This is an impotrant Memo to Attorney General Thurbert Baker.
It appears that the police department in Clayton County Georgia require a special investigator in the shooting death of Denise Taylor. It appears that on February 29, 2008, while the family was at a gathering, Riley Taylor a retired police officer "accidently fired" his weapon and it struck and killed his wife of 39 years. I would not be bringing this to your attention, other than the fact that this entire shooting "smells".
What is a retired police officer doing with a weapon out in the first place? Bringing it out for show and tell?Do you realize that his wife Denise was a very sickly and fragile woman? Is there a possibility this was a "mercy killing".
Those at the gathering who provided an account are also in law enforcement. The couples son is a police officer, the daughter in law is a 911 dispatcher, need I say more?
Why is Riley Taylor receiving preferential treatment in the shooting death of his wife?
This case, is no different than so many officer related police officer family tragedies that are swept under the carpet.
I am asking that your office conduct an investigation into this matter. And look further into the well oiled alibi statements that were provided to former police associates on the evening of Denise Taylor's death.
He loved Denise so very much and she was unable to walk & was losing her sight. Maybe he thought deep down this was better for her and he would make it look like an accident if he had witnesses around. It is a valid point.
What The F*ck are you saying? He did this intentionally? No way! It was an accident and he has been cleared. No one is hiding anything, you have no right to accuse this loving and caring man. Do you know the family? Were you even there that night. No you were not you have no right to even suggest anything other than the accidental ruling by the police. Shame on you!
You have no idea what your saying. It was an accident.
First of all...the gun belonged to his son - not Riley - so that is how it was in the house. Secondly, for God's sake...Denise was not this frail, weak individual and needed a mercy killing!! Yes she was a diabetic and had sight problems but she worked full-time as a 2nd grade teacher. She was no where near death. So come on! And lastly...I was there at her viewing, funeral, and burial...Riley and his son are devastated. I saw the grief and pain. Yes they feel responsible BUT it was an accident. I just wish all you people NOT involved would find something better to do with your time than harrass a family who is in the worst time of their lives.
Susan, I'm shaking my head. I never grow used to these tragedies.
why dont'each of you mind your own business?
It seems to me you'd at least get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself with a error filled blog. First of all check her name. It isn't Denise Riley, it's Taylor. Second, they weren't married 39 years....where did you get that info? Third, were you her doctor? Who told you such bullshit that she was sickly?? She was far from sickly you idiot. She had diabetes, and yes was a full time teacher. The 911 dispatcher is the son's girlfriend not his wife so there is no daughter in law. So believe me when I say your original blog makes you look like an ignorant fool. At least you've accomplished that much if nothing else. There was an investigation and the entire tragedy was just that.....a tragedy. This entire family is standing together strong and firm on this. Until you've met the man you have no right to say anything about him. He idiolized her more than you could ever know or comprehend. Your words may appear to yourself and others as some vigil ante trying to seek the truth and justise for those at fault but you have only succeeded at proving your stupidy. You need to understand one thing: A family is hurting and should be left to grieve without ignorant people butting in where they aren't wanted or needed.
Looks like more lip service from relatives who are about defending a murderer. Ah the sound of guilty
rings loud like a siren.
Actually whether I'm related or not isn't important. Lip service is what the orignal blog was. At what point is it ok to print something like that if it isn't correct? About every other word that was posted was inaccurate. One more thing to add to that is the fact that this didn't happen in Clayton County. I add a post irritated that the facts in this blog are more false than true and I'm the one in the wrong? I don't think so. Even the local media didn't get the facts right so people are basing their opinions on the media which was also wrong. All I'm saying is in order to talk about an event, ANY event you need to be sure of the facts. We all know what assuming does. You go on and rant without being sure of the facts and you're bound to look like an ignorant fool.
Never forgetting. I enter my blog on this post every day. And I leave a message often enough so that it's known that Denise is not forgotten.
[GA] Denise Taylor shot & killed accidentally - No investigation needed.
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