
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Wild West meets Big City Girl: The Garvin County Three seeking justice.

Real Time News: "The Garvin County Three" Goes National

The scene is The Wild West meets Big City Girl: The Garvin County Three seeking justice.

October 19, 2010 --
The news out of Garvin County Oklahoma is playing out in real time all across the airwaves on the nationally syndicated radio show, The Roth Show, where each night Susan Murphy Milano calls in to Dr. Laurie Roth and Master Investigator, Doug Hagmann with reports of what’s taking place, the heated political climate, and new evidence uncovered.

Murphy Milano was invited to Garvin County Oklahoma by three families seeking to re-open cold cases involving the possible murders of their loved ones. Known as The Garvin County Three, these families have been victims of the worst miscarriage of justice. Caught up in alleged political corruption, the scandal surrounding the Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s Office, and small town family influences, the cases of Sheila Deviney, Chanda Turner and Tom Horton are being re-examined and reviewed with vigor.

Nancy Grace, Jane Velez Mitchell nor Bill O’Reilly have yet to respond to this breaking news, which could be happening in any community in America. Our country was founded on the basics of justice, and yet these powerful news mavens aren’t covering the story live. America needs to know what’s happening to the “least” of us, those of us without the money and power to make the headlines each night.

The internet is bursting with daily coverage of these cases, allowing real people in every state of America to know about the latest from “ground zero,” Garvin County Oklahoma, where there is a heated political climate throwing threats around to citizens, businesses and even churches who have hosted events with Susan Murphy Milano. Murphy Milano is there for one reason, to insure that The Garvin County Three, and several other families, have a shot at justice for their murdered loved ones.

Along with local attorneys, legislators and news outlets, Murphy Milano is reviewing case files, touring crime scenes and interviewing family members to get a better sense of what’s happened to justice in Garvin County Oklahoma. Her findings thus far are astounding and, as the heat is on, those possibly involved are being examined for their pattern of conduct in each of these cases. A pattern is emerging of cover up, corruption and the possibility of even more murders committed. Wild West justice has been the order of the day in Garvin County, but modern technology will prove that a cold case may grow cold, but it never goes away, as some would like.

Fresh eyes are seeing the evidence mounting, time lines established, and voices being heard. Susan Murphy Milano, along with the families and several local organizations will not give up, will not go away, and have promised the Deviney, Horton and Turner families they will do all that is in their power to see this through, and although justice has been delayed, it will prevail.

Last night's report to The Roth Show: ROTHSHOWhour2Oct1810.mp3

Listen to daily updates on The Roth Show, as well as the archive of Intimate Partner Homicide Investigates on BlogTalk Radio on Monday, October 18.

For information:

ImaginePublicity 843-808-0859 email:


  1. Folks here are afraid to post anything out of fear. What does that say about out town and what has been going on? Cover-up, corruption and murder!

    God Bless you Susan, we are all watching you and praying as you help the family's, mostly we pray God keeps you safe.

  2. Susan, on behalf of a greatful county, we want to thank you for bringing us a ray of hope. This election is only trhe beginning. Removing the bad seeds out of county government and the rich, influential leaches which have run things here is long past due. God Bless you and God bless the XI crew and God bless those families.-Daryl
