The case in question is that of Danielle Hill Alvarado, 28 years of age, from Wichita Falls, Texas. She vanished from her home on January 24, 2010, waving goodbye to her mother after being summoned back home up the block by her husband, Johnathan. While Danielle was at a baby shower, Alvarado sent approximately 22 text messages and they were not very loving nor friendly, but red flag threatening.
Immediately after Danielle vanished, Johnathan Alvarado gets on a bus and flees the state.
On Tuesday's Crime Wire show we learned important information as to the events of the day Danielle, also the mother of young child, vanished. With us for the hour included her mother Balynnda Dillard.
Listen to internet radio with Denny Griffin on Blog Talk Radio
We learned that the estranged husband has a prior record of violence and was on probation at the time of Danielle's disappearance. The husband is, in my opinion, a serial offender having been arrested since his wife went missing along with individuals with whom he was involved.
Jonathan's 1st first wife, discloses the manner in which Danielle is killed, with the exact same detailed accounts repeated by Johnathan's employer and landlord, as to how Danielle she lost her life. With this information provided to both the Wichita Falls police detectives and the prosecutors office, they do nothing. We go into greater detail in the broadcast.
Does the landlord and employer (one in the same) implicate themselves in this crime?
Why didn't police go in and search the residence?
Why wasn't the parole agent contacted?
Why has the prosecutors office slammed the door shut, on the case?
This case is disturbing because in doing nothing, as it relates to Danielle's case, they are informing the world that victims of intimate partner violence and homicide who "suddenly" vanish have no significance. The cases are moved to the unimportant and invisible box and left in a cold steel metal drawer.
We have announced a plea with a time expiration of September 20, 2011 to the following individuals who I strongly suggest listen to the entire broadcast:
The landlord and employer
The first ex-wife
This is first in a series of various public efforts to have Danielle's case properly investigated. She was a victim of intimate partner violence and it makes you see firsthand how numerous districts within the State of Texas are ill-equipped to handle criminal patterns of conduct and basic 101 investigations.
Interesting that everyone who ran for public office in Texas used the " I am committed to effectively prosecuting domestic violence crimes."
Missing Since: January 24, 2010 at 5:00PM
Age: 28
Missing From: Polk Street
Sex: female
Height: 5 ft.
Weight: 98 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: brown
Race: white
Complexion: olive
Birth Date: July 6, 1982
Missing Since: January 24, 2010 at 5:00PM
Age: 28
Missing From: Polk Street
Sex: female
Height: 5 ft.
Weight: 98 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: brown
Race: white
Complexion: olive
Birth Date: July 6, 1982
Please call the Wichita Falls Police Department at 940-761-7792 if you have any information about DANIELLE SHERRE ALVARADO- Case number: 10-020099
Or call the Laura Recovery Center at 281-482-LRCF(5723) or (toll free) 866-898-5723; FAX: 888-268-0573; (RN: 1652)
Susan Murphy Milano is a staff member of the Institute for Relational Harm Reduction and Public Pathology Education. She is a specialist with intimate partner violence cases and prevention strategies and high risk cases and available for personal consultations through the Institute. She is also part of the team at Management Resources Limited of New York.
Susan is the author of "Time's Up: A Guide on How to Leave and Survive Abusive and Stalking Relationships,"Moving out, Moving on, and Defending Out Lives. Susan is the host of The Susan Murphy Milano Show, "Time'sUp!" . She is a regular contributor to the nationally syndicated "The Roth Show" with Dr Laurie Roth and a co-host on Crime Wire.
If you would like to schedule Susan Murphy Milano for interviews, please contact: ImaginePublicity PO BOX 14946 Surfside Beach, SC 29587 Phone: 843.808.0859 email- contact@imaginepublicity.com
This case appears to have more holes than a Swiss cheese factory! And the apathy is just incredible... They seem to have the attitude that all women of a particular socio-economic class are disposable.. and not worth a second look! How wrong they are! But, let's not wait for Judgement Day... Let's try to help find the truth now (at minimum). It is heartbreaking that Danielle's final movements may have been in a garbage bag now in some landfill!
Law Enforcement in Oklahoma and Texas beware! Crimewire is all over this case!
