
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Roth Show with Susan Murphy Milano and Forensic Pathologist Dr.Michael Berkland, D.O. Live at 7:00 PM EST

The Roth Show

Dr. Laurie Roth and Susan Murphy Milano

Wednesday, July 6, 7-8pm ET

Listen LIVE:

Dr. Michael Berkland, D.O.

Dr. Michael Berkland, D.O. will lead us in a discussion about staged crime scene and how forensic pathologists are used during an investigation. We will discuss the Sheena Morris case where Brandeton Police Department has refused to open up the investigation after the change in the death certificate was made in the case.

Dr. Michael E. Berkland is the only board-certified forensic pathologist that has been previously certified as a Senior Crime Scene Analyst. He has been employed by multiple jurisdictional groups in the role of forensic pathologist and/or Medical Examiner and currently works within the First Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida.

Dr. Berkland maintains a consulting business in Florida, Forensic Puzzle Investigations, which provides his expertise in forensic pathology as it relates tocrime scene analysis and reconstruction as well as injury analysis.

Join Dr. Laurie Roth (“The Annie Oakley of the Airways”) and Susan Murphy Milano (“The Jane Wayne of Justice”) every Wednesday from 7-8pm ET for an event filled hour with exciting guests to discuss crime stories, missing persons and true crime authors.

Sheena Morris case: Special Investigation on Intimate Partner Homicide

This is a rare photo captured during a happier time on January 1, 2009. Just hours after it was taken, this bathroom would become a crime scene.

The pink cup in the corner has important significance. It was used as a cigar ashtray by the man pictured in this photo, and it was still there, along with the half smoked Davidoff cigar, when police found the body of 22 year-old,Sheena Morris. Sheena was found hanging from the shower. Police, in my opinion, failed to properly log key evidence and interview the only person of interest and the last person to see her alive. Sheena Morris also worked for this man with whom she was in a relationship. With direct ties to the Genovese family, like a child on their mother's breast, from the distribution of steriods, to other illegal drugs and 2 companies operating in the State of Florida, the mini empire was now in jeopardy.

Sheena Morris had obtained damaging evidence on alleged illegal activities. Shortly before she died, the keys to her apartment were taken, she was physically attacked. You would think that the 911 call she makes to police would have an impact on the investigation, or the other facts of significance in her death that are just now surfacing, but they do not. Not even the 4 banker boxes full of files, copies of ledgers, key names and dates and other information, seen carried from the out of the apartment according to witnesses by none other than the last person to see Sheena Morris alive.

Instead, her death is incorrectly ruled a suicide by a Bradenton Beach police department who likely failed their instructional crime scene 101 class. The County Sheriff's office, who have more experience in death investigations of intimate partner homicides, should have been called in to handle this case, and because of the association to organized crime with the Genovese family.

The same person above in the bathtub photo is also that of the man suited up with the mask. This isn't a Halloween get-up either. The photo speaks for itself.

Earlier, on the "Time's Up" show (listen here) we discussed the case in greater detail with Kelly Osborn (Sheena's mother); Sol Vocarro (friend of family); and Tom Shamshak (former chief of police and private investigator).

Coverage will continue for this case next week on the the nationally syndicated The Roth Show ( on Wednesday, at 7:00 PM Eastern time, 4/20/2011.

Part 2 of this special investigation series on Sheena Morris will run on Monday, April, 18, 2011.

Article about Sheena Morris' case in the Post-Standard Newspaper:

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