In todays Chicago Sun-Times reporter Joe Hosey {also author of the Peterson Book-Fatal Vows} says State's attorney expects 'resolution',Drew just shrugs...
Last week on Justice Interrupted crime investigation radio, reporter/author Hosey was asked under the pending "Heresay Legislation" will peterson be charged? Hosey's response "charges would be easier to make in the death of Kathleen Savio, because you have a body."
The legal marshmallow roaster gets a failing grade for implying State's Attorney Glascow is attempting to tie this to his bid for re-election next week.
The "hearsay law" has yet to be signed by the Governor of Illinois. Once it is signed expect the most "famous serial abuser" to be formally charged.
Yes, you will see Peterson's legal team open their bag of legal tricks. I suspect, this time, a year to the day of Stacy Peterson's vanishing, the person responsible will be arrested.
Although for the legal roaster this won't be as exciting as the time the S.W.A.T team visited his own home in the midst of a potentially life threatening crime, it does run a close second.
Once an abuser, always an abuser!
Susan, gtreat title, great post. I certainly hope D.P. is arrested and soon. The entire matter has been very upsetting.
We have not given up hope on finding Stacy.
Go to http://www.findstacypeterson.com
The world will be a safer place when this low life is taken out of society and put away fro his crimes.
Praying and waiting for the day he is arrested!
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