
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tiffany Hartley: A Call To Action: Part 2

by Susan Murphy Milano and Peter Hyatt

On part one here yesterday, we challenged the media to ask some important questions including treating this woman, Tiffany Young-Hartley as at the very least a person of interest.

We have been encouraged by the responses to a call to action thus far, and encourage any journalist who treasures the word "investigative" with their title, to respond.

Levi Page is one such journalist who has committed himself to justice; though not always in step with popular media hosts, he has refused to turn a deaf ear to the obvious and join in calling Tiffany Hartley "courageous" or a "voice" for America. He will continue to cover the case, also seeking justice for David Hartley and his family, on The Levi Page Show on BlogTalk Radio.

Journalists, with dogged determination, can dig and dig until the truth, no matter what it is, is uncovered.

But what of law enforcement?
If a man drove up on a jet ski and called 911 to report that his wife had been gunned down by Mexican "pirates", and he told a tale where he portrayed himself as a hero, even in the face of an onslaught of bullets hailing all around him, but finally, reluctantly, and with the voice of God, was forced to abandon his wife, would a sheriff have simply taken his word for it?

Had he said, "don't bother to search, my wife's on the Mexican side", would law enforcement simply said, "ok, case closed"?

Would Sheriff Gonzalez take one look at him, untouched by bullets (and without a single nick on his jet ski) and said, "I can tell he is an honest man. No need for a polygraph."?

What if he said that ruthless drug cartels "decided" after killing his wife, to just let him go? Would that not raise an eyebrow or two?

How about afterwards: let's say this same man, a day or two later, contacted media and went from talk show to talk show: Would his words matter to you?

What if he announced that his wife was the love of his life, but it was time to move on?

What if he said he knew his wife would have wanted him to see the world, do some serious Black Friday shopping, and "live the life" a month after her murder?

Sheriff Gonzalez, would you feel a bit queasy on this one?What if the same man declined any call for justice for his slain wife, but only wanted her body back.

Would you still be able to retain the respect of your deputies even after ignoring this blaring red flag and all the others?

Sheriff Gonzalez, it is time to think about your actions.

What did Gonzalez have to gain by taking Tiffany's word that her husband's body is on the "Mexico" side; even though they were racing as fast as the jet ski could take them (60mph?) towards home? Was there a sort of marker in the water in which Tiffany could see the demarcation? Would any law enforcement personnel in the country just take a person's word for it, without verification?

For law enforcement here is what must be investigated.

There is an insurance policy within the company David Hartley was employed.

Law enforcement 101: check with human resource people within CalFrac Well Services to see if she inquired as to what they need for a pay-out. Go back 6 months and ask some questions.

And it might also include a double indemnity clause as an insurance benefit provision or addendum. Tiffany Hartley likely is the sole beneficiary. This information is not public record and must be obtained from the company in which he was employed. It is easy enough to get: investigative subpoena will do the trick. Separately check also with the policy holder directly for any communication prior to David Hartley vanishing.

Cell phone records: both those of David and Tiffany Hartley. She also likely used his phone at different times. Also check on the computer activity used from the cell phone and go back as far as 9 months of activity. It is likely you will not see much activity 30 days before David vanished; but go back a bit further. This was not random, but showed planning and alibi building at least a month earlier,likely many months.

Next: Cell phone usage after David vanished.

If his cell phone was in the truck that day and it was a company phone was it returned to the company was it used? Cell tower activity on all phones especially 4 weeks prior to the date she left the area. Current cell phone activity should be investigated.

We still haven't left Investigation 101.

Journalists, are you listening?

Ever hear of the Freedom of Information Act?

Do you want to hear the complete 911 call? Did Tiffany have you at "hello", even though you have read the FBI's own litmus test for guilty homicide callers? Do you still wish to refer to her as "cute"?

Obtain computer activity from David’s computer and Tiffany’s computer. Subpoena email activity records from the Internet carrier. Search for records must include google map activity and skype connect calls (that is often missed in intimate partner crimes.)

Tiffany was employed, but where? Check her computer activity at her place of employment. Also if there is a library where the couple lived or Internet access at a local cafe it should be checked.
David Ramsey- Tiffany sought the assistant of radio and financial expert Dave Ramsey and she met him in person. Also Tiffany thanked Dave Ramsey for his advice. The couple was obviously lived past their means if they went to Dave Ramsey. I would investigate if the jet skis were owned free and clear or did they owe money on them. In an interview, ask Tiffany to explain what "the life" means to her?

You may be surprised at just how much she reveals.

Obtain the registration of both jet skis and put out an alert for the missing skis.

How about a reward?

Investigate which jet skis Tiffany actually has, hers or David’s. Place a stolen warrant in the system for the missing jet skis it is likely it could turn up. Place the warrant for the skis in both Mexico and the United States. The one Tiffany returned to tell her story was indeed registered to David M. Hartley (this information was obtained from the police stop earlier on the video dash cam as it showed the back of the trailer where they were transporting skis.)

Investigate friends of Tiffany Hartley at her work and David’s in the area or other wives whose husbands worked for CalFrac Well Services. I would check both English and non English employees spouses. If she spoke Spanish fluently Tiffany may have kept that quiet.

Investigate any Western Union activity within 60 days of David vanishing. Unusual charges to credit cards both she and David Hartley’s. Federal express records of ingoing and outgoing packages need to be reviewed through the time she left, especially in Mexico.

This is not complicated. It is long, boring arduous work.

It is also something that investigators love.


Because it is often the tiny, overlooked detail that brings out the truth.

Had a man emerged from Falcon Lake sans wife claiming to have been in a hail of bullets with not a single one of them hitting him or his jet ski, yet scoring a perfect head shot on his wife,

would law enforcement and media turned a deaf ear, and a blind eye, to justice for the missing? 

It is time.

In part 3, if more journalists will not step up and law enforcement will continue to shrug their collective shoulders, then it shall be time for the public to take some action.

Peter Hyatt is an Investigator and an expert on Statement analysis, also called "statement validity assessment", "content analysis", "investigative discourse analysis", and "scientific content analysis" is a technique that can be used to detect concealed information, missing information, and whether the information that person has provided is true or false. Peter Hyatt's blog is

[Susan Murphy Milano is with the Institute for Relational Harm Reduction and Public Pathology Education. She is an expert on intimate partner violence and homicide crimes. For more information visit  She is the author of "Time's Up A Guide on How to Leave and Survive Abusive and Stalking Relationships," available for purchase at the Institute, and wherever books are sold.  Susan is the host of The Susan Murphy Milano Show, "Time's Up!" on Here Women Talk and is a regular contributor to the nationally syndicated The Roth Show with Dr. Laurie Roth ]

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