Mothers seeking to end their abusive relationship and file for divorce are meeting additional hurdles within the legal community when the courts refuse to hear or allow evidence of abuse. A recent example turned deadly, are the lives of Jack and Duncan whose father had serious psychiatric issues and yet a judge continued to allow visitation. When he was finally allowed to take the 2 boys on unsupervised visitation he killed them.
In other cases mothers just simply vanish similar to Stacy Peterson, Kelly Currin Morris, Lisa Stebic, Renee Pernice, Rachel Conger and others whose bodies will likely never be recovered all because they wanted out of their abusive marriage. These men to whom they married were not likely to split financial assets or allow their wives or “property” to go on living unless it was under their controlling environment. Instead the abuser's have moved on and if they have not been arrested for murder they have moved on with their lives demanding their children adjust without their mothers. Predators of the worst kind snatching their children away from the very person who brought them into this world.
Or, the women are murdered in cold blood like Renee Pagel, Ronda Reynolds, Crystal Brame, Linda Yancy, Barbara Vanaman, and thousands of others all because they wanted to end their marriage not their lives.
This form of abuse is also called “maternal deprivation abuse” that is when a father makes Mommy pay for wanting to leave the relationship. It also happens during divorce in family court. The abusive husband does everything in their power to make mom crazy, unfit, insane and convinces court appointed mediators, judges and mental health experts to give them custody. This goes beyond parental alienation and the children who grow up without their mothers in these cases grow up to a world of hurt, anger, pain and destruction.
On Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at 3:00 PM Central Time on The Susan Murphy Milano show will discuss this important topic on Mothers losing Custody with the Co-Founder of Protective Mothers Alliance and the case of Taylor and her mother’s fight to regain custody of her daughter lost to a system that denies a mother her rights.
Also, one of the most infamous cases, Laci Peterson, which helped bring this phenomena to the forefront. I'll never forget her mother, Sharon Rocha's words in her victim impact statement,"why didn't you just divorce her!"
One statistic that has always glared at me is that the leading cause of death in pregnant women is murder.
Please allow me to share just how perverse this is: http://stopcoca.googlepages.com/enreal%2Cehrenandevin The children in that story are no longer alive. http://stopcoca.googlepages.com/anthony%2Caustinandathena Those children are no longer alive. http://stopcoca.googlepages.com/maryfaith%26liberty Those girls are no longer alive. There are plenty more. In each case a mother was attempting to escape from an abusive husband, and in each case he made her pay for leaving him by killing what she loved the most her children.
My name is Melanie I am with
Now let me start by saying as a small organization with many states in between WE CARE ProJect, and this child and her mother, we have called upon multiple organizations to help in the SAFE removal of this child Taylor. With that said I have learned many horrifying things regarding this case. I have been told "It will take a politician willing to risk his/her career to save this child" "There is montains of evidence" "Name this monster already" (meaning disclose the perpetrators name which I am not willing to do after being notified by the same person that this child is extreme danger) Countless calls have been made to the local goverment only to have NO RELIEF FOR THIS CHILD, One organization I contacted told me there was no help by their organization because of the fact that the alleged offender is related to the child.
I have been told numerous times that help is in the making keep myself quiet. To think president Obama would write a child a note to excuse her from school, yet has turned a blind eye on daily letters being faxed to the Whitehouse, To know that this has been turned over to the Dept. of Justice nearly two months ago with no response from them.
Lets get back to those that proclaim to be advocates for the voiceless children living in abuse day in and day out, innocent souls being destroyed and stolen while large Non Profits add dollars to their accounts only to stand by and DO NOTHING, I MEAN NOTHING. I say put your money where your mouth is and lets start using to save these children. Don't profess to the People of The USA THAT YOU ARE SAVING CHILDEN When you have been aware of this ONE CHILD, ONE I say that has evidence supporting judicial corruption.
MY God what judge in his right mind would ever place a child in the care of a PERSON that fits the profile of a pedophile? What kind of DET. gives a child princess slippers while interviewing her, and the Dr. who dresses children up to pretend they are a princess in such an already confusing enough situation for a child.
I'LL TELL YOU NONE, I have spoken to MULTIPLE officers THAT WOULD NEVER GIVE POTENTIAL WITNESSES OR VICTIMS GIFTS. Same Goes for the doctor. So now I Thank Susan Murphy Milano's for bringing light to a very dark subject that NEEDS ALL OF OUR ATTENTION right now we have the chance to come together and save Taylor as well as the multiple other children sentenced to COURT ORDERED CHILD ABUSE, I want to save lives not bury them.
