" luckiest girl in Texas."...
"Female 26 years old AMARILLO, Texas United States
MySpace Last Login: 9/5/2008
Mood: enlightened
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The above photo is of Amy Yager, taken from her myspace page. She is not so lucky, on September 12, 2008 in her home, Jeff David Yager, a Federal Officer, beat the luckiest woman in the world. Then he finished her off and fired 2 rounds into her body. One to the torso, the other at close ranger to her head.
Below is Jeffrey David Yager. The photo caption on my space says "MyBaby and his gun"

This big tin badge coward, murdered his wife. He sits in a Texas jail. Could he or someone post the $25,000 cash required to get out of jail until his trial? It is a possibility.
A news story appeared in a Texas paper on the murder and I was outraged by commentary left by readers claiming to be friends or realted to the couple here is a sample:
Blaming, making excuses, all because we know the person arrested for the crime has become common in our society when a husband or an ex murders their spouse or significant other. Sorry but the friend or relative has not a clue about violence in the home or what a woman similar to Amy endures. And if you would like to send me nasty words in an email or on this blog I suggest you do your homework on my background, first.
When the tragedy was broadcast by the local media , a plea of sorts was sent out asking the public for any information they could provide in the case. Seems very clear cut to me. I was stumped as to what other information they [the police] are seeking? And this is what most of the news organizations asked: A motive for the crime was being investigated. Anyone with information should call the special crimes Tnit at 378-9468. The police are asking the public for a motive??? Again, you have the shooter, the weapon, and the body. Is there any question about that? If they are so concerned and wish to wast manpower begin by checking the police department phone call logs just two nights before the shooting. Didn't Amarillo Police respond to a domestic disturbance call at the home of the Yager's?
There are no room for questions, doubts or stone throwing in this case. It is simple. Jeffrey David Yager Murdered Amy Yager in cold blood.
Today, Amy was laid to rest. It is important to me as the daughter of a law enforcement officer who murdered his wife, and my mother, that changes on how these cases are handled, charged and reported come out of the stone age and into the twenty first century.
Stop sugar coating these cases at both the felony and misdeameanor level. Redirect how they are reported in the media. Train Officers to see the signs within their own units.
Amy Yager, and the thousands before her, did not have to die because someone demanded power and control over their lives.
There's your investigation summary!
He was drunk? PLease stop excusing what he did to Amy. I am so sick of people using excuses.
RIP Amy.
I just tripped upon this site and it didn't take me long to figure out what's wrong. It's the family and friends none of them care about people outside their circle.
They all seem to be foul mouthed, excuse driven, psychopaths. If you don't know what a psychopaths is look it up. Several of you including the murderer show classic signs. Continually making excuses and attempt to divert attention away from your own self-made problems.
I think a better excuse for this young mans murderous rage would not be the drinking but maybe the influence of his wayward family and friends.
You may sign Amy's Obituary Guestbook here:
Such a waste of a bright and beautiful life:
Amy P. Yager AMARILLO, Texas - Amy Elizabeth Partner Yager, 26, of Amarillo, formerly of Franklin and Hampton, died tragically at her home in Amarillo Friday, Sept. 12, 2008. She was born in Price, Utah, on July 13, 1982, to Karl Taylor Partner and the late Deborah Anne Partner. Amy graduated from Southampton Academy in Courtland in 2000 on academic scholarship. She attended Brigham Young University Hawaii for 1? years. During her time in Hawaii, Amy developed a love of the ocean, having taken up the sport of surfing. Because of her love of the ocean she then joined the U.S. Navy and served for three years as a petty officer pursuing a career as an EOD diver and underwater welder, until a hip injury resulted in her honorable medical discharge. Amy then moved from Hampton to Texas in 2006, attending Amarillo College and transferring to West Texas A&M, majoring in interior design and a minor in business. Amy adopted, practiced and enjoyed many qualities of the Buddhist faith in her adult life. She is survived by her father and stepmother, Karl and Laurie Partner of Palmyra, Va.; brothers and sisters, Jason Partner of Page, Ariz., Seth Partner of Westchester County, New York, Sam Partner, Tess Partner, and Ashley Herndon, all of Palmyra, and Matthew Herndon of Scottsville, Va. She has one nephew, William Taylor Partner of Page, Ariz. Her two surviving grandmothers are Mrs. Beth Partner of Dolores, Colo., and Mrs. Dorothy Stephens of Charlottesville, Va. Amy was predeceased by her maternal grandmother, Gilberta Blume Kotsch and paternal grandfather, Alfred A. Partner. Amy has many loving aunts, uncles and cousins, who are also mourning her death. The family will receive friends Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Wright Funeral Home, Franklin. The funeral will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday at Wright Funeral Home with Bishop Jim Council presiding. Interment will follow at Poplar Spring Cemetery in Franklin where Amy will be laid to rest beside her mother. The family will then receive friends at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Homestead Road in Franklin following the interment. A memorial service will be held at a later date by close friends in Amarillo, Texas. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made, in Amy's name, to one of the charitable organization very near to Amy's heart: Breast Cancer Awareness, Domestic Violence Outreach and Awareness, or a branch of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Please refer to your local directory for the address closest to you. Wright Funeral Home has charge of arrangements. www.wrightfuneralhome.org.
