She was asked to raise her right hand and swear that the information in the petition for an order of protection is true to th best of her knowledge. Then the judge asked Kathleen Peterson is the signature on page 10(C) is hers. And she answered yes to the Judge.
"Above where she signed it stated "Under penalties as provided by law Section 1-109 of the Code of civil procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this instrument are true and correct."
It states in her own handwriting in the petition for the order of protection on page 10 (b) "Serveral times he has restrained me, held me down, knoocked me into walls, came after me with a poker, left marks on my body, dead bolt door he broke through it."
On Page 10 (A) of the petition for the emergency order of protection line #5 in her own words: " Over the phone before coming over to the house to deal with me, he wants me dead. And if he has to he will burn the house down just to shut me up.
On Page 11(A) of the emergency order where it says: Respondent is prohibited from the following (that would be Drew Peterson boxes checked on the order are Physical Abuse, Harassment and Interference with Personal liberty.
On March 22, 2002, Kathleen Peterson and her lawyer Brian Grady, located in Elmhurst, IL and Drew Peterson and his lawyer at the time Alexander Beck all appeared before a judge. By agreement the order of protection is dismissed.
Somewhere, someplace exists an important file from when Kathleen contacted the State's attorney's office back in 2002. In that file there are letters and other documents, along with photot's of bruises. Where is that file?
Document Links: http://www.amw.com/pdf/peter001.PDF
Kathleen Savio's Emergency Room Report which documents physical injuries and names Drew Peterson as her attacker.(Date unclear) http://www.amw.com/pdf/petersonemergency.pdf
Also, why hasn't anyone spoken to Kathleen's divorce lawyer Brian A. Gradyweb link: http://www.illinois-custody.com/. There is no longer a breach of confidentiality. Lawyers are required to maintain case file for seven years. Hello, someone needs to make contact with the attorney.
Kathleen Savio sends »Letter To The Prosecutor http://www.amw.com/pdf/petersonletter.pdf Addressed to Assistant States Attorney Elizabeth Fragale, she states that she had tried to reach her 3 times by phone.That she had called the police and spoke to Cheif Mike Calcagno, "that same week-end" (July 5, 2002).then "filed a report in regards to my safety" with 2 officers who arrived at her home. (date undisclosed)She directly asks Ms. Fragale why Peterson, "wasn't charged with this illegal entry, and attempt on my life ?" She names Drew Peterson as illegally entering her home, pushed her onto the stairs, threatening her life, and holding a knife against her throat.
"In December 2002, a copy of a Bolingbrook police dispatch report alleges that after "taking pictures at a wedding and drinking all night," the police officer came home and trashed their home, furious that his wife came home early to be with their young children rather than close a bar the couple owned. The report noted that police responded, and then stated: "Female left residence to spend night at her sister's house[.] Problem solved."[.
In my opinion, this is just enhances the autopsy report. The information is crying out for someone to make an arrest. Forget about doing a media dance or shuffle with Peterson's lawyer, the documented facts are speaking and we must now listen.
Today's Headline: Peterson After Autopsy Report "I'm Scared" http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/heraldnews/news/809161,4_1_JO23_PETERSON_S1.article
Peterson Fox News 2/23/08 interview:http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/myfox/MyFox/pages/sidebar_video.jsp?contentId=5859238&version=1&locale=EN-US
Stacy Peterson Website: Is a great interactive board with up to date discussions, up coming fundraiser info, volunteer information please visit them at http://www.findstacypeterson.com/
why can't police arrest this man based on what you have provided it makes a lot of sence. Couldn't they use those documents to arrest him for her murder she already swore certain events in front of a judge why isn't this enough?
Anyone can clearly see a picture is worth one thousand words.
You make interesting points on her death. Just based on what I read why can't Will Cnty go ahead and arrest him? When she was alive court documents were active and in play this should account for at least a serious suspect status for peterson?
whats Petersons explaination of the black eye? Or is his answer it was created on photo bucket to look like she was beat up. Do you know if there are any other pictures of her w/ marks?
I pray that Stacy is found soon & the courts give whats comming to peterson or both these murders.
The authorities are dragging their feat in this case. Stop being lazy, do your jobs, put together a case, charge Drew Peterson, bring him to trial, convict him, and give him the DP! I don't care if theres no body. The reality is, prosecutors win convictions in courtrooms everyday without a body. There is a dangerous killer on the street that will strike again... get him off the street! Do your jobs
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