I read the blog on this and there is NO way they are going to let that kid go. I mean you have not just a corrupt judge but you have a corrupt chief of police who is covering for a corrupt detective. That is some serious corruption I would be scared myself. They lie and cover up for each other who knows what else they will do. Good luck but I dont think it will help
American U.S. Justice Department files 40 page brief AGAINST American Murdered Abused Small Children Of American Battered Mothers In International Human Rights Court...
*Indiana's Shame Teardrops For Katelynn
* American Former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schafer Children's Protective Services is a Criminal Political phenomenon
*America: 75% Of All Batterers Get Custody Of The Children
*International Human Rights Court Affirms American Courts Failure To Protect
*American PBS Documentary "Breaking The Silence The Children's Stories"
*American Novelist Talia Carner: "The Scandal In Our Own Backyard"
*American Center For Judicial Excellence Video "Our Children At Risk"
*American Advocate Boardmember Martin Luther king Jr's Daughter In Law, An American Presidential Executive Summary Bush Administration: Pushed To The Alter
*American Stockholm Syndrome (abused children victoms))
*American National Organization of Women Book " Disorder In The Courts I"
*American College California State University, The Book "Disorder In The Courts II",A Study of Judicial Abuse
*American College Northeastern University Press The Book "From Madness To Mutiny"
*American Journalist Kristen Lombardi's Phoenix Globe Article The "Custodians of Abuse"
*American Documentary "Small Justice"
American U.S. Justice Department files 40 page brief AGAINST American Murdered Abused Small Children Of American Battered Mothers In International Human Rights Court...
*Indiana's Shame Teardrops For Katelynn
* American Former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schafer Children's Protective Services is a Criminal Political phenomenon
*America: 75% Of All Batterers Get Custody Of The Children
*International Human Rights Court Affirms American Courts Failure To Protect
*American PBS Documentary "Breaking The Silence The Children's Stories"
*American Novelist Talia Carner: "The Scandal In Our Own Backyard"
*American Center For Judicial Excellence Video "Our Children At Risk"
*American Advocate Boardmember Martin Luther king Jr's Daughter In Law, An American Presidential Executive Summary Bush Administration: Pushed To The Alter
*American Stockholm Syndrome (abused children victoms))
*American National Organization of Women Book " Disorder In The Courts I"
*American College California State University, The Book "Disorder In The Courts II",A Study of Judicial Abuse
*American College Northeastern University Press The Book "From Madness To Mutiny"
*American Journalist Kristen Lombardi's Phoenix Globe Article The "Custodians of Abuse"
*American Documentary "Small Justice"
A Brother's Teardrops 4 Little Katelynn of Indiana
Sugar & Spice & Things Not So Nice....
What..., would you do?
Sugar and spice and everything nice.
This is suppose to every little girls life.
What happens when life is not like that?
What if your life is filled with constant abuse by the people who suppose to protect you?
For little Katelynn of Indiana, her life is filled with this from a father, stepmother and father's family; everyone but her the relatives that love her have been deined the ability to see her.
What happens when the police will not stop this?
Than try Child Protection Service, but they will not stop this either.
The next thing to do is go to the court.
What would you do if the Child Protection Services and the court helped the abusers hurt her?
The media might work but they ignore majority of average people.
In this search for help, several politicians ignored or said stop bothering them.
If these people will not help little katelynn of Indiana than who will?
Will this little girl have to pay the ultimate price for these adults mistakes?
Now....., what WILL you do!?
referral sources:
Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation: Breaking The Silence: Children's Stories Aired on PBS http://www.mkacf.org/BreakTheSilence.html
Breaking the Silence
http://www.tatgelasseur.com/pages/bts.htmlBattered Women, Abused Children, and Child Custody A NATIONAL CRISIS http://www.batteredmotherscustodyconference.org/
JusticeForChildren Mother's Testimony from the Battered Mothers Custody Conference --http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5viwjaIorU8
Petition for Justice for Katelynn:
Don't let these little abused children be abused in silence anymore, please!?
Tell someone!
Demand answers!
Demand the children's truth!
Above all break through this silence for these abused childrens sake!
No adults rights is greater than the right of the child to be safe!
"We will not remember long the words of our enemies,
But we shall never forget the silence of our friends!"
Martin luther King Jr Sermon
"Delay is the deadilest form of deniel!"
Author unknown
I didn't find out that the mother of my daughters had a long psychiatric history of depression, violent behavior, bipolar since the age of about 5 yrs old until just after our first daughter was born she admitted to me and my mother that her stepfather had molested her when she was younger, but her mother wouldn't let social services do anything about it, kept it hid and sent the girl (mother of my daughter) to a psychiatric hospital for treatment telling them she's lying.
