The recent appointment of Lynn Rosenthal as the "Czar" for domestic violence is rather disturbing to me as an advocate, author, violence expert and homicide survivor. What purpose does this newly created White
House post really serve regarding the lives of battered women and their children?
So far this position appears to be nothing more than Ms. Rosenthal talking phone calls from legal advocates and survivors that have enough cell phone minutes to vent their anger and frustration in a sixty minute phone conversation only to be informed that their one-on -one discussion will be relayed to Vice-President Biden, the champion of Senate hearings and funding through the years for services and programs across the country.
Perhaps Ms. Rosenthal could use her rather large monthly expense account to fly around to the survivors of murder victims and their families such as Suzan Annette Sowlers-Fuller a former resident of Bakersfield, California. I say former because she was murdered. Ms. Rosenthal could begin her field trip by going to the court house and reading the transcripts on the case. From there she could arrange to meet with the Prosecutor in the case and review those documents, including the order of protection and the ridiculous bond amounts set in this case. Afterwards, I suggest she personally visit the home where both Suzan Annette and her mother Sharon were murdered by Robert Fuller on August 8, 2009.
Finally, Lynn Rosenthal should meet with Suzan's two daughters, ages 8 and 5, perhaps at their favorite ice cream shop to delicately discuss firsthand accounts of their young lives through the day of the murders. When speaking to these children, who are unable to sit in a booth and have their feet touch the floor, she should look them each in their eyes and explain why the system failed their Mommy.
This is not easy to do from behind a White House desk (you have to leave it once in a while). Lynn Rosenthal must head into the battlefield. I can certainly donate a video camera if their is no budget in the WhiteHouse to record testimony for these tragedies. There is nothing like the testimony of a child, who watched as the bullets hit their mother, then grandmother's bodies. Or copies of the actual crime scene photos and morgue reports, to boil ones blood into taking action.
Effective action is what I have been doing for over 20 years with results that save lives, perhaps Ms. Rosenthal could pass that on the next time she meets with Vice-President Biden. I apologize if I sound sarcastic, I am far too busy with those victims I am desperately trying to keep alive so I don't have to inform a family their loved one is dead or tell a child "mommy is in heaven," because the system ignored them.
House post really serve regarding the lives of battered women and their children?
So far this position appears to be nothing more than Ms. Rosenthal talking phone calls from legal advocates and survivors that have enough cell phone minutes to vent their anger and frustration in a sixty minute phone conversation only to be informed that their one-on -one discussion will be relayed to Vice-President Biden, the champion of Senate hearings and funding through the years for services and programs across the country.
Perhaps Ms. Rosenthal could use her rather large monthly expense account to fly around to the survivors of murder victims and their families such as Suzan Annette Sowlers-Fuller a former resident of Bakersfield, California. I say former because she was murdered. Ms. Rosenthal could begin her field trip by going to the court house and reading the transcripts on the case. From there she could arrange to meet with the Prosecutor in the case and review those documents, including the order of protection and the ridiculous bond amounts set in this case. Afterwards, I suggest she personally visit the home where both Suzan Annette and her mother Sharon were murdered by Robert Fuller on August 8, 2009.
Finally, Lynn Rosenthal should meet with Suzan's two daughters, ages 8 and 5, perhaps at their favorite ice cream shop to delicately discuss firsthand accounts of their young lives through the day of the murders. When speaking to these children, who are unable to sit in a booth and have their feet touch the floor, she should look them each in their eyes and explain why the system failed their Mommy.
This is not easy to do from behind a White House desk (you have to leave it once in a while). Lynn Rosenthal must head into the battlefield. I can certainly donate a video camera if their is no budget in the WhiteHouse to record testimony for these tragedies. There is nothing like the testimony of a child, who watched as the bullets hit their mother, then grandmother's bodies. Or copies of the actual crime scene photos and morgue reports, to boil ones blood into taking action.
Effective action is what I have been doing for over 20 years with results that save lives, perhaps Ms. Rosenthal could pass that on the next time she meets with Vice-President Biden. I apologize if I sound sarcastic, I am far too busy with those victims I am desperately trying to keep alive so I don't have to inform a family their loved one is dead or tell a child "mommy is in heaven," because the system ignored them.
Action speaks louder than words - "get in the trenches". Feel and experience how our legal systems and law enforcement departments continue to fail the victims and the families of abuse. A piece of paper is not a guarantee that an abuser will heed to the consequences but ignoring the repeated violations of same and doing nothing to the abuser must stop. We have to start somewhere - get down and get dirty in the field.
The bloody fact is from the time you reported on the death of Susam and her mother, they still cross my mind. The American Dream becomes a nightmare for victims and some pay with their life. We no longer live in a world where evil is evil and good is good. I take your blogs to heart because you've helped me stay safe, I play over the words we've spoken to me and I take action on those words. Susan. You are an Angel in the fight.
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