
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Breaking Secrets and Surviving

Why do live remain in relationships with people who are toxic? Who make us sick? Who manipulate and wreak havoc on the live's of our children and us?

Grab a cup coffee and join in on the conversation today June 17, 2009 on the Susan Murphy Milano show at 3:00 p.m. central standard time.
Call in number with comments or questiions is 347-326-9337

Are you looking for a domestic violence support group? Consider joining at the link HERE.

If you miss the show it plays automatically on this site, all you need to do is turn up your computer volume. Or download it into a podcast and listen at your leisure.


  1. I just listened to the show on podcast I will return I learned a lot.

  2. Love the time slot easy to listen to.

    GREAT job!