The husband committed suicide yesterday morning
Did anyone ever check into her boyfriend that she was seeing and her boyfriend actually busted into her estranged husband's door to try and get her. Why is it that the only suspect was the estranged husband and not the biker boyfriend that had been hitting and abusing her?? Seems all the cops were doing was going for the estranged husband.... doesn't seem to legite
Daniellle, how much I miss you is immeasurable. I just found out today that the last man you were with committed suicide. I don't think it was because of his failed attempts to find you, but I think that guilt finally took him over. I know that you were the last thing on his mind as he hung himself. His mother also took her knowledge of Danielle to her grave just a few months ago. So, is the Wichita Falls Police Department going to wait until everyone who may know something in this case is dead? I am going to refrain from speaking my true feelings about Jonathan's death (suicide)because I respect Danielle and her family. Please someone please...step forward...the reward money is still there...Please!! Nobody will know, you can remain anonymous and you can sleep at night knowing you helped bring closure to a family who is in desperate need of some answers. Danielle's daughter deserves to know where her mother is. Right now is the time to come forward. Right now you could make a family so forever greatful...please call, please post a blog, please e-mail....do something....I love you Danielle...
hello i accually live at the house Danielle and jonathon lived at when she went missing and i personnally know jonathon because him and his dad were cleaning this place when we came to look at it and they also lived right behind me i know the day jonathon killed himself his dad told my husband that he did have something to do with daniells dissapearence and thats why he hung himsellf because the guilt was eating him away and awhile back he told us many diffrent stories that kindof raised a red flag one of them being that he told my husband that she walked in on him cheating and she started stabbing herself and the next day she dissapeared and he said that he was spraying her blood out of the backroom with a waterhose. that was real difficult for me to believe. A few months ago a detective and K9 dog came over and the dog picked up her scent in that backroom so it kind of freaked me out ..i really hope that her family finds her and finds the truth of what happened my honest opinion is that he did in fact murder her and in turn took his own life im not sure anybody will ever find out the 100% truth seeing as jon and his mother are both dead and shes nowhwere to be found..my best bet is that jonathons father is the last to know anything closest to truth anyways. my prayers go out to her family .
you are a lier if you say jonathan's father admitted he had something to do with her dissaperance. he has not and would never say this. if you think he took his own life because of guilt you are sadly mistaken. and those k9 dogs never found anything. if jonathan was so guitly of this crime then why was he never charged with anything almost 2 years later.
For the lady who stated that Jon's father does not have any knowledge of Danielle's case and that also stated that the K9 dog did not pick up a scent. Well, wake up lady....I am here to tell you that the K9 dog did pick up Danielle's scent. She lived there for gods sake. Of course the dog is going to smell her scent. This dog was a special dog. This dog is what is called a cadaveour dog. Thid dog will only pick up scent of the person and death. The dog did "hit" on the house and there are some other things that the dog also did, but I am not entitled to share them with you. Jon was never brought to trial because of a crooked detective. Jon (wether he killed himself or not) will never serve time for Danielle's disappearance because he is deceased, but, we will find out the truth and we will prevail. You may believe that Jon and his father had nothing to do with this, but that is just because you have the lenses in your glasses turned around backward. You are not seeing clearly. If you would open your mind and look at all of the details you could see what we see. And I'm sorry, but I laugh to the comment of Danielle stabbing herself. I grew up with Danielle and if she fell down the stairs she would holler for Daddy or Mommy. She wasn't weak, she was just easily hurt. There is nothing on God's green earth that could ever concince me of such blatent lies. I do not believe that Jon committed suicide either. I know there is something more. We all know there is something more. Why don't we use this blog to post helpful necessary information to the disappearance of Danielle? Why are going back and forth like junior high school kids? If your brother, I'm sorry I meant Jon, didn't have anything to do with Dnaielle's disappearance then why wasn't he hanging posters with us? Why did he run to Miami Florida? Why would he not help with the investigation? I meant the fixed investigation? I hope that my sarcasm is found in my writing. This I know.....Thanks to forensics and technology, they finally caght the Green river killer, they finally found Osama Bin Laden. They are cracking cold cases left and right due to this wonderful countries technologies. This will not remain open forever. We will find and disclose the people responsible. You should help us hang posters, and walk the streets knocking on the doors of our community in hopes of finding something that we can use. Why can't you do that? You were not too busy to rip our posters down as we hung them up...so, you shouldn't be too busy to help us hang them. I know that you are hurting becauses of your recent losses. Your mother knew the truth and so did your brother....What I meant to say was that Jon's mom and Jon knew the truth. Jon's dad is, to our knowledge, the last living member that really knows the truth. I do not think that Jon's sister has her eyes open wide enough to see the truth for what it is. Does she know that Jon called Danielles mother several times on that horrible day. But, as soon as Danielle went back down the road to Jon's house he never called again.....so, if he didn't know where she was at you expect us to believe that he would just all of a sudden quit calling? No, we are not blind to this case. We know how abuser's are and how they act and what they do and where they sleep and who they hurt and eventually kill. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it just might be a DUCK!
