Sunday, April 6, 2008

A New Show on Blog Talk Radio: Special Guest Nancy Grace

Blog Talk Radio's Newest Member........................................
Sunday, April 6, 2008, at 4 PM Central Time / 5 PM Eastern Time - "The War on Crime" radio we will be discussing the Amy Giordano case and the fate of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Are the remains found in a suite case in Staten Island those of missing Deleware mom Amy Giordano? And will a convicted PA cop killer be spared the death penalty?

Come join us and be part of the discussion: and at 4 PM Central / 5 PM Eastern SUNDAY and click on the "Click To Listen Icon." The icon will not show up until the show has started.

You might want to refresh the page at 4 PM CST / 5 PM ET
The show is an interactive call-in format and welcomes callers to the program at

(347) 838-9781

Special show guests include, Nancy Grace, The Nancy Grace Show, her show airs Monday -Sunday 8PM on CNN Headline News, will be our featured guest and take calls on the air, live
throughout the broadcast.
Stacy Dittrich, A 15-year, law enforcement veteran, deputy sheriff at the Richland County Sheriff's Office in Mansfield, Ohio. Stacy is also a former sex crimes detective, and crime author of "The Body Mafia" and "The Devil's Closet"

Along with Susan Murphy-Milano, Domestic Violence Advocate, Abuser Profiler Specialist and author of "Defending Our Lives" and" Moving Out Moving On".

Unable to join us during air time, please dowload the show anytime day or evening during the week to listen.

If you have questions or are interested in having a case featured on the show, maybe a loved one is missing or has been involved in a tragic crime, please email me at with the information and a working telephone number where you can be reached.


OCDAC said...

I did a piece on Domestic Violence abuses.

Hope everyone enjoys the blog post.

Anonymous said...

The courts lack the understanding for me and everybody else who lives in fear. Maybe a show on escaping could be done?

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