Nothing "cute" about little boy and his weapon. I am worried a defense lawyer will try and use the insanity plea in this case.
Agent Yager knows the system, he will use every legal tactic to not go to prison. The rights of Amy will be pushed off to the side as they are in many of these case's when a husband murders his wife.
There should be a "no excuse plead" in cases where it is cut & dry.
Prayers an Gods love may they shine and remain bright in the weeks and months ahead for Amy's family & friends.
Thank you for your efforts. How did you find out the police had responded to the home two days earlier? I am Amy's maternal aunt, and we have been kept in the dark. We want justice, but we fear he will not be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What can I do to make sure he is prosecuted? What can I do to make sure other young women have help and intervention with domestic violence especially when their husbands are issued duty weapons.
AuntShell-why don't you email me at
contact@movingoutmovingon.com and we can talk about some strategies regarding your niece.
You are right on with your investigation summary. It is pathetic that family and friends of Jeffrey 'David' Yager are pointing fingers and blaming alcohol, his past, circumstances, or that he was having issues. It doesnt frickin matter! Take responsibility for your actions Mr. Yager! You took our Amy Elizabeth Olson ( BTW: Olson was the name on her birth certificate when she was born in Price, Utah...Her Real Father was only allowed a few minutes to be with Amy in her closed casket) from us! You are an evil coward Jeffrey Yager. You took a life, Your life should now be taken. Real justice would be after you were beaten and then shot from the back when you were least expecting it. It may not happen in this life, but you will get what is coming to you.
Thank You Susan. Keep up the informative blog.
My husband is also a Federal Agent and worked with David Yager. I am proud of him and what he does. We, like most of you, were horrified and shocked at what David did to Amy. I don't believe Amy's death had anything to do with David being an Agent or ex-military. It had to do with a defect or demon inside of him. Please quit inferring that a man with a badge is an automatic abuser. I for one, know this is not the case.
SUSAN MILANO- You are the one I want to contact me- You have obviously tried to twist everything I said in my post. Since you have so much to say give us a call- Allen Bolton AGAIN 478-982-7791
I Knew David when he was a kid.He grew up around my son and daughter.
He was very shy. He wasnt a kid who was always in troubble..I was shocked when my son told me what happened..Drinking does not excuse the fact that he murdered his wife..He had everything going for him..He did something stupid ...The young lady was taken away from her family..I am sure you dont make a mistake and shoot somebody twice..True we dont know what was in his mind..it wasnt love for his wife ...you can bet that....It is sad for both families ...they each have lost someone...nothing excuses the fact that he killed her in cold blood..
Words by Jeff David Yager Inspecting the Foundation.
Today, I come to bring you a testimony. This testimony is one we have all heard before. The testimony I speak of, is the testimony of Jesus Christ. Paul said in 1 Cor. 3:11-"For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." I know that you men that I am speaking to today have all had the foundation of Christ laid in your hearts but today I want to refocus you and at the end of the message, I'm going to challenge you with a couple of difficult questions. That is why I have titled this message,"Inspecting the Foundation."
I remember the days preceeding my trial, I labored in prayer day and night. During my trial, I would pray and quote scriptures to myself constanly because I desprately needed the presence of God. It might suprise you but I never asked God to spare me from prison. I only prayed that by some miracle, God would receive glory from my trial. I have never been more fully surrendered to God than I was in those days.I received a small taste of what Jesus went through in the Garden.
