
Monday, August 23, 2010

Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation: Join Hosts Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes, Susan Murphy Milano :Monday 9:00 PM EST

By Sheryl McCollum, Holly Hughes, Susan Murphy Milano

Tonight IPHI and features the cold case Peggy Dianovsky

Peggy Dianovsky disappeared on September 12, 1982. Early reports suggest she left after an argument with her estranged husband, taking only a few things in a plastic bag and walked out on her 3 sons, her home, and her job. She was about to divorce Robert Dianovsky, stood to get approximately $20,000 from the sale of their home, and according to a quote from her brother, Gus Gollias, “She was about to get everything she wanted.” Her elderly father in law was also stated as being puzzled as to why she would leave everything.

Peggy Dianovsky has never been found, foul play is suspected in her disappearance.

Your hosts Holly Hughes former Atlanta Prosecutor turned defense attorney, Sheryl McCollum, Director of Cold Case Investigative Research Institute and Susan Murphy-Milano, Violence Expert and Author of the new book "Time's Up" have joined forces to bring new eyes to cases of intimate partner homicide. Intimate Partner Homicide Investigation gives these cases a front and center seat instead of a back door crime occurring behind closed doors.

The show is sponsored by the interactive crime and news site

To listen to the show live for Monday August 23, 2010, and participate in the chat room, the direct link for the show is HERE

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The number is 347-326-9337

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