The last time Amy Leichtenberg saw her two boys alive, something was not right. The father of the children was acting strange when they met at the police station. Amy refused to hand over her boys on March 7th, 2009 an officer threatened her if she didn't give them to their father, she would be arrested according to her lawyer.
That moment will be forever etched in the mind of Amy Leichtenberg, her children found dead at the hands of their father 3 weeks later.
Although the wounds will never heal, the loss can never be replaced, Amy Leichtenberg is on a mission to change a civil and criminal legal system whom allows dangerous parents to have access to their children. Where poorly trained "persons" are making decisons in family court across the country without taking into account the dangers associated with mental heath evaluators, appointed lawyers for the children (G.A.L.) judges and law enforcement turning their heads to this rising epidemic.
There are no adequate words to convey the courage and strength Amy Leichtenberg has shown in just a few short months. She will be our guest for the entire hour in an exclusive interview this week on the Susan Murphy Milano Show where we will also take live calls.
If you have a question for Amy and are unable to call in please email me at contact@movingoutmovingon.com and it will be read on air Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Show Time: 4:00 PM EST 3:00 PM CST 1:00 PM PST
Call-in Number: (347) 326-9337
Call-in Number: (347) 326-9337
This show will definitely change your life forever! I had the pleasure of having Amy come into my life when Duncan & Jack 1st went missing. I helped put fliers all over & post info on them. My heart broke the morning that I received the horrible news! Amy is an amazing woman that I consider a very special friend! She did everything she could to protect her boys, her reasons for living! She was & still is the best Mommy ever!! She had no choice but to trust those that made the horrible decision for her! To them it was just their job, just a decision...but to Amy, it was her life...her everything!! Her entire world was flipped upside down & stomped on ! She was living a nightmare that she would never be able to wake up from!
Instead of giving up...and believe me..many times she has felt like it & has every right to feel that way! She took all her hurt, her agony, & her pain & decided to make a difference! She doesn't want anyone else to have to go through what she has! She is making a difference!! And I know that Duncan & Jack are looking down on her & are smiling!! They, just like myself & many other people, are soooo proud of her!!
I had the honor & pleasure of holding the National Vigil for Hope in May in memory of Duncan & Jack. When I asked Amy if it would be okay she said definitely. All her family, friends, & many others showed up to see pictures of missing kids/adults and also to show Amy how many people care about her. I did it to show her how much I have come to love those two precious boys & to let her know that I will never let them be forgotten. But instead I was the one who walked away blessed! She was one of the speakers that day & she spoke of not only the sadness & lonliness that she feels without them, but also special memories that they had shared together! I was so touched! I walked away that day looking at things completely different! I take the time now to appreciate even the little things! And I am very thankful to have Amy, Duncan & Jack in my life & in my heart foever!!
PLEASE listen to the show! You will be changed forever! It could be you, or someone you know in her shoes, having to live second by second just to survive! We have to all work together & do our part to get the word out! Things have to be changed! Laws have to be made or changed to protect our children!! Together we can make a huge impact! We can move mountains!!
How many more lives must be destroted before the legal system stops enabling the abusers to murder? This cae is one case too many.
God Bless you and what you do for victims across the country.
This show was so difficult to hear - my throat had a lump during the whole show. God Bless Amy.
I had tears in my eyes listening to Amy talk about her children. I willkeep her in my daily prayers and you. God Bless those who cross your path seeking justice.
Such a difficult interview. It brings back memories of the extreme stress of trying to get the lawyer and the judge to believe that the children were in danger. It is such a frightening and gut-wrenching situation to be in. And then in Amy's case to not be heard...and have the worst nightmare come true.
I will be praying for peace and comfort for Amy tonight as I lay down in bed. Her experience is heartbreaking. I commend her on her ongoing courage!
Justice is not served when the "rights" of an abusive parent are put above protecting children. When a woman finally recognizes the danger and speaks up for her children's protection, it is mind boggling how the system of protocols can overturn common sense and decency.
Thank you for your voice over the radio, sharing the realities of domestic violence over blogradio.
As a mom who lost custody of her 4 children to the abuser and the system after listening to Amy talk I realize how luck I am to be alive aand know nothing had happened to my children. The time is now to change and have laws that protect all victims including the children. What the doctor did in providing a false sence of safety to the courts in preparing an "I'm okay letter" on behalf of an unstable and violent abuser should have consequences. Instead lives again who stolen from a mother who will have to live her own hell on earth without her babies.
This show was powerful and I do not have the words to properly tell you how much I appreciate what you do for those of us unable to come forward and speak.
Amanda, Clearwater Florida
I was horrified by the facts of Amy's story it opened my eyes as to this deadly and hidden epidemic. I will keep this brave woman in my prayers.
Although it's been days since listening to the show with Amy, she and her sons have been on my mind constantly since then. I just can't describe the emotions and can't comprehend what Amy must be living.
Someday her strength will come back and I have a feeling that this wounded mother will have much more to say and do for the honor of her sons.
These two precious boys will be a rally point for many in similar situations, and provide the fuel for change. Their lives, as short as their time was, will not have been lost in vain.
Thank you to Amy for this riveting interview, and as always, to Susan for providing a platform for women and men of abuse to be heard.
Wow. Very, very...very sad.
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