James Glasgow Current States Attorney in Will County, Illinois.
Did I mentioned he is up for re-election?

There seems to be some movement in Will County, Illinois. Not the kind one would hope, but movement, none the less. More like a bad bowel movement in my opinion.
Earlier today, on CLTV in Chicago, the incumbent James Glasgow appeared in a news segment interview. During the interview he spoke of his commitment to domestic violence crimes. His feathers were ruffled because Judy DeVriendt, the Republican challenger placed two billboards in Will County. [pictured above]
Will County has had its' share of high profile unsolved cases from the Lane Bryant Murders, Lisa Stebic, Kathleen Savio, Nicole DeYoung to Stacy Peterson.
There was a quote in the Chicago Tribune today from the State's Attorney's Office Spokesman who said " The bottom line is that this is someone who is trying to use the tragedy of others to score political points."
The reality is that whether you live in Will County or Los Anglos County, domestic violence related crimes are low on the priority list of importance, across the country. For victims who are alive and trying to obtain assistance in the legal system, the system is unable and often unwilling to properly prosecute these types of crimes. They did not have the comprehensive training or time. States Attorney or Prosecutors in these offices do what they can but, they lack time and manpower.
Most of all they lack training necessary to assist the thousand's of victims who come through the system for help. Should that be a political hot button?
No, it should not. If there was a direct "war plan for dealing with domestic violence and stalking cases both at the felony and misdemeanor level, less women would "vanish" and more victims would be alive.
The system is broken. That is the issue.
I do not agree. This is a political issue. The person who is elected in this office better darn well know what the heck they are doing or they should be elected out of office. Glascow promised to be a different kind of crime figher. He has not.
Understanding advocacy and prosecuting-each are important. James Glascow won election based on how ineffective the office was at the time, now it's worse not pnly domestic violence but juvenille court is a joke. Vote Glascow Out.
Maybe if the State's Attorney would stop dating his prosecutors cases would be taken more seriously.
Glascow is taking al1 the credit for doing nothing.
Shame on Jameds Glascow for lying in the interview. Kathleen Savio's family memebers were the ones who pushed by hiring an outside expert and exhuming the body. They have said since the begining Savio was murdered. James Glaqscow is trying to take all the credit as usual.
A year after Kathleen Savio's death Susan (sister of Kathleen) tried to meet with the newly elected State's Atty Glascow at the meeting Savio family were told there was nothing anyone could do based on the coroner's report.
Now James Glascow is signing a different tune?
My experience in Will County is total brush off. My husband beat me, help a gun to my head and the attorneys refused to take it to trial instead he was able to plea bargin. I've gone back because he's stalking me, I have a court order the state's attorneys did not follow up in my case. I am going through a divorce and the pending criminal matter is still sitting idle. My divorce lawyer has tried to help me but he is not able to have anyone call him back.
I read a few months ago where the office received a crime award for what? Domestic Violence.
In closing argumemnts this past Thursday in Will County, Creary's defense team, said prosecutors failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Creary mortally injured his daughter on purpose.
Donahue, during his closing argument Thursday, accused WSill County Assistant State's Attorneys Joseph Ruggiero and Alex McGimpsey of "cherry-picking" testimony and evidence to suit their agenda.
His name is spelled--GLASGOW and he is famous for pleading down child rape case's to a misdeameanor sickens me! How dare he allow that child rapist walk the streets of our community. I am voting for Judy!
There are many major sexual offenders in Will County which are getting away with their crimes by plea bargaining. It should not be an option for prosecutors to allow sex offenders to plea out to a lessor crime and there by avoid being put on the sexual offender registry.
Someone should pass a bill stopping them from doing this!
No wonder Glascow keeps commenting on how the case is going with Drew Peterson.... hmmm. But, then the other side is doing the same... I hate politics!
Hey Susan, how's the Christopher Vaughn case coming in Illinois? This is the guy who killed his wife and kids, and Glascow said he wanted to do the case himself.
Haven't heard chit for month's on that case. What's up with that?
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