Well to all the anonymous comments out there, me being one of them. I would like to say that Jonathan was no saint. He did things that most people would frown upon and in society is not acceptable. I only met Danielle once since I had known Jonathan and she was just like him. She enjoyed the drugs, the wild parties, the wild life as much as he did. So don't sit there as speak of her as if she was Mother Teresa. She lost custody of her daughter for God's sake. What kind of woman loses custody of her children???? I'll tell you, a woman like Danielle Hill. Jonathan and Danielle did in fact have horrific fights and she stabbed him once. If no one believe this, go to the WF police and have them turn over the hospital records. He was not perfect, but neither was she. I think she left and hasn't contacted her family cause she doesn't want to be found. I know Jonthan's dad too and believe me the WF police have checked his alibi. I think the WFPD have done everything they can do with what they have. Regardless of her socio-economic background they have treated this case with as much honesty and intregrity as they can. Belinda, I mean "anonymous" writer I pray for peace for you and your family and for Jonathan's family. And whoever these "other" anonymous pepole are seem to have insight from Danielle's family so these are very biased comments. God Be With All the Families.
Hello Ms.Anonymous....I am Ms. Anonymous also. I know that Danielle wasn't a saint....we all know that....She did not lose custody of her daughter but she willingly gave up custody because of her lifestyle she knew it was best. I checked with the WFPD and they have no record of Jonathan ever being stabbed by Danielle. I am not sure where you are getting this information but I can not track it down. Please give me a case number when you post again. And who is to say that Jonathan didn't stab himself and tell everyone that Danielle did it...if this ever happened... Because I have not been able to find a case like that. I mean he was apparently suicidal...He did kill himself didn't he? Danielle...god just saying her name makes me see her face....wishing she were here...wishing that this would all end. I appreciate Ms. Anonymous' help in giving us some leads but honey, they are not coming out the way you stated them in your post. I couldn't find one thing about Danielle stabbing anybody....I pray for both families also because this is just too much. The families are the innocent victims. The families are left to try and figure out one of the hardest jigsaw puzzles in the world. I also want to say that if me and you can get together and put all of our information together we may be able to find the truth. If Jonathan and his father are not to blame then we need to get together and open our minds and look at this for what it really is. It does look like Jonathan is guilty. You can not deny that. Nobody that I have ever come into contact with that was the abuser had ever quit calling the victim....Please give me your theory as to why Jonathan quit calling Lynn and Elaine if he had no idea about her whereabouts? Can you please elaborate with me for one moment as to why he fled to Miami? I want he right person to be caught...so if you have information that can be PROVEN, cause remember I tried to check out your stabbing story, then maybe we can get somewhere. I miss you Danielle.....I won't stop peewee.....I still have that Metallica tape you bought me for my birthday back in the early nineties....Man what awesome days those where....Wish we could have a few more....Love you girl....
Anonymous from Oklahoma
Ms. Anonymous - I am no detective trying to solve some sort of case here. I am just stating facts versus wishful thinking. Yes, I knew Jonathan, Robert and met Danielle once, none of whom I would call my friends, but I am in no way elaborating with you or anyone else. I am posting a blog about facts that I am aware of. I doubt very seriously you contacted the WFPD and questioned them about the stabbing incident. And if so, really? They are going to divulge information to any Tom, Dick or Harry that calls in wanting to know? I don't think so. It seems you are a very close family/friend so of course you wouldn't want to believe that she was capable of doing that. Same is true of Jonathans family/friends. This is just a sad case as I stated earlier, but facts are facts and all we have are our own theories here. But it seems you hit the nail when you said Danielle didn't lose custody, "she willingly gave up custody because of her lifestyle" Seems to me, who is on the outside looking in, that's pretty incriminating. Whose to say she walked down the street and a drug deal went bad??? Stated here on this blog,it seems she had a boyfriend and a husband. Who says the boyfriend didn't have anything to do with her disappearance? When someone is involved in a lifestyle like they were it just opens up all kinds of scenarios as to what could've happened to her. Good luck to all of you.
