Friday, May 2, 2008

Police Officer Looses Life in Family Violence War

As I write this, Police Officer Caran Renee Coward, Livingston, Texas, is being laid to rest.

The story is a yet another tragedy, of a 39- year old woman, mother of three small children in the midst of a divorce. While on duty she received a call from her estranged husband. Caran was killed with a shotgun. The husband then took his own life. Leaving behind three children, in the home at the time of the murder/suicide.

This tragedy goes beyond the murder, affecting the children in ways beyond imagination. Their young lives abruptly halted in time on the night of April 26, 2008. The children for many years to come, will recall every detail in the last moments of their parents lives, up to the very second when the shotgun fired off it's deadly blast.

Their roads in life will not be easy as they too must carry the burden. How do children from these types of tragedies survive? On day at time. At first, they will be numb. With each new day is the realization they are gone. They will try to go to school and continue a normal routinue. But, they will have daily obstacles in their paths.

I still have difficulty with these cases. It often brings back feelings and thoughts I want to believe are buried back to a place and time I would soon rather forget.

For these children, they have lost their country. A place taken away by family war. A place they can never physically return too, because it no longer exists.

This is not like the flu or a bad cold that in time will cure itself. Their lives will be filled with years of hurt, anger, depression and questions unanswered.

It will take a team of family and professionals to assist them as they brave this new world, alone.
Link to the story:


Unknown said...

Oh, this is just too sad. The thing I don't understand is how selfish a person has to be to leave those poor children like that. What did it prove??? Nothing!!! What a waste!!!

Anonymous said...

As a co-worker of Caran's her warm smile will be missed. I admire the honesty in your words. This must also be difficult for you. Bless you & what your accomplishing!

Anonymous said...

Caran was my best friend for 25 years. I have known her for about should have been longer. Right now it is easier to deal with each day as if last week was a NIGHTMARE....not real. Her children, sister, parents, friends and myself will have to learn how to cope with this each and everyday for the rest of our lives. I love Caran and always will....she will be GREATLY missed.

Anonymous said...

caran was my aunt for 15 years she was like my best friend. i could tell her anythin and i knew she would understand me no matter wat. its still all a blur to me its like a dream that just wont quit i dont see why he couldnt have just takin his own life if he wasnt happy instead of takin my aunt away from me my baby sister who isnt even one and will never know her wonderful aunt my moms only sister my 3 cousins only mom and my granmothers child. this will be with us forever she will always be remember and missed

i love you aunt caran and miss you

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