Wendy Thibeault
She was loved by so many in her community. Her death would devastate residents in the small town located in Cortland County, not far from Syracuse, New York.
Wendy Thibeault was a kind gentle woman, yet hated by one person so enraged that on Memorial Day, Charles Randy Thibeault, strangled her to death.
Wendy endured years of abuse. Gathering all her strength, filing for an order of protection in April of 2008, seeking legal assitance to end the abuse and marriage was not enough, as in many cases of a violent partner relationships.
On July, 17, 2008, Cortland County District Attorney David Hartnett, announced the formal indictment for Randy Thibeault.
Is the legal system in Cortland County able to find a jury who will be able to carry out justice against one of their own long-time residents?
If they do not convict Charles Randy Thibeault, for the murder of his wife, then they too, will be just as guilty in the strangulation death of Wendy.
Domestic Violence is a crime. Wendy Thibeault, was forced to join a bloody club whose membership across the country, grows in numbers with lightening speed.
One is Innocent under the law until a jury decides otherwise.
Randy didn't kill his wife it will all come out if and when there is a trial.
This happens much too often. I hope the legal system does their job. In small towns I was wondering if there is studies showing decisions on verdicts when it involves someone from the town?
Randy did kill his wife, of this you can be sure. It is no secret for those of us close to the case that this monster plans to cast blame on his son. His attorney has been laying the ground work for this from the begining. For those of you who continue to live under the vail of delusion, you are in for an awakening. This man is the very embodiment of pure evil.
If the rumors we are hearing are true, the DA has already botched this case. No wonder he was afraid to comment.
While it's sad and could have prevented, the DA must still show it can prove it was him and if people looked into Cortland County's DA and assitant DA's track record's they would most likely find a disgusting level of plea's and botched investigations. He'll walk.
While it's sad and could have prevented, the DA must still show it can prove it was him and if people looked into Cortland County's DA and assitant DA's track record's they would most likely find a disgusting level of plea's and botched investigations. He'll walk.
Randy Thibeault is the very epitome of evil. True justice will not be served until he is burning in Hades for all eternity.
lol. get out them pitch forks! its time for a a burnin!
Seriously people, years of abuse?
Outside of the april incident (which is also not confirmed) what other incident has their been to justify the statement of years?
Randy did it? you dont know... Randys family doesnt even know. Wendys Family doesnt even know.
where do you get off being the judge and jury?
What evidence have you seen?
Could you be any more ignorant?
This is going to be a long haul for those of us who loved wendy andgrew up with their family. We make no assumptions that we are the jury,the system is the system. I must admit that there seems to be only one person,possibly another assisting who had any reason to harm wendy,that person is going to be in the need to defend themselves. We were witness to the terror wendy felt,first hand,she felt in danger the very day she was killed.We can only hope and pray that the killer is brought to justice,that person knows who they are,and is surely preparing for the fight of his life. Be ready for alot of legal moves from someone who believes he is smarter than the legal system
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