Sunday, April 15, 2012

Domestic Violence and the Law Training : Office of the Attorney General South Caolina

The State of South Carolina

Susan Murphy Milano,Sandra L. Brown,ImaginePublicity
S.T.O.P. Violence Against Women Program
Domestic Violence and the Law
April 17, 2012 – Bill Rogers Community Center
Susan Murphy Milano,ImaginePublicitySusan Murphy Milano will be leading a training session designed by the  South Carolina Office of the Attorney General to give Judges,Law Enforcement, Victim Advocates, and Attorneys an in depth and up to date picture of violence in the home.  Through the development of the Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit, Murphy Milano has changed the landscape for victims of violence to safely escape abusive relationships.
Finding safety from pathological abusers is obviously not as easy as it seems. Safety plans encompassing restraining orders, just leaving, living in transitional shelter care, or staying with others is not fool-proof regarding protection. Every day the headlines read more like obituaries with abusers not only murdering their partners, but their children as well.  With the Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit available to victims, the safety plan is now up to date.
Along with Sandra L. Brown, Founder of The Institute for Relational Harm Reduction,Susan Murphy Milano has created Document the Abuse. The partnership brings this simple process to the forefront which helps advocates, attorneys, judges, prosecutors, and investigators draw the right conclusion to the victim’s abuse experiences. A unique packaging of testimony + documentation + perpetrator historical profiling + pre-collected evidence delivered to established safe and legal persons = a delicate issue brilliantly wrapped up for successful prosecution.
Susan Murphy Milano is a specialist and expert in intimate partner violence and works nationally with corporations, faith based organizations, domestic violence programs, law enforcement and prosecutors providing technical and consulting services in “high risk” domestic violence and stalking related cases. Her principal objective is to intervene before a victim is seriously injured or killed. Utilizing a procedure which she devised, The Evidentiary Abuse Affidavit,© Murphy Milano’s clients are all still alive–a statistic that is remarkable considering the distinct increase in intimate partner homicides.
Her books  (Defending Our Lives, Moving Out, Moving On and Times Up!) and  corresponding strategies are taught world-wide and used by law enforcement,  social workers, attorneys, health care workers, human resource departments and domestic violence agencies. The comprehensive strategies and escape plans utilized by Susan have been successful and tested by time for over 20 years. Her newest book, Holding My Hand Through Hell will be released in October, 2012.
Along with Susan Murphy Milano other presenters include Sabrina Gast, Kelly Hall, Tom LeClare and Mardi Fair speaking about the topics of Wound Identification,Children and the Court, and Criminal Domestic Violence Laws and Testimony.
Connect with Susan Murphy Milano on the web:
ImaginePublicity,Social Media Marketing for
Susan Murphy Milano is a staff member of the Institute for Relational Harm Reduction and Public Pathology Education as a educator and specialist with intimate partner violence prevention strategies directing prevention for high risk situations and cases.

 A national trainer to law enforcement, training officers, prosecutors, judges, legislators, social service providers, healthcare professionals, victim advocates and the faith based community and author.. In partnership with Management Resources Ltd. of New York addressing prevention and solutions within the community to the workplace. Host of The Susan Murphy Milano Show,"Time'sUp!" . She is a regular contributor to the nationally syndicated "The Roth Show" with Dr Laurie Roth and a co-host onCrime Wire. Online contributions: Forbes : Crime, She Writes providing commentary about the hottest topics on crime, justice, and law from a woman’s perspective, as well as Time's Up! a blog which searches for solutions (SOS) for victims of crime Susan is also the daughter of a Chicago Violent Crimes detective who murdered her mother before committing suicide. 

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