The Garden is sacred and hallowed ground. We must take our shoes off and enter the garden respectfully and in awe because it is in the Garden that the forces of good and evil collided in the most important spiritual battle in the history of mankind. It is in the Garden that Jesus, the savior of the world, while he was betrayed by one of his twelve disciples while his closest friends slumbered and slept its's during this time that Jesus came face to face with the greatest fear known to man. jesus decribes what this time was like for him in Matt. 26;38 "My soul is exceeding sorrowful even to death" Jesus describes this great fear by simply calling it "this cup". Some christians mistakenly assume that "this cup" is a reference to his coming crucifixion but it's not. These have been literally thousands of martys throughout the centuries who, though the power of the Holy Spirit, have endured their crosses while singing praises to God; some singing even while being burnt at the stake. For us to attribute our Savior's condition in the Garden to his coming crucifixion would be attributing more courage to those martys than to Jesus. It wasn't the fear of death that had Jesus on his face in the Garden sweating drops of blood. It wasn't the fear of physical pain that had the father send an angel from heaven to strenghthen him. What had our savior in such a painful and despate condition was his fear of the coming wrath of god he was about to endure. The wrath that God had been saving up was about to be poured out on Jesus. The wrth that belonged to us was about to be laid on him. jesus won this essential battle with Satan in these 8 key words."nevertheless not my will, but yours be done". Jesus set simself to accomplish God's will at any cost to him self.
it wasn't long after this that his accusers arrived, led by betrayer judas, we seek jesus to Nazereth. They declared boldly but they were not ready for the answer.
More tomorrow read and ponder about what has already been typed remember these are words spoken by Jeff himself.
A small bit of Jesus' glory shined forth when he answered "I am" Remember that "I am" is the same name God used when he revealed himself to Moses back in Ex. 3:14. The power in this answer that Jesus gave is evident by the reaction from the mob. John records this reaction in chapter 18 verse 6 "they drew back and fell to the ground". As i contemplated why Jesus did this, the answer became clear. Jesus wanted his disciples there with him and also everyone of us who would read about it later to know that he allowed this to happen to him. He could have stopped it but he chose to let them take him. He chose to accomplish the Father's will. peter obviously didn't understad because he lashed out with a sword to save his lord, but Jesus rebuked him and asked "shall I not drink the cup which my Father has given me?" (John 18:11)
So the king of kings is led away bound as a criminal and taken to the house of Aranias where he is questioned about his dochrine. jesus answers simply that everything he taught he did openly. If they had questions ask those who heard him. (John 18:20-22) For his answer, the prince of peace gets slapped in the face. While Jesus was being degraded by these officials, he was also getting denied by one of his closest disciples. I'm sure the denial hurt a whole lot more then the slap.
After this, Jesus receives a bogus trial where they bring false witnessess into the condemn the creator of the universe. Proverbs 12:22 declares that Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, and God would not allow his sinless son to be condemned by lies. Finally, Ciaphas put Jesus under oath and commands him "Tell us if you are the Christ, The son of God" (Matt.26:63). When jesus affirmed that he was indeed God's son he was sentenced to death for blasphemy. You see God spoiled their plan to condemn Jesus with lies but he allowed them to condemn him for telling the truth. The soldiers then begin to spit in his face and slap him. They covered his face and made a game of slapping him saying "Prophesy to us, Christ! Who is the one who struck you".
When we reach this point in the telling of Jesus's testimony, the events really begin to touch us in some way. It's easy to begin getting angry about what they are doing to jesus, but I don't get angry anymore. i've come to understand that they are giving Jesus exactly what I deserve and it breaks my heart. I deserve to have my face spit in and to be slapped but Jesus took it for me as we know this is only the beginning.
When the morning came, Jesus was taken before Pilate. Here, Jesus testifies that he is a Kimg and that he has came to bear witness to the truth. Pilate, responds with an intersting and important question, "what is the truth?" It's clear that Pilate wants nothing to do with Jesus. As soon as he hears that jesus ia from Galilee, he sees an out and sends Jesus to Herad.
During my trial, I never said one word in my defence. After, I was found guilty, it went to my sentencing phase and I had some time alone with my lawyer. he asked me if I wanted to talk to the jury and let them get to know me a little bit before they went to talk about my sentence. i remember saying to him, "They just found me juilty of murder, I get up there and ask them for mercy?" "I don't deserve mercy". So again, I said nothing. When Jesus was in front of Herod, the Scripture says in Luke 23:9-10 that, Herod questioned him when many words, but he answered him nothing. The chief priest and scribes stood and vehemently accused him. You see, in the physical world jesus was standing trial for blasphemy, but in the spiritual world he was standing trial for all our sins. I stood speechless during my trial because I was guilty and during Jesus's trial he stood speachless for the same reason because I was guilty.
More later on.
