The facts to this case are like so many other women who wanted nothing more than to get out of their abusive marriage, divorce and move forward with their lives. Instead, in my opinion, Susan Powell was murdered.
Now, 11 months to the date, her husband breaks his silence and talks to the Salt Lake City Tribune. The words "JOSH POWELL speaks: my wife; Susan, left us behind." I had a difficult time getting past the 36' dark bold headline. Sounds like this guy has been reading far too many news stories with his captain munch cereal. Come to think of it, all our loving killer fathers, in my opinion: Drew Peterson, Michael Stebic and Shaun Pernice swear that Captain Munch is the breakfast of devoted and caring fathers.
Powell takes a bolder step forward to insert his personal killer brand of truth in mouth. He wants the reporter to know he broke his silence to say his wife is “extremely unstable,” and that he believes mental illness drove her to leave her family behind.Interesting how he labels his missing wife "unstable." Here is a man that took his boys ages 2 and 4 on a camping trip in the middle of the night in freezing temperatures. When he returned with the children the police were already at the home doing a wellness check on Susan Powell. Police found her purse, car keys and cell phone in the home, but no Susan. And again, no mother especially one who is planning to leave goes without their children. In my opinion this captain munch decoder killer is no different then others whom decide that murder is the only way to "remove the problem" in their lives. And to Josh Powell not being able to control his "property" in his eyes meant his was not a man.
Powell continues his song and dance to say "only reduced scrutiny from her family and the public, he said, will speed her return." “She knows she will be chewed up like hamburger when she comes back,” Josh Powell said in a Wednesday interview with The Salt Lake Tribune.
Was hamburger meat what Susan Powell was served that day for a meal, especially prepared by Josh? Is Powell telling us he watched her chew her food that he made and within minutes she was suddenly saying "she was tired and needed to go lay down," according to the witness at the table that evening. Or is Powell telling the world too late, she is already gone, been chewed up by something. Clearly the comment has an interesting tone, as it is laced with deception and guilt.
Interesting how Powell uses the word "scrutiny" as if to say the public needs to back off that's why she won't come out of hiding.
The killer's words, in my opinion are reported in an extensive article I will break it down this week. Part 2 of this series runs on Tuesday 11/9/2010.
Had Susan Powell been able to create "The Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit" either she would still be with us or the person who murdered her would be behind bars and not discussing hamburgers.
This new tool which has been proven to empower victims and save lives. It’s been proven to change an attitude of a victim and give them hope that they may move forward and away from the violent situation knowing that their wishes will be carried out should the unthinkable happen. It’s been proven that the Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit will stand up in court against Crawford vs Washington rulings, allowing a victim’s testimony to heard and seen, just like a will, should they be silenced.

Take it upon yourself today to get this information into the hands of everyone who comes in contact with a victim. Go the extra mile; it could be that one time you gave extra care and extra time beyond what’s expected that will matter to someone, and save their life. Our fight to end intimate partner violence isn't over till it's dealt with in a manner that's effective.
Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit by Susan Murphy Milano from the Book "Time's Up"
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(Susan Murphy Milano, is with the Institute for Relational Harm Reduction & Public Psychopathy Education for more information visit and is the author of the new book "Time's Up A Guide on How to Leave and Survive Abusive and Stalking Relationships available for purchase at the Institute, and where ever books are sold.
She is the host of Time's Up on and she is a regular contributor to the nationally syndicated show with Dr. Laurie Roth on
1 comment:
I am disgusted by Mr Powell's comments. The fact that those children are with this "man" is frightening. As usual great job Susan! Looking forward to Part 2.
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