yancey's case needs to be moved to a different courthouse.
This tin badge coward was unable to walk away and settle personal and financial issue's with his wife Linda Yancey, like a man.
Yancey is an abusive man. Linda did not deserve to be killed. May God be his most powerful Judge and Jury.
I don't imagine Yancey will be free anytime soon. Not in this lifetime anyway. Once the news broke we all knew it would be a matter of time before he was arrested in Linda's murder.
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