
Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Susan Murphy Milano Show- Live Thursday 2-4 PM Eastern Time

Thursday, June 30, 2pm-4pmET

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Author, R. Barri Flowers

R. Barri Flowers is an award winning criminologist, true crime author, and thriller novelist. He is the author of forty books including such bestselling crime nonfiction titles as Prostitution in the Digital Age, College Crime, Male Crime and Deviance, and The Sex Slave Murders; and editor of the upcoming true crime anthology, Murder, Macabre, and Menace: True Stories From Masters of True Crime. Thriller fiction titles include Murder in Maui, Dark Streets of Whitechapel, State’s Evidence, and Dead in the Rose City. Mr. Flowers lives in Oregon with his wife.R. Barri Flowers is an award winning, bestselling author of mystery, thriller, suspense, and romance novels, along with true crime and criminology books, and short fiction. His novels include a brand new eBook private eye mystery, DEAD IN THE ROSE CITY. There is also a print edition available of this title.

Thrillers by the author include, STATE’S EVIDENCE, JUSTICE SERVED, and PERSUASIVE EVIDENCE. Flowers is the editor of the American Crime Writers League mystery anthology, MURDER PAST, MURDER PRESENT and has a noir tale, “The Wrong End of a Gun,” in SEATTLE NOIR.

As a nonfiction crime writer, the author’s latest book titles include PROSTITUTION IN THE DIGITAL AGE, STREET KIDS, COLLEGE CRIME, and FEMALE CRIME, CRIMINALS AND CELLMATES.

Under the pseudonym, Devon Vaughn Archer, the author has also penned several bestselling mainstream and romance novels, including THE SECRETS OF PARADISE BAY, CHRISTMAS DIAMONDS, KISSING THE MAN NEXT DOOR, DESTINED TO MEET, CHRISTMAS HEAT, and LOVE ONCE AGAIN.

Visit R. Barri’s websites at:

3-4pm ET

Intimate Partner Violence and Technology Investigations (Part 2)

The guests for the hour are from Management Resources LTD of New York to discuss the many aspects of investigating intimate partner violence and missing persons cases. Much more than just a police report and an order of protection, and hearings in court, many investigations include allegations of technology resources used to assert control over a victim by knowing their every move, access to all communications, be it by phone or email, and access to computers and other electronic devices.

Robert H. Rahn, Lt. Retired.
President & Director of Investigations

Bob Rahn is the President and Director of Investigations of Management Resources. He is a former homicide detective and has over thirty years of investigative experience. Bob has come full circle in his investigative career utilizing his extensive law enforcement experience and adapting it to the private sector by assisting attorneys, insurance companies and corporations.

Kim Anklin
Vice President and Senior Investigative Analyst

Kim Anklin is the Vice President of Management Resources and our Senior Investigative Analyst. Kim came to us after returning from Ventura California where she worked for the Ventura Police Department as their crime and intelligence analyst.
Today, Kim works in partnership with all levels of government and private sector companies to provide innovative solutions to investigations and security-related challenges.


has over fifty years experience in conducting investigations. Personnel include former NYPD Detectives with expertise in all aspects of civil and criminal investigations. The professional network affiliated with Management Resources includes former investigators from Federal and State law enforcement agencies to provide us with the ability to conduct investigations worldwide providing a full range of investigative services. Website:

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