I went to a lawyer managed to get emergency custody with only lasted about a month when we went to court, the mother's records hadn't been viewed so when the mother told the judge that she had just lied to get attention he said he didn't want to hear another word about it, no investigation, nothing. I got back together with the mother because I knew I could keep an eye on my daughter that way, this is when the second daughter was conceived. Within a couple months we split up and I was allowed very little time with my daughter. Every time the mother didn't want to send her for visitation, she didn't and nothing was ever done to her in court. I went to social services over bruises on my daughter nothing was done. We went back to court for custody again and another judge states that he doesn't want to hear anything about what the mother claimed years ago about being molested, he never ordered any psych records either, made a hasty decision and placed the child (soon to be another girl also) in the care of this mother. Social services even testified as to what a good mother she was, etc. In 2008 I sent for the CPS records just to see what social services had been writing about this case. I was alarmed at the many times that law enforcement and CPS had to be called to the home of this girls parents where the stepfather lives that she claimed molested her, yet she was leaving them there for them to babysit for extended periods of time. The grandmother even told CPS at that time she would not turn the children over to her because she thought she was high on something. This happened time and time again, but they claimed she was a good mother.
From the time she was newborn, she has always had been raw and red in the genital area, but every time it was mentioned to a doctor, they acted mad and would say SHE'S FINE!! She has been claiming that her papaw is "bothering her bottom" "using his fingers" since she was approx. 2 1/2. One E.R. doctor that checked her said that it was possible he was just "messing" with her since the hymen is still in tact. CPS was called in on that too. I had told CPS that I had video, etc they could see or listen to, that had my daughter describing what was done to her, but they refused. I felt like my daughter's side of the story has never been heard.
Last year (2008) an investigation was opened to have my oldest daughter interviewed to see if she had been molested. CPS told the mother of the interview several days before it happened so she had time to deprogram my daughter before going, since the mother has been covering all this up the whole time allowing both daughters now to go to the grandparents home.
The interviewer stated that my daughter (then 3yr old) said nothing that made them think she had been molested, case closed!. . .continued . . .
Continued from prev post . . This year the mother starts being nice and talking to us, allowing visitation, etc. We are suspicious so we record every conversation, every visit, video everything we can. During January and February the mother of my 2 daughters confides to my mother (in front of her new husband) that she had lied on the stand in court years ago and her stepfather did in fact molest her and now she is afraid for the oldest child now 4 yrs old because of all she had been claiming the past 2 yrs. A social worker came to the mother's home interviewed everyone privately, when the my daughter wanted to tell what happened, she said, well I have to take what she already told me. My mother was there and has all this recorded, even when the worker left, the mother of my daughters continues to tell what her stepfather did to her in detail and the fact that she's now afraid for her little cousins that still are around this man. I have several videos of my daughter telling what this man is doing to her, I even have a video of her getting her dolls and showing with her hands what he does to her, her younger sister, the granny and then she says "he does himself" then she goes on to shows the motion with her hands over her crotch area.
Over the course of 4 years, there have been 2 judges, 3 attorneys, the last one stated that "I guess we'll have to wait until she's really molested". WHAT! she HAS BEEN MOLESTED by his HANDS! NUMEROUS CPS workers and numerous law enforcement that have had these videos/audio that have made half attempts at this, but even with all the recordings, etc of the mother now admitting that she was molested and saying she's now afraid my daughter has been too, she still refuses me even standard visitation (nothing is ever done to her) and allows my daughters to be around this man on almost a daily basis. Her husband is in law einforcement and he is very aware of this too, yet allows it to happen.
When will justice be served? Everyone keeps saying there is NOTHING can be done. My daughters are going to go on being molested every day by this man and every time they visit with me, they are begging me to make him stop! and I feel I am letting them down because 4 years later and it's still going on!!
If you are willing to help my daughters, PLEASE contact me A.S.A.P. at SearchingForHope@gmail.com
I have had a hard time getting an email that will work. I've always had good luck with yahoo, so here is my yahoo email: searchingforhope34@yahoo.com
I'm pleading with anyone that can HELP SAVE MY DAUGHTERS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
MY ATTORNEY REFUSES TO TAKE THIS TO COURT UNLESS THERE HAS BEEN PENETRATION!!! He apparently sees nothing wrong with the stepgrandfather molesting them with his hands, and offers no assistance!! He's had this case for 2 yrs now and every time I plea with him to get this in court, he only wants to "get my visitation time set up"!!! He has never listened to the recordings I have, etc. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!
This is a human rights violation. Everyone should be getting together and getting experts and attorneys just like the "father's rights" groups.
Susan, I just read your article, thank you for continuing to mention Rachel Conger. There have been no leads in the case at all, but Rachel's daughter still hopes that someday, someone will find her mother. She feels that her mother deserves to be found and given a proper burial. We pray for that to come true. Thank you for all you do to spread awareness.
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