Oh, and Ms. Anonymous, I do not know Lynn or Elaine so I can not answer your question. Like I said, I am just an outsider giving the facts that I know of.
Yes, I did call the WFPD. I practiced Insurance Adjusting for many years and I just want to tell you that anything that you do that is criminal can be looked at by anyone. It is PUBLIC knowledge. Now, if you committed the crime while you were a juvenile then NO, I could not have found out any information. Danielle did not have a boyfriend. Are you forgetting the abuser she was married too? He would not let her out of his sight to go to a baby shower and to church without blowing up her mother and her grandmother's telephone. So..............again, she never had a moment to herself. A boyfriend would have been impossible. I am happy that I got a rise out of you. I am hoping someday we can meet and hang flyers together in regards to the still missing mother, friend, sister, daughter, grand-daughter....Are you ready? You ready to help me find out where we can find Danielle? Are you ready to see what happens in the end? I will never go away....I will always be here.....Waiting.....We will bring Danielle home. We will keep fighting and we will keep asking.....If it were your little girl, you would do the same, no matter what lifestyle she lived that you didn't approve of. Why don't you tell Robert that we would love his support in trying to find Danielle. I mean that was his daughter in law. And I only say was because Danielle's husband is now deceased. Thank you for your participation on this blog. It is always interesting to speak with people and try and pick their brains...Goodnight...
Danielle, I am so sorry that someone is posting anonymously on this blog false stories and hearsay which until you are found, the truth cannot be told. We know who it is. What we also know is that your child was NOT taken from you...but that you knew you loved your daughter too much to have her in a household in which drugs were present by those you lived with.
That you loved her so much that you wanted her to be in good care with your mom and grandmother. We know the truth that you wanted out of that relationship and we knew that you were abused by your husband who also had documented histories of abuse to other women.
We know, as fact, your husband Jonathan Alvarado was the last to see you.
We know, as fact that he has changed his story as to what happened and who you supposedly left with.
We know he said "he didn't know who"...when he then named your previous fiance, then named another man entirely. We know the truth. We know it was none of those he named.
We know that your husband fled, along with his father, the moment your mom filed the missing persons report.
We also know that when he was found, arrested on unrelated charges, and brought back to Texas that he was ripping down your missing posters.
We know someone else knows something.
We know now that a year and a half has passed that Jonathon has taken his own life and has taken away from your family their needed answers with him. But we also know that someone else knows.
We know.
Will they come forward now? We pray they will...even if through the anonymous tip line on your website.
Someone else in Wichita Falls, Texas knows that same truth and needs to come forward so that you can be brought home where you belong even if it means for a proper burial.
Even Jonathon got to have a proper burial after he took his own life.
Unfair that you have not. Unfair that your family and daughter do not have a place to place their flowers.
Will someone come forward? We hope. We pray.
I can tell that the last comment posted was by someone who loves Danielle and her family very much. Thank you so much for expressing your thoughts, opinions and your cares. We will bring her home....I will never stop, you will never stop, her mother will never stop, her sister will never stop, her father will never stop, her grandparents and cousins and friends....we are all here to see this through to the end.
I love you Danielle. We all miss you so, so much....
The girl from Oklahoma
I just wanted to say that I am watching a show on Investigative Discovery called "obsession", and during this court trial one of the main "key" pieces of evidence is the fact that the guy who murdered the woman that he was obsessed with, quit calling her the day she died even though nobody knew she was dead at the time. Isn't that pretty much what Jonathan did? Didn't he quit calling Danielle's mother and grandmother the day she disappeared? Why is it enough evidence to bring this man to trial and not enough to have brought Jonathan and his father to trial? Seems like Jonathan was the only person to really know that she wasn't going to be at her mother's or grandmother's. Why would a person assume that? A person who is so obsessed with another person that he can't even not call her for 30 minutes? Please answer me this....anonymous lady......
