Bethanie Dougherty has been gone now for two months. The shear anguish of not knowing where this woman, mother of three, daughter, sister and friend to so many increases the anxiety and pain victims families feel and experience three hundred and sixty five days a year seven days a week. The vanishing have no voice, but once found, the clues in their disappearance and untimely death tell the truth and the victim is finally brought home to their families for closure. But, there is never true closure. Answers or words of comfort can ever provide healing for families.
Bethanie was in the final process of a divorce. A neighbor heard screams at three in the morning, sixty days ago and police need your help. So does the family and her children. If you know anything about what might have happend or you suspect a person who may have been around that area, please consider calling the police. You do not have to provide any information about you and all calls are kept confidential. I know someone out there holds the answer to what happened, please, help bring Bethanie home where she belongs.
Police continue to search for clues, and there is a $9,000 (nine-thousand dollar) reward for any information that leads to her safe return. If you have any information, you're asked to call the Broome County Sheriff's office at 315-778-1196. Donations to the Bethanie L Dougherty Benefit Fund or the Bethanie L Dougherty Curtis Reward Fund can be made by going into any branch of Bank of America or by mailing a check or money order in the name of one the accounts to - Bank of America 6801 East Genesee St. Fayetteville, NY 13066
Bethanie was in the final process of a divorce. A neighbor heard screams at three in the morning, sixty days ago and police need your help. So does the family and her children. If you know anything about what might have happend or you suspect a person who may have been around that area, please consider calling the police. You do not have to provide any information about you and all calls are kept confidential. I know someone out there holds the answer to what happened, please, help bring Bethanie home where she belongs.
Police continue to search for clues, and there is a $9,000 (nine-thousand dollar) reward for any information that leads to her safe return. If you have any information, you're asked to call the Broome County Sheriff's office at 315-778-1196. Donations to the Bethanie L Dougherty Benefit Fund or the Bethanie L Dougherty Curtis Reward Fund can be made by going into any branch of Bank of America or by mailing a check or money order in the name of one the accounts to - Bank of America 6801 East Genesee St. Fayetteville, NY 13066
I read of this case and I'm astounded that Bethanie disappeared from her home as she did. And I pray someone will come forth with information that will help bring her home.
The person responsible is the only man who had the most to gain. And somebody is covering up for this man. Come forward dont live with this secret-
Someone saw something that night. Please come forward and give this family closure.
I agree the person who saw or knows something should contact police. Bethanie deserves to be found, please.
It seems like Bethanie may have met the fate of so many women going through a divorce or separation. Instead of making it through the court system, they simply vanish. These women are not just walking away from a life, leaving their children and belongings to start a new life.
I don't know what the statistic say about it, but it seems to be happening way too often, and usually at the hands of the husband or boyfriend.
What will it take to make this stop!
Thank You for bringing this to our attention, so thankful to have your source which shares "news" on those most in need of having news...
So many precious people who just vanish. We know that they did not just vaporize, something terrible happened. I pray that Bethanie's family will get answers soon.
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