
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Holding a Higher Standard in Officer Involved Intimate Partner Violence Cases

"This incident definitely tears us apart," Lauderhill Police Capt. Constance Stanley said, describing the effect on the force's 120 sworn officers. "There are a lot of mixed feelings because each of the officers has friends in the department." source The Palm Beach Post......

Officials in Broward County indicate this has never happened until now where a fellow officer empties their Glock into the vehicle of another. Why? Because Officer Brittny Skinner continued to reject him. They briefly dated when she joined the force in 2006, but the single mother broke it off.

Officer Kristopher John Bieger's pattern of conduct escalated during the years from excessive calling, texts and stalking. Did the department look away and not handle this as a serious crime because he was the son of a respected, retired cop? Is it possible that Officer Skinner was ignored by the department? Was she politely told "it is not in your best interest to make waves? How about a place outside of the department veil where Officer Skinner could have received assistance?

Is the Lauderhill Police Department unaware because "no official" record exists.? The statement by Police Captain Stanley "there are a lot of mixed emotions on both sides" incorrect response in my expert opinion. Officer Bieger emptied 10 rounds at Officer Skinner. The only reason she survived unharmed, Skinner was wearing her bullet proof vest. Afterwards, Officer Bieger fled the scene, followed by a stand-off for a couple hours outside a pizzeria until he surrendered to fellow officers.

This crime has nothing to do with whether officer Bieger was in his right mind at the time. The officer did not simply have a bad day and snap!

I hold law enforcement to a higher standard. I always have, despite the fact that I am a police officers daughter galvanized by a tragedy I would not wish on anyone. And not only do I respect law enforcement both on a professional and personal level, I expect those commissioned as sworn officers to know right from wrong when it relates to their personal relationships outside of the department. Extending and implementing policies at the State level on down to the rank and file within police departments.

What is the Lauderhill Police Department and others across the nation doing to prevent these types of intimate partner violence officer related crimes from escalating? Do they have training and continuing education in place? Is it effective?

Education and training has proven an effective solution within agencies of officer involved intimate partner and stalking crimes.

Susan Murphy Milano is a staff member of the Institute for Relational Harm Reduction and Public Pathology Education as a educator and specialist with intimate partner violence prevention strategies directing prevention for high risk situations and cases.
A national trainer to law enforcement, training officers, prosecutors, judges, legislators, social service providers, healthcare professionals, victim advocates and the faith based community. In partnership with Management Resources Ltd. of New York addressing prevention and solutions within the community to the workplace.
Online contributions: Forbes : Crime, She Writes providing commentary about the hottest topics on crime, justice, and law from a woman’s perspective, as well as Time's Up! a blog which searches for solutions (SOS) for victims of crime.
Radio Shows: Susan is the host of The Susan Murphy Milano Show, "Time's Up!" . She is a regular contributor to the nationally syndicated "The Roth Show" with Dr Laurie Roth and a co-host on Crime Wire.

Books: Time's Up: A Guide on How to Leave and Survive Abusive and Stalking Relationships,Moving out, Moving on, and Defending Out Lives.

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