I was thinking about Danielle today and how much I really miss her. You know Danielle bought me my first Metallica album. It was a cassette of course....but she bought it for me and it was "Ride The Lightning", which I assume that her now deceased husband is also doing....kind of ironic isn't it???? I know there are people out there that know where she is. Just tell us for God's sake!! It's not like the man responsible can serve time...HE KILLED HIMSELF! Oh wait, the father can still serve time...he knows where she is...is she in Miami? Will you just call in an anonymous tip and let us bring her home for Christmas? Someday....what goes up does eventually come down. I don't care if it is 25 years down the road. You will be caught and Danielle will come home...We love you Danielle...Merry Christmas PeeWee....
With all of the back and forth pro and con...I still don't believe that anyone deserves to be murdered just because they did not lead a pristine life... Danielle was a person who left a child behind. We all hope that answers remain with those closest to the events... But we may never know the full extent. At this holiday time, I think everyone should pause and pay tribute to Danielle in their own way. I tried to do so with my former blog. Please read it... Unfortunately, she is not the only person thought to be "disposable." Link:
It is sickening to see people defend him. His father...that did state he knew of her remains...is now MIA as well. Jonathan had a girlfriend that he bit her lip off and it had to be reconstructed. THAT IS FACT!!! He was a violent creepy man. Danielle was always always always submissive to him. She feared him. He didnt even let her answer questions directed to her. He did not hang himself out of mourning...he replaced her before she was even gone. He is a coward that would rather take his own life then face to consequences of taking hers. His whole family knows the truth...especially his dad. Sad...they will never know the pain they have allowed her family to go threw. And to WFPD...they never do the right thing. I am not surprised there has been no progress on their part.
I just received word from my mom who lives in Wichita Falls Texas that the body of DAnielle was found buried in a park. Someone called in an anonymous tip. This is really sad.
She has been found. She was buried in a park.
Police say they first investigated the disappearance of Danielle Hill Alvarado as a missing persons case, but that changed once her body was recovered late last week. Manuel Borrego, chief of the Wichita Falls Police Department, says, "The body located and recovered in Burnett Park on Oct. 18, 2012 has been positively identified through the Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office to be that of Danielle Alvarado." Alvarado was reported missing on Jan. 24, 2010. She had gone to church with her mother and grandmother that morning and on the way home, all three saw Danielle's husband outside their house, which is a few blocks from her mother and grandmothers house, clenching his fist and hitting his other hand. Police say her husband was the last person to see her alive. A missing persons case was was filed Feb. 2 of that year, but investigators say they've closed that case, and opened a new one. "Based on the injuries that were discovered during the autopsy, a murder investigation is being opened in this case," Borrego says. Wichita Falls Police Department, the Wichita County Sheriff's Office, the D.A's office, and the FBI's Evidence Recovery Team combined their efforts on the investigation. Alvarado's body was found buried off FM 368 near the Wichita River in Burnett Park. Authorities started looking in that area late Thursday evening. "We had some credible information that led us there," Borrego says. At the time of her disappearance, police say Danielle's husband, Johnathan Alvarado, said she just took off with a friend, but her family says Danielle would never leave her daughter, who was just five-years-old at the time. Johnathan Alvarado took his own life in Sept. 2011. He has past charges of resisting arrest and assault causing bodily injury to a family member. Police say because this is an open investigation, they can't speak on whether they have suspects in this case. They do, however, say it appears as if Danielle was targeted by her killer.
R.I.P daniele, so everyone knows they have found danieles body
I pray for closure for the family of Danielle. She has been positively identified. The body has been found and the case is now of a murder case. RIP Danielle, I pray for the arrest of ANYONE involved.To your baby girl, bless your heart little one.
For all of the comments above from those who talked crap about Danielle trying to discredit her and make Jonathan look innocent...you were wrong. For the lady who lived in the house after Jonathan, I guess what Robert and Jonathan said was part truth and we all know the rest. I'm so happy we were able to give my friend Danielle a proper burial. We miss you and we love you very much!!
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