Once again, the family of Sheila Deviney continues to fight to have her "murder" case opened and investigated in Garvin County, Oklahoma.
This evening on Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation with Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes and Susan Murphy Milano we learned the Deviney family is being charged by the state to preserve blood and tissue samples; important evidence in a murder case that according to Shannon Kile spokesperson for The Eleventh Commandment has never been submitted to OSBI by Acting Sheriff Steve Brooks because "he doesn't want to make it political, but he will do what he can after the November 2nd election."
Has anyone bothered to inform the Acting Sheriff that it has been 7 years and its plain unexcepatable! Perhaps the current "acting sheriff" should consider getting off their behind (in my opinion) and open up the damn case. The person or group of individuals responsible for the murder of Sheila Deviney is still roaming free among those that Acting Sheriff Brooks took an oath to serve and protect. That in an of it self is a crime!
If this were your loved one, wouldn't you demand justice? Why have the elected officials in Garvin County been allowed to sweep this under the rug? Well actually there is no more rug it went up on flames and chemicals used the day Sheila Deviney was murdered. Yes folks, she was murdered. A fire was set in various locations throughout the home that morning. The photo's of the crime scene tell the truth which is more than I can say about those in the position of power.
Sadly this case is all too common. Victims of intimate partner violence who seek custody of their children and have taken steps to end a relationship before, during or as in Sheila Deviney's case after a divorce are silenced by their abusers.

There is a $50,000 reward being offered to anyone who comes forward with information that will put the killer(s) behind bars. But first, the good people of Garvin County need to start demanding answering because as of now there is no case being investigated. The county has an "acting sheriff" whom in my expert opinion has exhibited zero pride and intergrity for service. If this were his child, heads would like roll. But it is not. How does anyone ask to be voted into an office where justice is defined by being a "career politician."
David and Susan Deviney are long standing members in Garvin County. They only ask, as you would if this were your child, for justice. Join them along with The Eleventh Commandment to make sure Sheila Deviney's voice is heard and her case re-opened now, not 7 weeks from today with more empty promises from career politicians. Politicians whom in my opinion are allowing a killer to live among you and get away with murder.
Sheriff Steve Brooks is invited to be a guest on Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation, Monday, September 27, 2010 at 9:00 PM Eastern/ 8:00 PM Central we will continue with yet another case, the murder of Tom Horton. He can email us to confirm at IPHInvestigation@gmail.com or simply call into the show at 347-326-9337.
Susan, Sheryl and Holly: Thank you dear ladies/tough broads so much for your enthusiasm and tenacity in this case. Last night's blogtalk was outstanding. I can't wait for the upcoming CHANDA-SHEILA conference.
I hope the people of Garvin County wake up. Before they're all dead.
How many have to die without 'investigation' before the FBI steps in and does something. Am I the only one who can smell that awful stench around here? It's called DRUG MONEY and it reaks.
My prayers are with you, 11th. I've been watching and waiting for the worm to turn. Elmer Fudd is a dudd and his deputies are on the take and crooked as snakes.
I've lived here pretty near all my life and those my age are always saying that things in Garvin County have always been crooked. Basically, Garvin County America is the armpit of the world. Now that I see my children affected by it, I start thinking that even an arm pit can be cleaned out and deodorized once in awhile.
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