Jesus was sent back to Pilate again tried to weasel out of making a decision by appealing to the Jewish custom of freeing one who is condemned for the passover. Pilate offered the people the worst criminal he had, Barabas, who had been convicted of murderof Jesus, the crowd, led by the religious leaders, cried out for Barabas to be released. So we have Jesus, who had committed no sin being offered up in place of one who committed murder. That sounds just like my testimony. So Pilate sends Jesus out to be scourged. Barabas deserves the scouring but Jesus got it. I deserved the scouring but Jesus got it. Every single lash I earned but jesus took them. Jesus, because of his great love for me, began to shed his blood to cober my sins. History tells us that these scourings were so terrible that the victims were typically left with their intestines and spinal cord exposed from the lacerations. Many died from the lashings alone but Jesus couldn't die yet. In the old testimony, God commanded that the scarifices must be poured out at the alter.(Lev. 5:9). Jesus could not be our offering yet because one, he hadn't reached the alter, and two he hadn't been poured out yet.
It only grows worse. The soldiers then put a robe on Jesus and twisted a crown of thorns around his head. I find it ironic that in gen. 3 the ground was cursed to bear thorns because of Adam's sin butJesus wore that curse as his crown. The soldiers mocked him some more crying out "Hail, King of the Jews". They spit on him and struck him over the head with a reed. But again, don't be mad at them because they are merely giving jesus what I owe. After a while, they tore the robe off him. I can imagine that the blood from his battered back had begun to dry to the robe and when they tore it off it tore open all of those wounds. More pain, more blood, butit had to happen this way because Jesus still had not shed enough blood to cover my wickedness. I still needed more. My sacrifice had to be poured out.
They brought Jesus out and put a cross on his torn back. It wasn't long because of all his blood loss that Jesus fell over under the weight of this cross-mycross. I have no doubt that Jesus wanted to carry that cross all the way to Golgotha but a stranger, Simon, was made to carry it for him. Whenn they got up the hill, they nailed the passover Lamb of God to the cross-my cross.
The pain caused by crucifixion was so terrible that they had to invent a word for it, "Excruccifixion", which literally means from the cross. Those crucified would sometimes suffer for days on the cross. Death came by asphyxiation. What would happen is when the victims would breath out, the way they were hanging would put pressure on their on their diaphragm preventing them from breathing in. In order to breath, one would have to push down on the stakes driven through their feet to raise their back off the cross and breath in. So every single breath that our savior took meant pushing off those stakes and raking his torn back up and down that cross.
Three hours after the nails are driven in the sky goes dark and the wrath of God is poured. We can't even begin to comprehend what Jesus was going through. We do know that it's so horrible that jesus cries out, "my God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" The wrath that I deserve for all the times I've sinned against God is being poured out on Christ the wrath that you deserve is being poured out on Christ as well.
It took six hours of torture on the cross to finish paying the great debt that I owed. Finally, Jesus cries out "It is finished". The Greek word translated "it is finished!" is tetelestia which is a Greek financial term meaning "paid in full". After all that pain, after being nailed to my cross, after being bled dry on that sacrifical alter, finally my dept to God was "paid in full".
I had the priveledge of leading some men to Christ and build up brothers at county jail before my trial. Everyone had high hopes for the come of my trial. When I got back to the block and told those men that I had received a life sentence, the disappointment ws evident on their faces. I had to take them aside and teach them the same principle I'm teaching today. What I deserve was carried up ahill at Calvary. I'll never receive what I deserve. The Biblical principle is clear that we reap what we sow. I'm thankful that God saw fit to punish me on this side of eternity rather than the other side.
The testimony of Jesus is in a way, my testimony. Every slap, every lash, every ogonizing moment should have been mine. I'm thankful that the gospel we preach is an unfair gospel. I know that some would disagree but I challange them to tell that to Jesus. Tell that to the only sinless man who ever lived who bare our sins and our iniquities and died in our place. Tell that to the Son of God who did nothing but good hisentire life but died ashameful death amoung the wicked. When we look at the cross and we see our Savior hanging there,, we see that gospel isn't fair at all it's grace.
How many of you men here understand, really understand, that what Jesus endured belonged to you? How many of you understand that the cross he carried was your cross? How mny of you understand that every drop of blood Jesus shed should have been your blood?
If we understand this then I have to ask, what else does God owe us? What more must he do for us to spend time in his word and in prayer? What more must he do to gain our unwavering loyalty? What more must he do for us to stop complaining all the time?
Gentlemen, if you don't take anything else from this message, please take this with you. If God never does another thing for you, if he doesn't feed you, if he doesn't cloth you, if he doesn't restore those broken relationships, if he never gives you another minute outside this prison, He has already done enough. He paid it all.
I believe somewhere it also says "an eye for an eye". I hope he pays with his life for what he did to Amy. I wouldnt mind doing it myself.
October is domestic abuse awareness month. Amy was my niece. I was there the day she was born. Her mother, Debbie was always good to me. I loved them both. I will never forget Amy Elizabeth.
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